About This Quiz
After you've had a few days to decompress after Christmas and all the time you spent with your family, it's time to head right into a new year, and that means a new you and a new outlook on life. Resolutions exist so we can pick and choose the things we like about ourselves and those we don't and then improve upon them. It's a kind of existential kick in the can to make us want to try things over again, go in a different direction, or improve upon what wasn't working last year. It's a resetting of the clock. There's no need to keep being the same old, same old, right? If the year gets to change, then you do too; that's only fair.
Sure, some resolutions won't stick, but if we let a few speed bumps in the road stop us from going on a trip, then no one would ever go anywhere now, would they? So let's cast off the old year and start this brand new one with a fresh outlook, new ideas and some exciting goals for the future. What's your new year's personality going to be? Take the quiz and let's find out together!
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