What Kind of Christian Are You?

By: Tasha Moore
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What Kind of Christian Are You?
Image: Robert Nicholas / OJO Images / Getty Images

About This Quiz

It's so important to know where you stand in the house of the Lord. Lend your honest answers to this religion test so that we can analyze your level of Christian behavior.

Stop to think how just about every Christian worship center has certain types. Seasoned veterans tend to have special seating arrangements, special dibs on after-church lunches and special relationships with the priest or pastor. The vets get the big pieces of chicken, extra mac and cheese and extra slices of cake. Folks who've attended the same church for a long time but stay away from church politics probably don't attend as regularly. You tend to see all the loyal, semi-interested members only come out for the major church holidays - unless they are the type who live for gossip. Entire television shows have been based on church gossip, so it's definitely a thing. And if it's your thing, own it!

The eager types, on the other hand, attend church seeking more righteous intel. If you're one of these types, you can admit that asking someone for scriptural answers is so much easier and faster than looking up the answers on your own or remembering what someone told you the last seven times you asked the same question. The eager members may get mocked from time to time, but their question consistency has a way of spicing things up for all types of members.

Spice up your own church life and find out the kind of Christian you've managed to become!

Robert Nicholas / OJO Images / Getty Images
As the congregation is reciting scripture in church, what do you do?
I wing it.
I recite it in three different languages simultaneously with my eyes closed.
I take a peek from one of the church's Bibles.
While scripture is read I shout, "What does that mean; who said that; is that from the Old or New Testament?"
Robert Nicholas / OJO Images / Getty Images
Your pastor wants you to lead everyone in song. What do you sing?
I don't sing. I moan, and everyone admires how deeply spiritual I am.
I wish I could lead. I don't know of any songs.
"Amazing Grace"
"Glory, Glory, Hallelujah"
Allen Donikowski / Moment / Getty Images
Do you sit in the same seat every Sunday?
I don't sit in the same church every Sunday.
"Same seat" is my seat.
I stand in anticipation of everything.


Matt Anderson Photography / Moment / Getty Images
When do you find the time to visit other churches?
There's no better time than the present!
When I happen to pass by, running my daily errands.
I hope to find the time soon.
They all come unto me.
Hill Street Studios / Digital Vision / Getty Images
How does the pastor refer to you?
Not at all
You over there
First name basis
Official church title
Hinterhaus Productions / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do other members love your cooking?
Maybe I'll start cooking for the church after I get to know everyone a little better.
I'll tell you when they tell me.
There's no need for me to admit that.
There's no need for me to ask about my cooking.


Jupiterimages / Polka Dot / Getty Images Plus
How special are your relationships with other church members?
I don't have any as of yet.
They know to stay in their places, so it works.
There's nothing special about them.
I value them more than anything.
Paul Burns / Digital Vision / Getty Images
Do you cherish church holidays?
Those are just ordinary days.
Still figuring out why I cherish them, but I do.
All in attendance cherish me on those days. It's so great!
I'm not so sure what those days are about.
sakchai vongsasiripat / Moment / Getty Images
Are visitors welcomed at your church?
I hope so!
I wish we were.
I have no idea.
Sure! As long as they don't sit in my seat and eat my extra slice of cake at lunch.


krisanapong detraphiphat / Moment / Getty Images
Has anyone ever asked you to pray for them?
I don't take requests.
Right after they prayed for me
Heavens no!
Behr Richardson Photography / Moment / Getty Images
Who do you rely on for spiritual advice?
Church members who sit in the same seat every Sunday
The mirror
My favorite gospel song
The pastor stopped taking my calls after a while.
9-Church Clothes
Brand X Pictures / Stockbyte / Getty Images
What type of clothes are you most comfortable wearing to church?
The finest threads
I don't know yet.
Just about anything will do.
I hope I've been wearing the right thing.


Robert Nicholas / OJO Images / Getty Images
Do you know of any unspoken rules in your church?
Who cares?
Yes. I'm trying to figure them out but everyone's silent about them.
There are unspoken rules?
I authored them.
MoMo Productions / Stone / Getty Images
Can you be honest about why you're a church member?
I've come too far to turn back now.
To learn from the best
Can't beat the free meal once a week.
I've waited too long to join.
Monashee Frantz / OJO Images / Getty Images
You're the one who always volunteers to pick up and drive members to church, right?
LOL! Thanks for the laugh!
Every time I volunteer, travel-challenged members hide from me.
I don't know where other members live.
Only if you have gas money, only if you live along my route and only if I feel like it.


Pascal Deloche / Godong / Stone / Getty Images
For how long have you been on the pastor's committee?
Since never
Since forever
I've been told that I'm on that but I don't know for how long.
It costs too much money to join that elite group.
Richard Sharrocks / Moment / Getty Images
When it comes to keeping your church clean and spotless, what are you willing to contribute?
I don't stick around long enough to notice the need for cleaning.
If I see some trash, I'll say something.
My spotless presence
I'd gladly clean, but no one will show me where the cleaning supplies are kept.
Salvator Barki / Moment / Getty Images
What is the best time to speak during church service?
At the end
It's always OK to ask questions out loud the very second that you don't understand something.
It's different for every church, I know that much.
Whenever I feel like it


18-Church Meal
SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images
Do you look forward to sharing a meal with your fellow members after service?
I can never find the food.
Only if they serve the macaroni I like
I don't stick around for that.
After-service luncheon is served in my honor.
Roberto Moiola / Sysaworld / Moment / Getty Images
Do you know where your church kitchen is located?
Yes. It's always there to service my needs.
I barely know where the church bathroom is, let alone the kitchen.
One day we shall meet.
I wish I didn't.
21-Church Candle
Alicia Llop / Moment / Getty Images
What place does church gossip have in your life?
It's my prime reason for going to church.
Church gossip tends to backfire, so I've stopped doing it.
Can't we all just get along?
Why on Earth would anyone gossip in a place like church?


Paul Burns / Digital Vision / Getty Images
What kind of prayer do you do in church?
One eye closed and the other eye on anybody trying to get close to pastor.
A slight murmur with eyes wide open. I like to see what everyone is wearing without anyone noticing.
What's the best prayer to do?
I haven't paid attention.
23-Church Hat
Hill Street Studios / Digital Vision / Getty Images
Describe the nicest hat that you've ever worn to church.
It's not that serious for me.
The smaller the brim, the better so that you can see everything without obstruction.
The wider the brim, the better
Baseball cap
24-Collection Plate
kopperhead / E+ / Getty Images
The offering plate is being passed around; what do you do?
One day I'll get to contribute.
I put in 10% of my weekly earnings, just as I was told to do when I joined the church.
Put in a $10 bill, take out two fives.
I place my butterscotch candy wrapper in that receptacle.


Nerida McMurray Photography / Digital Vision / Getty Images
Give a good reason why you'd need to move around the church during service.
To arrive late, or to leave early
I get the evil eye whenever I do it, so I don't think there's a good reason.
Because I want to.
26-Church Member
Marcy Maloy / Image Source / Getty Images
Pastor personally asks you to sub for a missing member. Which church task is out of the question?
Whatever pastor needs me to do, I'll gladly do it.
How much does it pay?
All tasks are out of the question.
And I'll say, "Sure I will, but don't hold your breath!"
ColorBlind / Photodisc / Getty Images
Who is responsible for keeping order in the church?
Seasoned members
No one


Anna Cervinkova / Moment / Getty Images
Have you ever asked the church secretary for help?
I don't have to ask.
The church secretary is only for pastors and those with special seat status.
All the time
krisanapong detraphiphat / Moment / Getty Images
What percentage of your life does church take up?
10 to 15%
A strong 75%
Barely 50%
Monashee Frantz / OJO Images / Getty Images
Every church has a list of rituals that members are expected to perform. Are there any rituals that you won't do?
I invent the church rituals, I don't perform them.
There's nothing I won't do.
Shake hands with visitors
How do I find out about these rituals?
