What Kind of Magic Are You?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Kind of Magic Are You?
Image: Comstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Magic is a very loaded term. These days, when most people use the word "magic," they are referring to the sort of sleight of hand magic epitomized by shows like "The Illusionists" or "David Copperfield." This sort of magic is just an artistic homage to the old forms of magic. This older magic reaches back to a time before civilization, when early man grappled with his world, trying to understand what caused storms, or comets, or the movement of the stars. From these needs, early humans devised the earliest magical traditions.

Time changes things, of course. By the time of the Roman Empire, Roman Augurs predicted the future using a special kind of crook and the flight of birds. Greek Oracles would inhale fumes coming from cracks in the ground, and enter a sort of intoxicated fugue. While in this state, they would propose what they saw happening in the future, often in cryptic riddles.

By the Middle Ages, there were stories of witches flying in the night, vampires turning into cats, werewolves eating people, and alchemists who could turn lead into gold or produce an elixir of immortality.

Today, magic is well understood and categorized. Volumes have been written on single magical traditions. Which kind of magic are you? Take this quiz and find out!

How sentimental are you?
Very sentimental
Totally unsentimental
Fairly unsentimental
Fairly sentimental
How in tune with the natural world are you?
I don't care about it.
Very much in tune
I'm in tune with some of it.
I feel like I'm in tune with animals.
How hot is your temper?
It's cold.
It's as unpredictable as the wind.
It's as hot as a bonfire.
It's pretty even.


How well informed are you?
Not all that well informed
I keep on top of some things, but not everything.
I'm uninformed.
I'm very well informed.
If you could talk to anyone for an hour, who would it be?
My long deceased ancestors
The wisest person in the world
Someone I despise, so I could have a little... alone time with them.
I'd want to gather a few world leaders and iron things out.
If you could snap your fingers and fix one global problem, what problem would you fix?
Climate change
I was thinking "overpopulation" but now I'm thinking "totalitarianism."
People talking past each other


How do you think the U.S. should act, militarily?
The world needs more dead people.
With restraint, since there can be a lot of unforeseen consequences.
Shoot first and ask questions later.
Speak softly and carry a big stick still involves speaking.
How often do your friends call you when they need a shoulder to cry on?
I'm literally the last person they'd call for that.
Occasionally. I have a sunny disposition.
I'm probably the second to last person they would call.
How would you describe your style?


Which of these best resembles your dream job?
Fighter pilot
How do you feel when you're sitting beside a campfire?
Anxious. Fire is dangerous!
Kinda turned on
How good are you at chess?
Not great. I always play black, which has an inherent disadvantage.
I don't have the focus for it.
It doesn't reward my instincts at all.
I'm very good at getting into my opponent's head.


How strong is your stomach?
Very strong. Nothing shakes me.
I fly well.
It's not great.
I have a very weak stomach.
How do you brave the elements?
With a large umbrella
With a poncho
With a raincoat
In a car!
How many heated arguments did you engage in, in the last 12 months?
I don't argue with people. We're all dead anyway.
Only a few
I've lost count.
None. I don't believe in that.


Which of these best resembles your real job?
Shift worker
Client facing role
What freaks you out the most?
The concept of eternity
The end of the world
Being imprisoned
Being cut off from other people
How do you deal with professional challenges involving a rival?
I ask myself what Churchill would do.
I bank on the circumstances changing.
I confront the rival in a fiery war.
I try to find a way for everyone to win.


Where would you love to go on vacation for a few weeks?
The Amazon
The Sahara
New York City
If you had magical powers, how would you use them?
I'd try to find peace for myself.
I'd try to help the world.
I'd go after people I hate.
I'd try to bridge the divides between humans all over the world.
How do you handle emergency situations?
Hold my ground until I know what's happening.
I'm usually responsible for them, so I have a plan.
I try to follow the person who knows that to do.


What sort of pet would you have?
A black cat
A dog
A fighting fish
A parrot
How likely are you to use your magic for personal gain?
Very likely
It's the whole point!
I might do that along the way, but it isn't my goal.
Do you view religion and magic as totally separate?
No. They are pretty much the same.
Yes. They have nothing to do with each other.
No. Magic is proof that the magic user is doing what God wants, and therefore it's all fine.
Yes. How we choose to use magic is what makes us godly.


How well do you understand the feelings of strangers?
Not well
Reasonably well
I don't at all, and I don't care to.
Very well
How many physical fights have you gotten into?
I've lost count.
How studious are you?
I'm nothing if not studious.
I'm pretty studious.
I'm no good at book learning.
I'm about average.


Are you willing to get your hands dirty?
I look forward to it.
So long as I can clean them after.
I want to get everything dirty.
No, not really.
How much do you connect to the past?
I only connect with the past.
Fairly well
I don't connect with the past at all.
With the right narrator, I connect with the past very well.
Is magic potentially dangerous?
Potentially, in the hands of a fool.
Anything is dangerous in the wrong hands.
I sure hope so.
All magic is dangerous because people are dangerous.
