What Myers-Briggs Type Are You Destined to Marry?

By: Elisabeth Henderson
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
What Myers-Briggs Type Are You Destined to Marry?
Image: Image Source/Image Source/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Wouldn't it be nice if there were a way to categorize people so that you knew ahead of time which ones would cause nothing but heartache and which ones would love you how you need to be loved? Of course, there's no accurate system for this kind of prediction, but the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) comes pretty darn close.

Isabel Briggs Myers, along with philosophical guidance from her mother, Katherine Briggs, came up with the Myers-Briggs personality types as a way to understand what drives the extreme differences in how people interact with the world. This categorization helps millions of people gain self-understanding and make sense of differences that can cause conflict in the workplace and at home.

But the MBTI is not only useful for self-awareness and workplace management; it can also be a strong predictor of contentment in relationships. Psychologists have conducted research to determine which personality type combinations tend to generate the highest satisfaction for couples over the long term. They also note which types have a habit of grating on each other's nerves. Not all attractions lead to satisfaction! For example, extroverts and introverts may tend to be attracted to each other, but over the years their fundamental differences can lead to discontentment.

Think you have a keeper? Find out if they're really your type with this quiz!

1 - weekend
gradyreese/E+/Getty Images
As you approach the weekend, what do you look forward to?
Having some time to myself to do whatever I feel like doing
Having some time to myself to do the list of things I have planned
Sitting down to think through the next week's problems
Having time to work with my hands
2 - teach a skill to a group
Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision/Getty Images
If you were going to teach a skill to a group, what would you do to prepare?
I'd think about it a bit and then wing it.
I would write out an outline and stick to it closely.
I would plan out a lesson and consider all the broad implications people could take away.
I would demonstrate the skill by doing it myself.
3 - conversations
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
What kind of conversations fill you with a buzz of energy?
Sharing what we really think deep down
Discussing logical and philosophical systems
Getting into the obscure details that make the world turn
I'd rather work side by side quietly than have a conversation.


4 - romance evening
Nick White/Cultura/Getty Images
Which of these items would increase the romance factor of an evening?
A book of poetry
A cookbook
A chess board
A new tool for the workshop
5 - field of flowers
Jacky Parker Photography/Moment/Getty Images
What do you muse about while gazing over a field of flowers?
A sense of connection with the absolute
The intricate ecosystem that keeps the flowers going
The need to figure out how to save the bees
How to build a mechanism that would mimic pollination
6 - gets on nerves
Tara Moore/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What relational habit really gets on your nerves?
When someone won't stop talking when I'm clearly finished with the conversation
When someone does not see the rational solution to a problem
When someone is not interested in my ideas
When someone does not give me space to work on a project


7 - communicates love
Lena Mirisola/Image Source/Getty Images
What is one thing that communicates love to you?
When someone listens closely to what I'm really saying
When someone understands what I'm saying without me having to say it
When someone likes my ideas
When someone appreciates something that I've made
8 - show affection
Adene Sanchez/E+/Getty Images
What do you do if you're trying to show affection?
Listen closely to what someone is saying and use physical cues
Show that I'm interested in them by keeping the conversation going
Find solutions for their problems
Make them something useful
9 - trip to Europe
Hinterhaus Productions/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What would you do first if you were planning a trip to Europe with your partner?
Imagine what it would be like to be in all the places I want to visit
Make an itinerary listing all the places I want to go within a certain time frame
Research the history of the places we're interested in seeing
Research transportation systems in the countries we want to visit


10 - saving money
SEAN GLADWELL/Moment/Getty Images
How would you describe your philosophy of saving money?
I try to have an amount saved that makes me feel comfortable.
I make a spreadsheet of my needs for the next year and include a good percentage to be saved.
I make a spreadsheet of my needs from now until I retire and make sure I'm saving enough to live comfortably.
I try to make something to sell each month, and I save the money earned from that.
11 - lie to partner
JAG IMAGES/Image Source/Getty Images
Under what circumstances would you lie to a partner?
I'd lie if I thought the truth would hurt them too much.
I would never lie to them, but I may not tell the truth without being asked.
I would hide any of my behaviors that I think they would really hate.
I would be OK with telling a white lie.
12 - deal-breaker
Rowan Jordan/E+/Getty Images
What is one thing a partner could do that would be a total deal-breaker?
Putting a TV in the master bedroom
Getting a dog without asking me
Spending my retirement savings for the month on something frivolous
Dating another person


13 - kids
Viara Mileva/Image Source/Getty Images
How would you hope kids would be part of your relationship?
They would be an integral part of our family unit - new best friends.
They would be interesting to spend time with in the evening.
I don't foresee children as part of our relationship.
We'd be the quintessential aunt and uncle.
14 - exciting night
franckreporter/E+/Getty Images
If you were trying to plan an exciting night out to rekindle a relationship, what would that include?
A walk in the park at night, and maybe a play
A fancy dinner out on the town
Revisiting one of the places we went when we were first dating
A long drive in the car I've been working on
15 - tension
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/DigitalVision/Getty Images
When a relationship starts to feel tense, what is something you do to work on it?
I ask questions to figure out what's going on with my partner.
I don't really do anything, just wait for it to get back to normal.
I think through our relationship to figure out what could be triggering this change.
I make something that will be helpful in their life.


16 - ideal vacation
Andrea Comi/Moment/Getty Images
If you have a week for an ideal vacation, what do you have in mind?
A cabin in the woods, hiking every day, hot springs at night
Catching up on all the house projects that I'm getting behind on
A house on the beach where I can relax and think clearly
A motorcycle trip on winding mountain roads, with beautiful B&Bs at night
17 - stressed and overwhelmed
thianchai sitthikongsak/Moment/Getty Images
If you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, how can you recoup your energy?
Taking a long walk with a friend, preferably on a trail
Meeting up with friends to blow off steam
Working on projects that have been piling up
Spending time alone in my workshop or study
18 - open
Morsa Images/DigitalVision/Getty Images
For relationship health, how important do you think it is for couples to be totally open with each other?
Absolutely essential
Not too important
Definitely important
It's helpful but not essential.


19 - night with friends
10'000 Hours/DigitalVision/Getty Images
If you're planning a night to hang out with your friends, what does that look like?
Having a tight group of close friends over for dinner and lots of conversation
Going out with a group to a movie or a show
Having drinks with one or two close friends
Hanging out together while we watch something on TV
20 - anxiety
Raquel Lonas/Moment/Getty Images
What gives you intense anxiety?
Trying to accomplish something in a noisy room
Trying to plan something with someone who is totally unreliable
Not being given all the crucial information about how decisions are being made
Having to interact with groups of strangers
21 - joy doing for others
Petri Oeschger/Moment/Getty Images
What is something that gives you joy to do for other people?
I like to listen to people's struggles and help them come to understanding or closure.
I like to help people by solving practical problems for them.
I like to help people strategize their life goals.
I like to create beautiful things that people can use.


22 - time of day awake
Sam Edwards/OJO Images/Getty Images
When do you most prefer to be awake?
Early in the morning
Late at night
23 - religious beliefs
Tom Merton/OJO Images/Getty Images
What part do religious beliefs play in your life?
I feel strongly pulled to be part of a spiritual community.
I have personal beliefs, but I don't feel a need to be part of a church.
I enjoy philosophizing about the meaning of religious tenets.
I have a more abstract sense of spirituality.
24 - soul mate
Flashpop/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Do you believe that people have a soulmate?
I hope so.
No, love is a decision.
I'd like to think there's a grand plan, but I don't really think so.
Yes, people just need to find the right person.


25 - constructive criticism
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
How do you react to people offering constructive criticism of something you've done?
It's hard to hear, but I take it to heart.
I usually bristle at criticism and defend myself.
I generally understand why they are wrong.
I'm taken off guard and think about it for weeks.
26 - finances
Portra/DigitalVision/Getty Images
How do you prefer to handle finances with your partner?
I'm happy to handle finances, but if my partner takes care of it, that's fine with me.
I prefer to be in control of our finances, so I keep track of statements and pay bills.
I have to have access to all financial information in order to feel comfortable.
I'm OK with someone else handling the finances because it's not really my focus.
27 - sharing a car
The Good Brigade/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Would you ever consider sharing a car with a partner?
I think we could make that work.
No way
I would hate the lack of control.
I'd enjoy the challenge.


28 - dinner party
Caiaimage/Paul Bradbury/OJO+/Getty Images
What role do you play at a dinner party you are hosting?
I try to talk to everyone to make them feel comfortable.
I'm the chef.
I get lost in involved conversations.
I make sure all the mechanical things are working.
29 - career change
Shannon Fagan/DigitalVision/Getty Images
If you have to make a decision about a career change, how do you think it through?
I try to sense how the change would really make me feel.
I map out what the effects of the change would mean for my career.
I visualize how this change would work with my long term strategy.
I sense whether the change will lead me to work I truly want to be doing.
30 - ugly on inside
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
What is a characteristic that can make a beautiful person ugly?
Lack of empathy
Inability to think rationally
Wasting time
Lack of desire to do things for themselves


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