What Percent Confident Are You?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
What Percent Confident Are You?
Image: mikkelwilliam / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Confidence is one of the most important things in the world, If you have it, things are going to go well for you.  If you truly believe that you're good at something, then you probably are going to be good at it, and if you think that you're awful, then you probably will be. If you think you're going to make that winning shot in a basketball game, it will probably go in. If you have a job interview and act confident that you'll get the job, then you have a good shot at it, but if you go into it nervous, there is a good chance that you won't get hired. Confidence is especially important when it comes to dating. If you feel good about yourself, you're always going to have a good shot at getting the guy or the girl that you want, but if you lack confidence, it is likely you're going to be passed by.

You get the point, confidence is important. Take this quiz to find out what percent confident you are. If you're already self-assured, you know what you'll get, but if you come out to be not so confident, don't despair. Just keep working at it and you'll be confident in no time.

Would you want to be interviewed on TV?
No, that sounds awful.
I might.
For sure
Yes, I would be amazing.
How smart are you?
Not very smart
About average
Pretty smart
I am a genius.
Are you good-looking?
I don't know.
I think so.
I am ridiculously good looking.


Are you a natural leader?
Not at all
I don't think so.
Sometimes I think I am.
Yes, I am a total alpha.
Are you good in bed?
I don't know how to answer that.
I hope so.
I am amazing.
How is your hair?
I hate my hair.
It is OK.
Pretty good


Would you be a good actor?
Not at all
Maybe, I guess?
I probably could.
Oh yeah, I could be a star.
Do you panic a lot?
All the time
Well, sometimes
I try not to.
I never panic.
Do you like to take the lead on projects?
No, I hate doing that.
No, but I will if I have to.
Sure, I can handle it.
I love to do that.


Have you ever picked someone up at a bar?
No, I could never do that.
No, but I tried.
I have done that a lot.
Do people ever call you cocky?
No, that would be a laugh.
I don't think so.
It has happened before.
Yes, all the time.
Who would you be in the band?
Bass player
Lead singer


What would be the best role for you in movie production?
Set designer
Sound person
Do you embarrass easily?
I sure do.
I do on occasion.
I hardly ever get embarrassed.
I never get embarrassed.
Do you enjoy a good argument?
I hate them.
Not unless I know I am right
I do like a good debate.
I love them.


Do you get nervous in big cities?
Yes, I get freaked out.
Just in bad areas
I try not to be.
Why would big cities make me nervous?
Do you consider yourself a success?
No, I am a failure.
I try to think so.
For the most part
Without a doubt
Are you afraid of dogs?
Terrified of them
Some dogs I am
No, I like dogs.
Are you kidding? No.


Would you sit at a bar by yourself?
No, I would feel dumb.
Maybe if I was waiting for someone.
Sure I would.
I do that all the time.
Would you do a high bungee jump?
Probably not
If I were in the mood
Sure I would.
Have you ever performed on stage?
Not since I was a kid
Yes, I hated it.
Sure, It was kind of fun.
Yeah, I have done that a lot.


Are you a leader or a follower?
Total follower
It depends.
I try to be a leader.
I am always a leader.
Would you be a good teacher?
I would be awful at that.
It depends on the subject.
I think I would.
For sure
Do you worry about your weight?
Very much
Well, I could lose a few pounds.
No, I work out a lot.
No, I always look great.


Would you stick up for someone being bullied?
I would like to say yes, but probably not.
I might.
I would try.
Are you parents proud of you?
No, we don't get along.
I hope so.
I think they are.
For sure
Do people take advantage of you?
All the time
I think some do.
I wouldn't allow that.


Which animal are you most like?
Do you worry about death?
All the time
Doesn't everyone?
Not often
No, I never do.
Are you a free spirit?
No, I am pretty uptight.
I wish.
I try.
100 percent


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