What Political Party Do Your Views Most Align With?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
What Political Party Do Your Views Most Align With?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

With all the biases out there in the world today, it can be challenging to know which political party your ideals line up with the most. Take this quiz to find out where your views best fit into the political spectrum.
What is your view on abortion?
It is a woman's choice.
Government should be kept out of the matter.
Right to no cost abortion at any stage of pregnancy
What are you views on healthcare?
Universal health care
Government should stay out of healthcare.
Healthcare is a personal responsibility.
The poor and sick must have access to affordable healthcare.
What are your views on the Environmental Protection Agency?
A big government agency wasting taxpayer money
More government overreach into personal freedoms
An important agency protecting our environment
A vital agency that must have the power to protect our environment


What are your views on gays in the military?
Sexual orientation is none of the government's business.
It undermines morale.
We should be grateful and supportive of anyone, regardless of sexual orientation, who is willing to serve.
Gay people have an equal right to serve their country.
What are your views on immigration?
Those who would like to participate in our country should be welcomed with open arms.
We need immigration reform that makes the path to citizenship easier, while thoroughly vetting immigrants.
If you're peaceful, come on in.
We must protect our borders.
What is the right size of government for you?
Bigger government
As little government as possible
Big government for the things government can do well
Smaller government


What are your views on taxes?
I'm willing to pay taxes for programs that work.
I want lower taxes and less government programs.
I want minimal taxes and very little government programs.
I'm okay paying more in taxes if there is more support for education, healthcare and other vital programs.
What are your views on education?
Free in-state college tuition for every citizen.
We should privatize education.
We need to reward teachers who are successful and penalize those that aren't.
We need to increase funding for education.
Where do you get your news?
Fox News
Info Wars
Late night comedy shows


What are your views on Planned Parenthood?
Another government-funded waste of taxpayer money.
I do not agree with the fact that they provide abortions.
Health care is a human right and Planned Parenthood is a vital service to our communities.
It is a vital service for women's health issues.
What are your views on equal pay for women?
We must guarantee equal pay and that maternity doesn't adversely affect women's earning.
It is an important issue that needs to be addressed.
The government has no place in this discussion.
If that's what the market provides, great.
How do you feel about raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour?
The current minimum wage standard is too low and needs to be addressed.
The government needs to stay out of this. Let the market determine wages.
$15 needs to be the minimum wage across the entire country.
That would have a hugely adverse effect on businesses.


How do you feel about military spending?
We must fund our military, but we should equally fund education.
Military spending should be our top priority.
We should only spend what is necessary to defend our country from foreign attack.
Cut to military spending and make major increases to programs that support education, health care, and services for the poor.
What are your views on the criminal justice system?
The criminal justice system is flawed and too often exhibits a racial bias.
Victim-less crimes, like drug offenses, should be eliminated from the justice system.
We have become too lax in our criminal law system.
We jail far too many of our citizens. We need to engage in significant justice system reform.
What are your views on marijuana legalization?
We need to continue the war on drugs.
It should be legal.
That is up to the states to decide.
Decriminalize drug use and remove funding for the war on drugs.


How should the government react to global warming?
Stay out of it and let private industry do what it will.
It has not been definitively shown that human's are the cause of global warming.
We need to make it a government priority to fund renewable energy projects.
We should continue to provide subsidies to companies who are investing in solutions to global warming.
What are your views on income tax?
I am willing to pay more income tax for better programs.
I am okay with taxes where they are if we can get government to perform better.
We should abolish income taxes and shut down the IRS.
I believe that we should have lower income taxes and less government.
What are your views on international trade?
We need to continue to develop deals with countries who agree to play by the same rules.
I believe in free international trade with no restrictions.
Free trade is meaningless unless major capitalist banks are removed from the international system.
International trade agreements must be fair to our interests.


Where do you think the bulk of the government's decisions should be made?
What are your thoughts on Social Security?
I fully support it and think we have a duty to care for the elderly in our nation.
Retirement is not something the government should be involved in.
The system is not sustainable and deep cuts need to be made.
We need to invest in Social Security, not dismantle it.
What are your views on providing bailouts for corporations deemed too big to fail?
The bailouts were probably necessary, but the banks need to be free from governmental oversight.
Government should in no way be involved in bailing out corporations or banks.
The bailouts were necessary, but there must be significant governmental oversight of the banking industry.
We should break up the big banks.


What are your views on unions?
Unions on their own are great, it becomes a problem when the government gets involved.
Unions are killing our competitiveness in the marketplace.
Unions are the backbone of worker's rights and are necessary in a capitalist system.
I support unions and any organization that organizes support for a cause or group.
Should the government be involved in providing energy subsidies?
We should actually just outright fund renewable energy projects.
We definitely need to give support to companies investing in renewable energy solutions.
Government should in no way be involved in providing subsidies of any kind.
We should actually be providing subsidies to coal workers in West Virginia who have been the hardest hit.
What are your views on the Dakota Access Pipeline?
We should be investing completely in renewable energy instead of polluting Native American land.
I am against any form of eminent domain activities by the government.
I stand with the people at Standing Rock, a sovereign nation, who is against this incursion onto their land.
The pipeline is a vital aspect of our country's goal to become less dependent on foreign oil.


What are your views on gay marriage?
I support the LGBT community and declare that LGBT rights are human rights.
Marriage is only between a man and a woman.
Government has no role in determining people's personal choices.
I fully support gay marriage and I am against any law that discriminates against the LGBT community.
What are your views on The Patriot Act?
We should abolish the NSA, CIA and FBI completely.
It is an invasion of our rights as private citizens.
It is necessary for the defense of our country.
While The Patriot act may be necessary at this time, it must be limited in its use, especially on American citizens.
What are your views on money in politics?
Money is speech and people or corporations should be able to spend it as they see fit.
I am not concerned about money in politics.
Money in politics needs to be regulated much more tightly.
It is ruining our country. We need to get money out of politics.


What are your views on gerrymandering?
We need a major overhaul of our entire election system.
That is just more liberal bellyaching.
This has been an attempt by the right to rig numbers in their favor, and must be stopped.
It is a huge problem that needs to be addressed in our country.
What are your views on voter suppression?
It is an appalling abuse of power to take the voice away from the people.
It is a discriminatory practice aimed at reducing Democratic turnout in poorer areas.
The entire election system needs a major overhaul.
It's not voter suppression to ensure that all those who vote can be verified as legal voters.
What are your views on Affirmative Action?
It has been an effective and necessary policy that helped discriminated populations.
The government should have no role in such policies.
The playing field must be leveled for all citizens.
It is an unfair policy and never should have been implemented.
