What Pop Song Truly Matches Your Personality?

By: Diana Spasic
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Pop Song Truly Matches Your Personality?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

When it comes to pop songs, we all know they are all about a good beat and relatable lyrics. Some of the masterpieces of pop music are popular because they speak about real feelings, personality traits and life situations that could happen to any of us. Many of them describe strong, down-to-earth personalities, while others sing about sensitive people who are driven by emotions. For example, Sia's "Chandelier" expresses a complex character to its core, so it wouldn't match a laid-back, carefree person. Both people may love this song, but only one of them can say it truly matches their personality. 

Have you ever listened to a song and felt that it was describing you as a person? You may find a piece of brilliant, evergreen music that matches your inner self, or you could recognize your life in a song that's a number one hit across all the major pop charts. 

If there's one thing that's certain about pop songs, it's that there is a wide variety of them and every person in this world can relate to at least one catchy tune.
Do you know which popular pop song truly matches your personality? Take this quiz to find out!

What do you find yourself thinking about most of the time?
How many people are jealous of me.
How grateful I am for my friends.
My love life
If you could take anyone you want on a backpacking adventure through Europe, who would it be?
My best friend
My partner
My sibling
Can I take a few people instead of one person?
Has anybody told you today that they loved you?
Yes, a few people.
No, and no one probably will.
Not yet, but the day just started.
Yes, one person.


Which of the following words that start with the letter "F" do you like most?
How do you usually feel when you wake up in the morning?
Excited about the new day
Depends on my chores and obligations for that day
Have you ever had your heart broken to pieces?
Have I ever! Yes, too many times.
Not exactly
Yes, once, and I've been careful since then.
It's broken right now.


What do you think about the saying, "There are many fish in the sea?"
It's true.
When I'm in love, there's only one fish for me.
I don't think it's very deep.
It may be true, but I don't like it.
Which of the following best describes the way you feel most of the time?
Okay, I'm happy-ish.
How do you feel about your exes?
Some I respect, some I don't.
I think I've made some terrible choices in the past when it comes to love interests.
I think they're good people overall.
Most of them would still want me back, but I don't care for them.


You and your new crush are going out on a first official date. What do you expect of this date?
I expect them to fall head over heels for me.
I expect to have fun, nothing more than that.
I'm fine with whatever it turns out to be as long as it's fun.
I expect and hope this person doesn't turn out to be like my ex.
When life gets hard, what helps you get through the crisis?
My friends
I go out and party and try not to think about the problem.
I remind myself how far I've come.
I treat myself to a spa weekend.
How often do you go out at night?
Often. Sometimes it's several times a week.
Once a week
Several times a month
I rarely ever go out at night.


Do you often look down on other people?
No, I never do that.
Maybe, sometimes
I guess so, but we're not all the same, and it's normal.
I hope not.
What makes you laugh even when you don't feel like laughing?
My partner
My family
If you had to choose one thing you couldn't live without, what would it be?
Make up
My phone


What's your favorite thing to do at other people's weddings?
Meeting new people
Nothing, I hate weddings.
You're in high school and a notorious school bully knocks down all of your books. How do you react?
I get angry but don't say anything.
I stand up to him.
I look at my friends, hoping they will stand up for me.
I talk to the school counselor about it.
A good friend of yours has met someone on the internet, and now they want to meet that person for real. What do you tell them when they ask for your opinion?
Don't trust anyone you've met online.
I volunteer to tag along in case the person turns out to be a creep.
It's OK to meet up, but they should do it in a public place.
You never know what might happen, so I'd say go for it.


Someone gives you a million dollars to break a record. What record would you break?
Longest partying without a pause
Longest kiss
Most hamburgers eaten in one minute
Fastest Rubik's Cube solving
If you knew for certain that this was your last day on Earth, what would you do?
Tell everyone I love how much I love them.
Hug my parents.
Apologize to someone.
Tell someone I miss them.
According to you, what is the most important thing in life?
Being loyal to your beliefs
Clear conscience


How would you like to celebrate your next birthday?
With tons of friends. I'd host a huge party.
With my family
With my beloved one
With several close friends
How often do you take the time to treat yourself and indulge in self-caring activities?
All the time
Not as often as I should
I'm not sure I ever do that anymore.
Whenever I have the time to do so.
What do you wish for in life more than anything else?
A loving partner and a big family
Just happiness
Wealth and luxury
Love and romance


If we asked you to describe your love life in one word, which word would it be?
Very physical
Which social media app do you use most often?
How often do you go on dates?
Every now and then. Maybe once a month or so.
I don't go on dates at all.
Quite often. I'm looking for "the one."
Not very often, I'd much rather go partying with friends.


What is the best compliment you could ever receive?
"You're the best friend in the world."
"You're so nice and thoughtful."
"You're so successful and strong."
"You're very brave."
Do you believe a person can be happy if they're single?
Of course they can.
I'm not sure about that.
No. Love is everything.
I hope so.
Which one of your qualities are you most proud of these days?
I'm very giving.
My courage
My charm
My wit


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