What Psychic Ability Do You Really Have?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What Psychic Ability Do You Really Have?
Image: pidjoe / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

During this quiz, we are going to put your third eye and your powers of perception to the test. Our questions have been designed around the traits and common abilities found in those with natural psychic abilities. Once we compare your answers to the types of psychic communications, we'll let you know which of your particular skills is stronger than all the others.

Parapsychology is an ever-growing field, and we're learning more than ever before. Long gone are the days when there were only a few types of known psychic abilities! Psychic abilities come in all kinds of forms, and we want to help you figure out which one you were probably born with.

Many believe that everyone but born with a few psychic abilities, but we lose them as we're conditioned against them. After all, we've all heard the stories of children and dogs being able to see things others couldn't see. It's often been said that it's their innocence that allows the action to happen.

You might have a feeling about what your answer might be, but it's best to know for sure. You wouldn't want to misinterpret a sign from the other side! Make sure you're picking up the right vibe!

Where were you the last time you experienced a sense of déjà vu?
I was traveling the last time it happened.
Honestly, it happens most places I go.
I'm not sure I've ever experienced it.
Sometimes, I experience it at work.
How many times have you left your house and needed to turn around because you had a feeling?
It's quite frequent. I always leave the iron on.
It's happened, but I'm usually wrong.
Once in a while, I get a bad feeling a go back.
I'm not sure it's ever happened, but I do get a lot of strange feelings when I'm out.
When the phone rings, do you know who's calling before you answer?
Not really
All the time
If I'm expecting a call, I do.


They say that twins have a special psychic connection. Do you think it's true?
I wouldn't know. I'm not a twin.
I don't rule anything out when it comes to twins.
I'm a twin! It's totally true.
I think it's true for some sets of twins, but not all of them.
Have you ever used a Ouija board to try to contact a spirit or an entity?
I wouldn't go near a Ouija board!
I've tried it, but it didn't work.
I have, and it really scared me!
I don't need a Ouija board to talk to the dead.
Think back to your childhood. Do you recall seeing anything that others couldn't see?
My dog could see it, too!
I really can't remember much about being a child.
Yes! My family thought I had lost my mind.
I still see things that others cannot see.


Things like concerts and crowds can be uncomfortable for some with psychic abilities. Do you ever feel that way?
Crowds don't really bother me.
It does make me uncomfortable. There's too much energy around me.
Not always, but sometimes I do get a little anxious.
I'm the opposite. I don't like being alone or in small groups.
If we asked your friends, what sort of advice would they say you give?
Flip a coin four times, and call heads or tails. How many times did you get it right?
All four times
I'm not doing that.
It was two or three times, but I lost count.


When you visit old cities or sites, are you overwhelmed by all the history?
No, I love it!
I can feel the sadness of some places.
Sites of tragic events always leave me in tears.
Traveling, in general, feels overwhelming to me.
Would anyone in your life say that you're great with animals?
I'm better with animals than I am with people.
They would say I'm good with cats.
Everyone knows I can talk to the animals.
Dogs always love me more than they should!
Take a look at your family. How many of your relatives have psychic traits?
Most of them
None that I know about
One of them, for sure
I've never asked, but I have suspicions about a few.


When you go to bed at night, do you toss and turn or fall asleep quickly?
I have insufferable insomnia.
If I'm stressed, I toss and turn.
I always fall asleep quickly.
I toss and turn no matter what.
Have you ever experienced anything that has made you question your sanity?
I saw a UFO that made me question my eyesight.
I tend to trust my visions and experiences.
I've been able to explain any strange things I've seen.
I believe it happens to everyone.
Do you ever have dreams that leave you feeling confused or emotional?
My dreams are bizarre. They do leave me feeling confused.
No, but I do interpret them.
Some of my dreams are hard to shake off.
I'm very emotionally linked to my dreams.


If you do not get alone time, do you start to feel antsy and crave it?
I must have time alone every day!
I spend most of my time alone.
I prefer being with a few close people.
I don't feel that way very often.
The height of spiritual activity is said to be 3 a.m. Do you frequently wake up around that time?
No, but it's usually when I go to sleep.
Once I'm out, I never wake up.
I'm still awake around that time.
I always wake up around 3 a.m.
First impression matter! What do you usually notice about someone when you first meet them?
Their energy
Their composure
Their wardrobe
Their body language


Are you naturally attracted to cemeteries, or do you avoid them?
I can feel too much energy in cemeteries.
I don't mind them, but I don't hang out in them.
I am really drawn to cemeteries and graveyards.
I wouldn't call it an attraction, but I do like visiting them.
You might have to think about this, but do you trust what you believe or what you know about others more?
It really depends on the person.
I trust their vibe more than what I've been told.
I only trust something if I have learned it myself.
It's better to be logical when dealing with others.
Is it normal for you to hear sounds or voices that others cannot hear?
That's not normal for anyone.
I do hear a lot of bumps in the night ...
I hear many things I can't explain.
It's never happened to me.


Which one of these things have you seen out of the corner of your eye?
A shadowy person
A glowing orb
A figure made from light
I think it was a demon.
If you had a strong premonition about someone's safety, would you tell them?
It would be an obligation to tell them.
I've never had a premonition.
I wouldn't want to freak them out.
If there were in horrible danger, I would say something.
How do you feel about the belief that our loved ones send us signs once they've passed?
They send more than signs!
It's happened to me.
I think it's what we want to believe.
Signs are all around us.


What item would you bring along to a seance to ensure its success?
A candle
Holy water
Would any of your friends consider you a human lie detector?
I never let them know that I know they're lying.
They know I'm a human lie detector.
I can smell deceit from a mile away.
I try to take everyone at their word.
Do you usually know what someone is going to say before they say it?
With certain people I do.
You can tell a lot by someone's body language.
I try not to assume anything.
I wish I could!


When you were a kid, did you have a lot of imaginary friends?
I had many of them!
My pet was my best friend.
I don't remember having any.
I did have one close imaginary friend.
How old were you when you became interested in paranormal activity?
I was a teenager.
I think I knew I was different when I was really young.
I'm still not entirely convinced.
It happened after an experience.
Have you ever felt a cold spot in a relatively warm room?
I feel them all the time.
In really old houses, it happens a lot.
I don't experience things that way.
Yes, but I was sitting near an old window.


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