What Three Navy Jobs Match Your Personality?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Three Navy Jobs Match Your Personality?
Image: Unsplash by Luemen Carlson

About This Quiz

If you're "ready to lead, ready to follow" and born with the inability to quit, you're the stuff the Navy needs! Serving your country comes with a lot of satisfaction and a lot of rewards, but what jobs would be best for your personality? You wouldn't want to be stuck on a submarine if you're really cut out for flying the friendly skies, Would you? Make sure you're setting the right career goals with this quiz. 

From nuclear weapons technicians to the logistics specialists who help guide aircraft carriers through rough waters, the Navy is full of more career options that you've probably imagined. The Navy uses the ASVAB and your physical readiness to assess where you would do your best work, but what does your personality say? Which Navy jobs are right for you based upon who you are? 

As you answer your questions, you'll give away both your readiness for a high-level Navy position and your unique set of traits. Once you've finished with your responses, we'll compare them to some of the hottest jobs on recruiting boards across the nation. Will you be better suited as a hospital corpsman or an airplane mechanic? Put your ambitions on display, and we'll tell you which jobs work best for you! 

1 boot camp
Lorado / E+ / Getty Images
In your mind, how tough are all seven weeks of boot camp?
I've heard it's kind of easy.
It was the hardest thing I've ever done.
It's probably not as bad as I'm imagining.
I learned a lot, and I got in better shape.
2 barracks
tirc83 / E+ / Getty Images
Are you OK rooming with people you don't know in the barracks?
I've never met a stranger.
It's part of the job.
I would prefer to have my own space.
As long as it's temporary, it's fine.
3 uniforms
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
You have to keep those uniforms tidy! How are your ironing skills?
I could use a few lessons.
I can put a crease in anything.
It's can't be that hard.
I can accomplish the job.


4 navy
Unsplash by EMPPhotography
Do you miss having any kind of facial hair you want?
I don't have facial hair.
I wish I could have a mountain man beard.
I look best when I'm clean-shaven.
A little mustache wouldn't hurt anyone.
5 navy ship
PhilAugustavo / E+ / Getty Images
Could you handle being placed on a night shift Navy job?
I love working nights.
I would prefer the nine to five.
I prefer working afternoons.
Day shift is the only shift worth working.
6 bootcamp
South_agency / E+ / Getty Images
How long would it take you to run/walk the 1.5-mile portion of the PRT (Physical Readiness Test)?
45 minutes or more
11 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes


7 tech
Monty Rakusen / Cultura / Getty Images
Are you more mechanically or technically minded?
I'm all about technology.
They are kind of the same these days.
I'm better with words than anything.
I'm better with my hands.
8 fighter jet
CT757fan / E+ / Getty Images
Which one of these aircraft carrier jobs would you like the least?
Aviation fuel handler
Landing signal officer
Catapult crewman
Tractor driver
9 navy man
SKashkin / E+ / Getty Images
Would you disobey an order you didn't agree with?
An order is an order!
If it's morally wrong, I would.
I might bring it up to find a middle ground.
I would, but I would report it later.


10 tattoo
South_agency / E+ / Getty Images
Does it bother you that the Navy forbids tattoos on your head, face and neck?
I guess I'll have to have laser removal surgery.
That won't be a problem; I'm not into tattoos.
As long as I can have them under my uniform, I'm cool with it.
I think it's a little unfair.
11 japan
Unsplash by Andre Benz
If you were stationed in Japan, how would you communicate with locals?
I'll try to learn some Japanese.
I'll mostly stay on base.
I'll take a translator.
Google translate is great in these situations.
12 navy family
kali9 / E+ / Getty Images
How would you keep in touch with your family while you're stationed abroad?
Video chat
Social media


13 navy home
Gary John Norman / Royalty-free / Getty Images
Would you prefer to live on or off base once you're placed somewhere?
Living on base has a lot of perks.
I'm not sure that's my choice.
Off base is more my style.
It depends on which one is cheaper.
14 navy
Brasil2 / E+ / Getty Images
Your commanding officer is pressuring you to finish a project. How do you react?
It will be done when it's done.
I'll pull an all-nighter to finish it up.
I call in some teammates for help.
I'll give him a status update and a projected ETA.
15 bootcamp
Lorado / E+ / Getty Images
Will you have a problem getting under the 22%-33% body fat rule?
I have some work to do.
That's no problem.
I haven't had it checked out.
I'll be cutting it close.


16 submarine
alxpin / E+ / Getty Images
If you had to spend a few months on a submarine, would you get claustrophobic?
It would drive me insane.
I think I could handle it.
It sounds like the perfect retreat from the world.
A few months might be too long.
17 navy seal
Stocktrek Images / Stocktrek Images / Getty Images
Do you have any plans to try out the first stage of the SEAL program?
SEAL life it not for me.
I wouldn't mind trying it out.
I don't meet all the requirements.
I haven't thought that far ahead yet.
18 navy ships
Frank Rossoto Stocktrek / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How are your sea legs? Will you get sick out on the open sea?
You can't really feel an aircraft carrier move.
It's not a problem for me.
I hope I get stationed on land.
I might need a little practice.


19 navy
Frank Rossoto Stocktrek / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you freaked out or excited about the prospect of working with special weapons?
That totally freaks me out.
With all the procedures, it's perfectly safe.
I would love the challenge!
I wouldn't want to work with biological weapons!
20 navy pilot
fotoVoyager / E+ / Getty Images
In your opinion, what's the best reason to join the Navy?
Free schooling is not a bad thing!
Everyone should see the world.
Learning job skills is important.
It's my duty to serve my country.
21 navy pilot
cr8it / E+ / Getty Images
What do you think you already have in common with a Top Gun pilot?
I have good eye-hand coordination.
I'm fairly fearless.
I am obsessed with airplanes.
Nothing ... I'm terrified of flying.


22 navy ship
Stocktrek Images/ Stocktrek Images / Getty Images
Do you have an interest in being a Navy hospital corpsman?
I was hoping for something more exciting.
I wouldn't mind going into medicine.
I should be a paramedic.
I'm better suited to work with machinery.
23 navy curl ups
Sean Murphy / Image Source / Getty Images
Can you drop and do the Navy's minimum of 59 curl-ups?
That's a negative!
I can do more than that.
I can do at least 20.
I think I can do 59.
24 navy soldiers
Paul Souders / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which one of these ranks do you hope you'll earn in the future?


25 navy soldier
SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images
Are you the type who likes to take initiative?
I love taking the reins.
I'm a little too shy for that.
If I need to impress someone, I will.
I do enjoy proving myself, but I'm a good team player, too.
26 navy test
SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images
Which part of the ASVAB is the toughest to pass?
Auto and Shop Information
General Sciences
Mathematics Knowledge
Paragraph Comprehension
27 chef
andresr / E+ / Getty Images
Do you have the chops to be one of the Navy's culinary specialists?
I have the chops to use GrubHub.
That sounds unpleasant to me.
I would love it!
There are worse things than being in the kitchen.


28 navy family
kali9 / E+ / Getty Images
Have you spent a lot of time with those who are in the military?
I know a few veterans.
I don't know anyone who's served.
It's a family tradition.
I know a couple of enlisted persons.
29 guard
RASimon / E+ / Getty Images
Are you a good shot, or should you hit the range?
I've never fired a weapon.
I have a lot of marksmanship skills.
I could use a little more practice.
It depends on the type of weapon.
30 navy medals
pixhook / E+ / Getty Images
Do you have a clean driving record like the Navy recommends?
I have a perfect driving record.
I don't have a license.
I have a ticket or two on my record.
I think I have a parking fine.
