What Time Period Would You Visit on “Outlander”?

By: Ruby Scalera
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What Time Period Would You Visit on “Outlander”?
Image: Starz / Sony Pictures Television

About This Quiz

When Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser first falls through the stones and into the past, "Outlander" readers and viewers marveled at her ability to assimilate to a time so different from her own and wondered how we would fare if we ever found ourselves hundreds of years in the past.

The series is full of adventure, rebellion and the power of true love, and the heroes and heroines are forced to think quickly, sometimes in order to survive. At times, Claire must balance her knowledge of the future to come with the subordinate role of women in the 1700s. From something as simple as referring to Prussia as Germany to accidentally commenting on a young George Washington's affinity for chopping down cherry trees, she must navigate a whole new world, holding back secrets from the future all while helping to shape it. From the Battle of Culloden to the Revolutionary War, it is no easy task.

How would you fare if you were to take a trip through the stones and into a different era — and where, or rather, when would you find yourself? Take this "Outlander" quiz to find out what period calls to you and how you would approach living in a time now your own.

Starz / Sony Pictures Television
Which of these characters is your favorite?
Claire Fraser
Jamie Fraser
Brianna Randall Fraser
Murtagh Fitzgibbons Fraser
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
What would be your first reaction when you fall through the stones?
Panic and fear
Determination to return home
Curiosity and wonder
Interest in changing history while I can
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
Which of these eras would you most want to live in?
The Golden Age of Piracy
Ancient Egypt
The Renaissance
Ancient Greece


Starz / Sony Pictures Television
Where on Claire and Jamie's journey would you most want to visit?
The Caribbean
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
What's your favorite Jamie Fraser quote?
"Don't be afraid. There's two of us now."
"Oh aye, Sassenach, I am your master ... and you're mine. Seems I canna possess your soul without losing my own."
"You werena the first lass I kissed ... but I swear you'll be the last."
"When the day shall come that we do part, if my last words are not 'I love you' you'll ken it was because I didn't have time."
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
If you could stop a famous war from starting, would you?
No, I shouldn't meddle in history.
I will fight on the side I support, but no more.
Yes, the future can be changed.
I would subtly set moves so that others can lead the charge.


Starz / Sony Pictures Television
You're being accused of printing seditious materials; what do you do?
I play dumb and hope they don't search the shop.
I fight them to stop them from searching.
I tell them they won't find anything from me, but the world's changing.
I'm relaxed — everything incriminating is off the premises.
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
Who would you most want to be your second in a duel?
Roger Wakefield
Jamie Fraser
Brianna Fraser
Fergus Fraser
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
If you had to find work in the past, what would you do?
I'd become a teacher or governess.
I would enlist in the army.
I would work as a printer.
I'd become a smuggler or runner.


Starz / Sony Pictures Television
What helpful skill will come back in time with you?
My domestic skills, like embroidery, gardening and cooking
My hard work ethic and ability to fight
My leadership skills and ability to inspire others
My knowledge of history, plants and travel
11-Jamie and Clair
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
Your mother tells you that your father isn't actually your father and that she was once married to a man from the past. How do you react?
I try to support my mother — either way, she believes it.
I get angry — she's been keeping this from me the whole time?
I try to keep an open mind; surely she wouldn't tell me this if it wasn't true.
I look for information and resources to support the claim.
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
What are you most likely to be accused of?
Being a witch
Being a traitor
Inciting rebellions
Being a spy


13-Close Up
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
How do you react in the face of injustice?
I try to use reason and kindness to change minds and hearts.
I stand up and I fight with fist and words.
I rally others so we may be a greater force.
I use subterfuge and cunning to change history.
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
You know the side of justice loses in the future. What do you do?
I hope I can make a change and join anyway.
I lend my hand to the front lines. I'll fight for justice even if it doesn't win, this time.
I try to change public opinion and push for non-violence.
I gather information and use my knowledge of the future to change the outcome of the war.
15-Time Travel
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
If you knew you were going back in time, what would be the most important item to bring back with you?
Medicine and disinfectants
Reminders of my past life
Plenty of money
A pen and notebook


Starz / Sony Pictures Television
How are your friends most likely to describe you?
Optimistic and hopeful
A person who stands up for what they believe in
I push the envelope and try to make a change.
Cunning and innovative
17-Time Travel
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
You come across another time-traveler. How do you react?
I join with them and hope we can survive these times together.
I keep my distance — we all have secrets.
I confront them about inexplicable events that have occurred around us.
I ask them how they did and gather notes.
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
If you had to marry for protection, who would it be?
John Grey
Dougal MacKenzie
Young Ian
Murtagh Fitzgibbons


Starz / Sony Pictures Television
Which historical figure would you most want to meet?
The Duke of Sandringham
King Louis XV
Bonnie Prince Charlie
George Washington
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
What one future fact would you share with your friends or family from the past?
There are inoculations against the worst diseases.
America gains its freedom from England.
Universal suffrage extends to everyone.
We can now communicate instantly all over the world.
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
How do you pass the time?
I garden and provide for my home.
I read by the fire with my family.
I engage in underground rebellions.
I travel and try to meet people.


Starz / Sony Pictures Television
Which Outlander villain scares you the most?
Comte St. Germain
Blackjack Randall
Geillis Duncan
Stephen Bonnet
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
What fantasy series or movie will you watch after "Outlander"?
"Harry Potter"
"The Witcher"
"Star Wars"
"Lord of the Rings"
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
Would you ever take advantage of future knowledge?
I wouldn't use it at all.
I would use it to save lives.
I would use it to help change society.
I would use it to help win wars.


Starz / Sony Pictures Television
Which quote from Claire do you most identify with?
"He had called me that from the first; the Gaelic word for outlander, a stranger. An Englishman. First in jest, then in affection."
"To be with Jamie was bliss, adventure, absorption."
"Doesn't this distress any of you? How the city treats its poor and underprivileged? Surely we must do something to change the situation."
"Some say the hill is enchanted, others say it is cursed. Both are right, but no one knows the purpose or the function of the stones. Except me."
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
How will you get around in you new time?
By foot
By horse
By car
By boat
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
The only way home is through the stones in Inverness, but you're being held by a local clan. What's your plan?
I hope they'll release me.
I fight my way out, even though I'm not great at fighting.
I try to befriend them and get into their good graces.
I do research and plot an escape for the right time.


Starz / Sony Pictures Television
You know the exact day your loved ones will die in the past. What do you do?
I make my peace and hope the outcome will be different.
I dive headlong into the past to save them.
I recruit friends and we go back in time together.
I do my research and go into the past prepared.
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
What modern amenity will you mist the most?
Running water
Accessible food
Medicinal advances
Instant communication
Starz / Sony Pictures Television
How far into the future would you go from today?
Just 10 years
100 years
1,000 years
10,000 years


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