What Type of Guy Is Your Soulmate?
By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
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Image: Klaus Vedfelt/DigitalVision/Getty Images
About This Quiz
There are crushes, partners, significant others and simply "types" of people to date. But none of these compare to the power of having a soulmate. A soulmate isn't just someone who you admire or want to get to know better. They are special kinds of people who are perfectly compatible with you. Known also as "the ones," soulmates typically share the same kinds of hobbies and interests as you, which means there's no shortage of activities to do with them. But beyond that, they will also help to challenge you in your career, life goals and self-growth as a person. Because this type of person is more than just a dating partner for the moment, they're a dating partner for life.
But even if you've found your soulmate, the road ahead isn't always going to be rainbows and butterflies. You'll still have your ups and downs just like any other relationship, but luckily, you two will be able to tackle such obstacles as a team. And that's really what this kind of relationship is about: teamwork. A pair of soulmates will always work together to make the relationship stronger simply because they have so much love for each other. So in this romantic quiz, we're going to find out what type of guy matches your "soulmate" qualities!
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Sturti/E+/Getty images
The perfect date night would include which of these activities?
Cuddling and watching movies
Talking about philosophy at a library
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Joschi71 via WikiCommons
Your ideal soulmate is similar to which of these Marvel superheroes?
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Getty Images/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Where is the best place to find the potential soulmate of your dreams?
At a random place, like a coffee shop
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Klaus Vedfelt/DigitalVision/ Getty Images
How would you feel about your SO hanging out with their best friend (without inviting you along)?
Happy, I want them to go out and have fun!
A bit annoyed, but it's whatever.
Jealous, why wasn't I invited?
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stock-eye/E+/Getty Images
If Valentine's Day was around the corner, what would you surprise your crush with?
Handmade card with a poem inside
Bouquet of lovely flowers
A box of discounted chocolate
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praetorianphoto/E+/Getty Images
Is it better for a guy to be totally honest with you, or lie when it's appropriate?
You can never go wrong with honesty.
An occasional white lie doesn't hurt.
Sometimes, it's better for a person to lie about things.
I just want a guy to tell me what I want to hear.
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Hinterhaus Productions/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Would you rather date someone who is super popular or someone who has very few friends?
Their social circle wouldn't affect me.
Somewhere in the middle would be ideal for me
I prefer dating people who aren't that popular.
Super popular, I want that same social status.
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Vesnaandjic/E+/Getty Images
Who's going to pay for dinner tonight: you or him?
I'll be the nice one and pay for us.
How about we split the bill?
It depends on how high this bill is.
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Morsa Images/DigitalVision/Getty Images
If your soulmate had a man cave, what would you probably find in it?
Nothing that's too "manly"
Games, such as a pool table
Beer. Lots and lots of beer!
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Luis Alvarez/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Ideally, your soulmate would wake up smelling like ...
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You notice that your SO has been playing video games for the past 5 hours. You then ...
Ask him if he needs anything
Jump in and play games with him
Roll my eyes and walk away
Tell him that he needs to stop playing video games for now
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Hero Creative/Cultura/Getty Images
What would you do if your partner started to become more distant from you?
Talk to them about what's going on
Take a "break" from the relationship
Become more distant from them as well
Leave them, I can find someone better anyway.
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Pexels by Flora Westbrook
What does it really take to make a relationship work?
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Unsplash by Alex Wong
How would you feel about dating a guy who likes to take risks?
It depends, what kinds of risks are we talking about?
No thanks, he wouldn't be my type.
I wouldn't mind, as long as he's smart about them.
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Pexels by Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush
Which of these symbols of love represents your feelings about relationships?
Ugh, don't make me vomit.
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skynesher/E+/Getty Images
How do you act when it comes to heated arguments with people?
I always listen intently before I speak.
I argue my point to the ground.
I always try to talk to people in a civilized manner.
I tend to walk away in anger.
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Pexels by Pixabay
Normally, your relationships last about ...
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martin-dm/E+/Getty Images
You want to break up with your current partner, but they want to give the relationship another chance. You ...
Agree and give the relationship just one more chance
Ask for a temporary "break" instead of a breakup
Think about this a little longer
Stand my ground and break the whole thing off
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Dougal Waters/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Super clingy guys are considered to be _______________ to you.
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Goodboy Picture Company/E+/Getty images
Do you believe in the idea of "love at first sight?"
I think it exists, but maybe not in my world.
I'm not really sure, maybe it's partially true.
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Karina3094 via WikiCommonsKarina3094 via WikiCommons
Which of these male celebs matches to your perfect guy?
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Unsplash by Ludemeula Fernandes
Your ideal soulmate has the personality of which of these house pets?
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Unsplash by Toa Heftiba
You and your partner are about to have a romantic picnic together! What kind of food will you bring?
I'll handle the desserts!
I'll make something fancy, like chicken skewers with a salad.
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Delmaine Donson/E+/Getty Images
Ideally, you want a guy who has a heart made of ...
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Witthaya Prasongsin/Moment/Getty Images
You would definitely break up with a guy who is too _________.
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Uwe Krejci/DigitalVision/Getty Images
When you meet a person for the first time, what do you tend to notice about them?
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The Good Brigade/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Your partner wants to go on an impromptu road trip to another state. You respond with ...
"Can we go somewhere else?"
"Are you out of your mind?"
"Some of us have to work"
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Summit Entertainment/Marc Platt Productions/Impostor Pictures/Gilbert Films
Which of these romantic movies describes your current love life perfectly?
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Kevin Kozicki/Image Source/Getty Images
How do you know when it's really true love?
When you can't stop thinking about them
You can feel it in your heart.
I'm still trying to figure this out.
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Flashpop/DigitalVision/Getty Images
How would you describe your own personality in relationships?
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