About This Quiz
In the 21st century, there are children with biblical names, but there are also many, many children named for things in dead languages, favorite cities, and even kitchen appliances. The meaning of a name has been diluted because anyone can be named after anything. Often the name of a person says more about their parents than it does about them. In biblical times, names were holy: a biblical name usually translates into a phrase in Hebrew and Aramaic. These phrases could mean something as straightforward as Michael (Who is like God) or as obscure as Zohar (which is a book of mysticism and also translates to "Brilliant").
A name is just a sound used to identify one specific person, but a biblical name is about an outlook on God, the purpose of mankind, and one's individual destiny. Some names are preordained for specific biblical figures yet to be revealed, and others are repeatedly used, signaling the continuity of humanity in God's creation.
So take stock of your life and prepare yourself for an onslaught of questions. You may possess a biblical name already, but it may not be your "true" biblical name. We will determine what your biblical name should be so that you can see your way to your destiny.
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