What Would Your Street Name Be?

By: Amanda Monell
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Would Your Street Name Be?
Image: Luis Alvarez/DigitalVision/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Some speculate that during the summer of 1888, Aaron Kosminski, a barber in London committed atrocious crimes toward prostitutes in the dead of night. Sure, you may not have heard of Aaron Kosminski, but we're betting that you've heard of Jack the Ripper. For more than a century (his "true" identity was discovered in 2013), many people wondered who this mysterious killer was and how he managed to evade police.  Keep in mind, that only some people believe this. Even though a DNA swap on a victim's shawl identified Kosminski, there are some who are skeptical over the integrity of the evidence.  Being kept for more than 100 years in a hat box could easily have led to contamination.

Over the years, other people have adopted street names to help garner respect and reputation amongst other residents of the seedy underbellies of cities worldwide. In the 1920s, George Kelly Barnes, also known as Machine Gun Kelly, dominated the streets with his Tommy gun.  A bonus to having a street name is that you can get away with all sorts of crimes, from petty larceny to murder.  
Are you curious about what your street name should be? Or perhaps you're in a spot of trouble and need some inspiration?  Either way, it looks like you've come to the right place.  Take this quiz to find out your street name.
Which board game would you play?
Hungry Hungry Hippos
At what age were you introduced to the street?
I came into my own in my mid-20s.
I've been living the life since my early teens.
I started my path to greatness in my late teens.
I was practically born on the streets.
What would you bring to the organization?
My strategic mind
My physique
My tranquil manner
My wit


How easy would it be for the FBI to catch you?
I'd be very hard to find.
I'd be easy to find.
I'd be very easy to find, but I'd talk my way out of the situation.
It would be nearly impossible to find me.
For which of these crimes would you be busted?
Aiding and abetting
Assault and battery
Breaking and entering
What weapon would you use?
A crowbar or other blunt object
A sniper rifle
Whoever was available
My razor-sharp wit


Would you ever torture or mutilate someone for money?
It isn't my style.
No, but I'd watch it.
If the money was right
If you weren't in crime, what kind of job would you have?
I'd be a great boxer.
I'd be a project manager.
I'd be a lawyer.
I'd be a CIA or FBI agent.
Would you ever flip?
No, I've got my sins for which to atone.
No, I'd go down fighting.
It depends on what I'm getting in return


You just found out that your friend snitched on you. What do you do?
I'd take them out quietly.
I'd take them out in a gloriously violent fashion.
I'd file the discretion away in my head for later use.
I'd try to manipulate the boss into taking care of it for me.
If there was a bank heist, what role would you play?
I'd be the person who assembles the team and shows the method of execution.
I would be carrying the money bags.
I'd be breaking into the vault.
I'd be driving the getaway car.
When it comes to being a member of the syndicate, what misconception do you like the least?
I don't like that the public thinks that we're dim-witted.
Honestly, I don't care what people think.
I don't like that the public thinks that we're heartless.
I don't like that the public thinks that we're all from one race.


Which of these gangster-related pieces of clothing would you never wear?
A tailored suit
A fedora
A bandana
Baggy pants
If another gang were to muscle in on your turf, what would you do?
I'd gather information and drop some anonymous tips to the cops, leading to raids and arrests.
I'd hit their turf twice as hard.
I'd try to buy them out.
I'd try to negotiate an alliance.
Which of these cities with a gangster history would you visit?
Atlantic City
Los Angeles


Which movie about gangsters is your favorite?
"Menace II Society"
"The Godfather"
"The Professional"
"The Departed"
What kind of food is your favorite?
I like Mexican food.
I like Italian food.
I like sushi.
I'll eat anything.
What do you think is the best reason for having a street name?
I like that my opposition would be scared of what I could do to them.
I think that getting respect with my name would be cool.
I think that people avoiding me out of what I'd say could be cool.
I like that it tells people my skillset from the get-go.


What quote from a gangster do you identify with the most?
“Judges, lawyers, and politicians have a license to steal. We don’t need one.” - Carlo Gambino.
"You know what I’ll do? I’ll get a knife and cut out his tongue, and we’ll send it to his wife." - John Stanfa.
“You can get much further with a kind word and a gun then you can with a kind word alone." - Al Capone.
“I never lie to any man because I don’t fear anyone. The only time you lie is when you are afraid." - John Gotti.
Do you have a bookie?
I have a group of them who work for me.
I usually work with bookies to get their money.
I do, but I shouldn't
I don't
To which of these drugs would you get addicted?
I wouldn't do drugs


Which character on "The Sopranos" is your favorite?
Tony Soprano
Paulie Gualtieri
Carlo Gervasi
Christopher Moltisanti
With which real-life gangster do you identify the most?
Al Capone
Machine Gun Kelly
John Gotti
Lucky Luciano
When it was revealed that Al Capone's vault was full of sand, how did you feel?
I wondered where the real vault was.
Al Capone had a vault?
I was appreciative of the cunning that the gangster had.
I was really disappointed.


How long did it take for you to get to your current position?
It took me about 15 years.
It took me about five years.
It took me about 10 years.
I'm just starting out, so I'm still working my way up.
How did you feel about doing grunt work for the boss?
I just do it to get it over with.
I know I'm overqualified, but I know it needs to be done to prove my worth.
I still do grunt work for the boss.
I know I'm overqualified and I let everyone know.
Did you use nepotism to get your position?
I'm guilty of using nepotism to hire others.
No, I want to earn my own way without relying on my family's name.
Yes, I've used my family name to get places.


Which crime syndicate would you join?
The Odessa Mafia (the Russian mafia)
MS-13 (a Latino gang)
The Bloods (an African-American gang)
The Yakuza (the Japanese mafia)
How do you think you'd meet your demise?
I'd probably end up dead from a shootout with police.
I'd retire and die of old age.
I'd end up taking my own life instead of going to prison.
I'd end up getting attacked in prison.
If you got arrested, would you be able to execute crimes outside?
Yes, I have a network of people to carry my commands to my soldiers.
I didn't think that far.
I'm not that big of a gun to require a network.
I've started building my network, so if I do get caught, I could get some small things done.


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