What Zodiac Sign Are You Most Emotionally Compatible With?
By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
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Image: Uwe Krejci / DigitalVision / Getty Images
About This Quiz
Any website can give you a general compatibility reading! But not any website can analyze your emotional needs and find your perfect match. We can, though! Save yourself the trouble of learning about your zodiac compatibility the hard way. Tell us how you react, what you want and how you live your life. Once you have finished, we'll be able to tell you for sure which of the signs would be there for your emotional health.Â
Each of the 12 astrological signs is known to possess certain traits and qualities. Your sign is said to be compatible with some of them and less of a fit for others. That's great, but it's a blanket statement way of putting things! When you answer our questions, you'll go deeper than merely punching your birth date into a search engine. You'll give away your emotional side. We can then truly see which sign is right for you.Â
Whether you've been in a relationship for decades or you're wondering how things will go with that new crush, take the time to answer honestly. Getting to the heart of you is the only way we'll get to the heart of your compatibility! Which sign will rock your world and support your needs? You're only a few clicks away from finding out!
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PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
It's Monday, and you don't want to go to work. What keeps you motivated?
I have projects to finish.
Nothing! I'm taking the day off.
We have a meeting on Mondays.
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Golden Pixels / Getty Images
One of your friends just announced their engagement. Which emotion are you experiencing?
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Martin Novak / Moment / Getty Images
When you first fall in love, what are you like?
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Hiraman / E+ / Getty Images
Which of these situations is most likely to make you tear up?
Seeing a goodbye at the airport
My team losing a playoff game
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Enrique DÃÂaz / 7cero / Moment / Getty Images
Your pet is looking a little sad. How will you cheer it up?
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Tassii / E+ / Getty Images
What type of reaction would you have to your coworkers telling you how much you are appreciated?
I would wonder what they want.
I am sure I would feel proud of myself.
I know I would burst into tears.
I would feel paranoid. Maybe I'm getting fired.
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Francesco Carta fotografo / Moment / Getty Images
When you watch the nightly news, which feeling are you left with?
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Emma Kim / Cultura / Getty Images
How would you describe your current mood?
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Luis Alvarez / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you tend to keep your thoughts to yourself, or do you blurt them out?
It depends how passionate I feel about what was said.
Everyone knows what I think.
I'm more reserved about expressing my thoughts.
If I'm with my friends, I blurt them out.
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Image Source / Getty Images
Your partner is an hour late coming home. Are you upset?
I'm sure there's a good reason.
If I haven't heard from them, I'm worried.
They will get here when they get here.
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RapidEye / E+ / Getty Images
Which of these things do you consider a relationship deal-breaker?
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steele2123 / E+ / Getty Images
Out of these zodiac signs, which one do you know the least about?
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skaman306 / Moment / Getty Images
When you wake up in the morning, what do you experience?
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ER Productions Limited / DigitalVision / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
If we asked your ex, how would they say you handled your breakup?
As well as could be expected
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Marvin Fox / Moment / Getty Images
Do you think you are emotionally soft or emotionally hard?
I'm a little hard to reach.
I am somewhere in the middle.
I'm as soft as they come.
I have moments of being both.
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Juliet White / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you see a puppy, which reaction do you have?
Awww! Look a the cute puppy! I have to pet it.
That's cute, but it will eat too much.
Is it available for adoption?
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Luis Alvarez / DigitalVision / Getty Images
If you were the boss for a week, how would your coworkers describe your leadership style?
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Karl Tapales / Moment / Getty Images
You've just won $10,000 on a lottery ticket. Which emotion do you feel first?
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Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
In your opinion, which one of your emotions are you most in touch with?
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Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you emotionally equipped to have a large family?
I think I could handle it.
I don't think anyone is emotionally equipped for that.
I could handle it like a pro.
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Goodboy Picture Company / E+ / Getty Images
When you are in a relationship, are you the leader or the follower?
Relationships are give and take.
I tend to follow my partner's lead.
I've never thought about it.
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Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you need a lot of space in relationships, or do you want your partner around all the time?
I like to be together as much as possible.
Being together too much is unhealthy.
I like a good balance between the two.
We should spend every second together.
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electravk / E+ / Getty Images
Would any of your former partners say you have a wild streak?
At least one of them would say that.
I think they would say I'm fairly reserved.
No, but my last ex was crazy.
I'm sure you would hear that I'm adventurous.
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Sam Edwards / OJO Images / Getty Images
Metaphorically speaking, what sort of heart do you have?
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Tegra Stone Nuess / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you find a lot of joy in life's simple things?
I like finer things more.
The simple things are huge!
I find joy in most everything.
I mostly find joy when I'm asleep.
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Image Source / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which one of these things terrifies you the most?
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The Good Brigade / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you agree when we say that everyone has a soulmate?
I think we have more than one.
I do not agree. Some people are meant to be alone.
I could back that statement.
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khoa vu / Moment / Getty Images
Could you see yourself getting married in the next five years?
That's a little too soon.
It's too late. I'm already married.
If I meet the right person, I can see it.
Marriage is too institutionalized for someone like me.
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Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which kind of movie makes you feel most emotional?
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Lucy Lambriex / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What is the one thing you really want from a relationship?
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