What's Your Emotional Age?

By: Bri O.
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What's Your Emotional Age?
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About This Quiz


Are you ready to search deep within yourself and play our fun whats my mental age quiz? Discover your emotional age and find out if you're a big kid trapped in a grownup's body! Your behaviors and preferences will reveal your true emotional or mental age in human years. Let's see if you feel as young as you act!

Life is all about how you perceive it, and your emotions age along with your body. Whether you're 80 but feel like you're in your 20s, or you're just naturally young at heart, this quiz will uncover your true emotional age. Our goal is to provide accurate and personal insights into your life, so get ready to reveal how old you really feel!

Join us in this journey of self-discovery and let us get to know you better than ever before. Embrace your inner child and see if your emotional age matches your physical age. Get ready to play and find out if you're truly young at heart with our ""What's Your Emotional Age?"" quiz!

When's the last time you did something petty?
Petty is my middle name.
Earlier today.
I try my best not to act out of a place of pettiness or spite.
The last I can remember was a week ago, but there could be more recent occurrences that I forgot about.
How do you deal with confrontational or rude strangers?
I walk away.
I try to defuse the situation.
I tell them their behavior is unacceptable.
I give them a taste of their own medicine.
Do you gossip?
I prefer to spend my time talking about ideas.
Sometimes, especially when catching up with friends.
It's my guilty pleasure.
Everyone gossips.


How old do you feel?
Age is but a number to me. Nothing more.
FOR3vEr Y0unG!!!...I want to be, forever young.
When's the last time you cried?
This week.
It's been awhile.
I cry fairly often.
Are you in a committed relationship?
I am in a committed relationship with myself only, everyone else comes and goes according to their life's path.
For now, I prefer to be single and independent.
I've tried and failed to make committed relationships work more than a few times.


If someone is angry with you, do you usually end up angry as well?
No, I try not to allow others' emotions to become my own.
Sometimes, but I typically remain calm.
Yes, what do they expect? Don't come at me angry.
It depends on if I end up feeling defensive. If so, then yeah, I'll get angry too.
When someone is mean to you, how do you respond?
I try to not take it personally and recognize there is a reason behind their harshness.
I usually feel upset and reflect on anything I might have done wrong. Eventually, I realize it's their problem, not mine.
I tell them off or somehow try to get them to see their behavior as not okay.
I answer in kind.
Are you close with your family?
I've come to realize I get to choose who my family is, and I am close with those people.
Not really. They aren't the greatest people.
Sure, in a typical respect your parents and get along with your siblings sort-of-way.
Yes, I'm very close with specific members of my family or maybe even the entire family.


How do you deal with toxic friendships?
I talk with them about my concerns, and if things aren't resolved, I'd let them know I need to move on.
Right now, I don't have time to directly deal with it, so I ignore those people and try to move on with my life.
I let them fester until they eventually either simmer out or boil over. Either way, the relationship will come to an inevitable end.
Well, I try not to befriend toxic people in the first place.
Would you say you have a guilt complex?
No, guilt doesn't do anybody any good.
Yes, but I'm working through it.
About some things, but nothing major. I just try to think about something else when those feelings arise.
I feel guilty a lot, but I'm not sure I'd call it a complex.
Are you a good listener?
Yes, I try to listen more than I speak.
I'm learning to be.
What did you say?
Not really, but who is? It doesn't seem like anyone actually listens to each other anymore.


Is it easy for you to admit when you're wrong?
Yes, I'm not infallible.
Not always, but it's something I'm working on.
It depends on who I have to admit it to.
Nope, and I'm rarely wrong.
Do you hold grudges?
No, that would only hurt me.
I usually try to forgive and let go.
Only when someone really crosses a line.
Yes, otherwise the same people would walk all over me again and again.
Are you trusting of others?
I give my trust to those with proven integrity.
It isn't easy to earn my trust.
I don't trust anyone.
I'm probably a bit too easily trusting.


Is it easy for you to try and see things from others' perspectives?
It's not hard, but I wouldn't say it's easy either.
No, but I still try.
Sure, I just try to put myself in their shoes.
Not really, but I don't try to do that too often.
Do you have a lot of friends?
I am a friend to many, but I have only a few close friends.
I have a couple handfuls of friends.
Yes, a bunch.
Not as many as I'd like.
Is your appearance important to you?
I make sure to take care of myself, but beyond that, appearance doesn't matter much to me.
I want to look good, of course, but that doesn't mean I put much effort into achieving a certain look.
Kind of - I spend awhile getting ready to go out.
Yes, appearance is how we're judged by others. I don't want to miss out on an opportunity because I let my hair go wild.


Do you care what others think of you?
I care how my actions affect others, but beyond that, it is no matter to me.
Yes, and I really wish I didn't. One day I won't, hopefully.
Anyone who says they don't care isn't being exactly honest.
About some things, yes.
Are you spiritual?
I guess you could call it that.
If things start going wrong when you really need them to go right, how do you handle it?
I scream and destroy things.
I keep my cool and continue moving forward.
Have an emotional breakdown.
I call in reinforcements.


Are you open about yourself with others?
It depends on the person.
Yes, always.
Do you see a therapist/counselor of some sort?
No, but I have before.
No, and I never have.
I'm considering it.
Who do you go to when you need advice?
A parent.
A mentor.
A sibling or other family member.
A friend.


Is the truth always the best answer?
No, sometimes it's better not to tell the truth.
Yes, always.
Yes, most of the time.
Eh, it doesn't really matter.
Do you ever throw adult tantrums?
On particularly stressful occasions, yes.
No, I don't think so.
I've done it once or time.
It's a regular occurrence for me.
How often do you replay embarrassing moments of your past in your head?
I can't recall the last time I did.
At least once a day.
Occasionally, but usually just to laugh at them.
Once a week or so.


Have you ever cared for a pet?
Yes, I had one growing up.
Yes, many. I have pets now.
Yes, I've had a few pets.
How often do you feel jealous?
An average amount, I think.
I would say somewhat often.
Would you say you're a good friend?
I think so.
I hope so.
I don't know.
I could be a better friend.


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