What's Your Intelligence Type?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What's Your Intelligence Type?
Image: DrAfter123 / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images

About This Quiz

It was once believed that intelligence took only one form, that this form was easily measurable, and that anyone who did not manifest intelligence in this manner was not smart at all. Eventually, this paradigm began to change. With time, proper IQ tests were developed, and when people who were evidently intelligent did not do well on IQ tests, ideas began to emerge that intelligence was about a lot more than recognizing the relationships between a mess of colorful puzzle pieces.

Now we know that intelligence does not take one form. It does not take two forms, or even ten forms. There are dozens of forms of intelligence, some very specific to certain tasks. There are people in what most would consider blue collar jobs who possess very high intelligence, but that intelligence may only be applicable to their narrow task, so it isn't valued as it should be. There are people with very high intelligence that relates only to personal interactions, and that intelligence may lie in reading people, but since it is very hard to measure, it may be overlooked by those who measure intelligence. Still other folks are unable to prove how smart they are because they simply do not perform well in test conditions, for psychological reasons that have nothing to do with intelligence.

How can you know what type of intelligence you possess? Easy. Take this quiz!

How well do you do in academic testing?
Not well at all
Very well
I don't know. I dropped out.
How do you fare at networking parties?
I have two rounds and head home.
I work it all night long and come away with a fat stack of business cards.
I'm a complete wallflower.
I talk to other people who are exactly like me.
How well do you understand bureaucracies?
Not at all well. I do understand paperwork, though.
I get people, not systems.
I understand systems far better than people.
I rage against them.


Do you find decorating a new apartment relaxing?
Only if I have to do DIY!
Nope. I'll pay someone for that.
No, I'll just live with boxes and paintings stacked against the wall.
I love doing that! So much fun!
When something in your house breaks, what do you do about it?
I fix it. Duh.
I call someone I know who can fix it.
I hire someone to fix it.
I call my dad to fix it.
How comfortable are you with strangers?
They're fine.
I'm in my element with them.
I feel awkward with them.
It depends on whether or not we have anything in common.


How comfortable do you feel with computers?
I don't do too well with them.
I only understand my iPhone.
I really get computers.
I'm rotten with them.
What is your creative outlet?
I play a fantasy sport.
I watch movies.
I play video games.
I'm into printmaking and photography.
How much time do you need to spend with the instructions for new gadgets?
Very little time. Sometimes none.
A minute or two


How often are you successfully duped?
It happens.
All the time!
You're on top of a tall building, looking down on a large crowd. What do you think of?
I'm really high up.
Look at all those people!
An army of ants
The movement of the crowd is beautiful.
What was your best subject in school?
Math class
Art class


How did you hone your natural talents?
I apprenticed.
I was thrown into the deep end of the pool, metaphorically speaking.
I took many classes.
I spent a lot of time just doing what I wanted to do.
How many real friends do you have, that you keep up with and see regularly?
Loads! Dozens!
When you enter a building, do you just sort of know your way around without thinking about it?
Only certain types of buildings
No, never
Every time


What strength allows you to make a living?
My ability to bend tools to my will
My network
How easily do you bond with a machine's "personality"?
Pretty easily. I speak machine.
I can't do that at all.
Computers? Easy. Machines? Less easy.
I don't do it well.
How confident do you seem in job interviews?
I don't do well.
People s always say I'm great once I'm in the room.
I'm a little stiff.
I come off as a bit aloof.


How well do you understand software?
I'm okay with it.
Not well at all
Very well
I don't.
How many performance or craft skills do you have?
Two, but I'm not great at them.
I have one!
Oh, a half dozen at least
How easily can you size up a torx screw?
It just takes a second.
I can't do that.
I'd need to check against my drivers.
I'm going to Google it.


How sensitive are you to when others are in pain?
If they say something, I'll notice.
I know immediately when I clap eyes on them.
I'm not.
It usually takes me a minute.
Are you comfortable with abstract thinking?
I have some difficulty with that.
No, I'm very bad with that.
Very. Yes.
If it's just about something fun, not something concrete
Under what circumstances do you do your best work?
When I have time to work
When I'm in the room
When I'm in charge
When I'm alone


How much of your job requires tools too big to carry in an attache case?
Pretty much all of it
None of it. I can carry my job in my pockets!
I fit it in an attache.
I do it all with very few objects.
How well do you remember the names of others?
I need name tags. Sew it on your shirts, people!
I remember names very well.
I'm not great with names.
I never remember names.
When a plan breaks down, how well can you adapt?
I tend to get bogged down by details.
I tend to get through only by force of personality.
I adapt quickly and overcome.
I don't!


When you demonstrate your intelligence, how often do you get accused of showing off?
What sort of injury would prevent you from being able to work?
A broken hand
The flu
Temporary blindness
How often do people tell you that they were looking forward to seeing you?
I don't know about that, but I often tell people about how I was looking forward to seeing them!
Very rarely. I think they're lying.
At the holidays


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