What's Your Moral Alignment?

By: Tasha Moore
Estimated Completion Time
8 min
What's Your Moral Alignment?
Image: Pixabay by johnhain

About This Quiz


Search for your moral alignment in this fun and interactive personality quiz! Play now to discover where you fall on the spectrum of Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil, and everything in between. All About You! What's Your Moral Alignment? By Tasha Moore is an 8-minute quiz that will have you thinking about real-life scenarios in a whole new light.

Learn about the nine possible alignment outcomes and how they relate to your personality. Whether you're a seasoned ""Dungeons & Dragons"" player or a newbie to the alignment system, this quiz will guide you through the process of determining your moral label. Dive into the world of good and evil, chaos and order, and see where you truly stand.

Discover your deepest desires and get to know yourself better with this what is my moral alignment personality test. Are you a hero fighting for justice, a rogue causing mischief, or something in between? Take the quiz now to find out and uncover the secrets of your moral compass.

Whisper in office
fotostorm/E+/Getty Images
An ally at your job just informed you that upper management has been reviewing your work performance behind your back. What do you do?
I'd hope so! It's the job of upper management to do that type of thing.
I find a way to trip up the "ally," get them written up to take the heat off of me.
Tell this "ally" the same thing to incite them to dig deeper so I don't have to. I expect daily updates.
Nothing. Who cares?
Couple driving
Pexels by SplitShire
An emergency requires that your friend drive cross-country and there's no one else to help them drive. Do you help out?
Yeah, but only if I don't have anything important going on.
I'd drive the first leg then "get sick" and have my "friend" take us on through.
Yes, and we're stopping whenever I get the itch to see some sights along the way.
No problem. I just have to make sure that my boss is OK with it first.
Pixabay by lechenie-narkomanii
In the course of you assisting a childhood friend in physically getting their money back from a swindler, the thief insinuates violence. Do you bail?
I'd turn on both of them.
Why leave when things are just getting good?
I probably can reason with the thief first.
First of all, inform the authorities about the theft.


Pixabay by nattanan23
If riches are a life goal for you, what is your plan for attaining it?
I don't know.
Use others to fatten my pockets
By any means necessary
Anything that's constructive
Wallet in pocket
Pixabay by stevepb
You want to settle down with someone. Do you choose the disloyal person who has lots of money or the very loyal person who has little money?
Follow the money.
The loyal person who has little money
Either one will do.
The loyal person who has lots of money - I know they're out there.
Invisible man
Pixabay by PublicDomainPictures
By some fluke you are able to be invisible for 24 hours only once. What does such a day look like for you?
I'd be busy cleaning homes of those who are shut-in.
Like the best day EVER!
Just like any other day
Divulging that would defeat the purpose.


Pick up dollar
moodboard/Cultura/Getty Images
You walk behind someone you know has been begging in the hot sun all day, and they mistakenly drop a dollar bill from their small pail of earnings. Do you pick up the bill and run?
I leave the dollar there for someone else who probably needs it and I give the beggar two dollars.
I'd give the beggar the money back minus my finder's fee.
They'll be back to pick up that money.
What dollar bill?
Shopping retail goods
Pixabay by stevepb
Many successful people have said that money is meant to be spent. Do you agree?
I'd rather save my money.
Spending and profiting from other people's money is the key to success.
Who has that kind of time or money to spend?
Spend your money on me if you want to be successful.
Cat lies on road
Pixabay by Pexels
While in the comfort of your own home, you look through your window and notice a neighbor kicking another neighbor's cat. The cat needs medical assistance as a result. What's your reaction?
I hold the cat for ransom.
No reaction here
I bribe the kicker.
I immediately inform the authorities about the matter.


Talking at party
10'000 Hours/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Your tipsy boss wants to talk politics at a party. Do you get chummy?
I'd engage, get them relaxed and wait for them to spill the beans on intel that'd benefit me.
I'd express my opinions with no fear.
No office party for me, thanks.
I'd feel bad about lying, but I would agree openly with everything my boss says.
Emergency exit
Pixabay by geralt
Use the emergency door marked "Alarm will sound," or no?
No. I'd keep looking for the right way to exit.
Push through and run
Push through and walk
I'd push through if it was for an emergency.
Puppy terrier on road
Pixabay by Pezibear
Brake for a puppy crossing the street, or drive erratically to avoid it and save time?
What puppy?
I'd get out of my car and direct traffic to keep the dog safe.
I'd wait.
I veer. Move out of my way, drivers and dog!


Repairman at front door
Spiderstock/E+/Getty Images
The super wants to fix a leak from your unit. Do you let them in to stop a flood below you?
What superintendent? What leak? What neighbor? What 10 million knocks on my door?
I guess so.
Yeah, but I want a rent discount for the inconvenience.
My lease stipulates that I am to allow the superintendent access to my unit in these cases.
Policeman gives driver a traffic ticket
fstop123/E+/Getty Images
A traffic officer gives you a speeding ticket. Do you contest it?
No. I probably was driving too fast.
I'll pay it. The police need to make their daily quotas. They caught me slippin'.
I contest the ticket.
I'd bribe the officer. I don't need any more points.
Court hammer
Pixabay by succo
An individual's rights are more important than the rights of the group, correct?
Very seldom


Men in a police lineup
RichLegg/E+/Getty Images
Should an entire group of people suffer for the sins of an individual from that group?
No. You never really understand why any individual does anything. Why punish the group for something we don't fully comprehend?
It depends on the severity of the damage.
It depends on what the individual did.
Yes. That's the natural order.
Hands on barb wire
Pixabay by geralt
While in prison, do you escape with other inmates, or snitch for perks?
Snitch and receive prison privileges until the next debacle
I tell the warden because it's the right thing to do.
I tell the warden in spite of the privileges.
I tell another prisoner and trick them to tell the warden. We split the privileges.
Dented car
bgwalker/E+/Getty Images
You capture video of your neighbor hitting your parked car. They say nothing. What now?
What rock through my neighbor's window that very same night?
I take my dent and my footage to court. I'm suing!
I get my car fixed and ask the neighbor to reimburse me. If they don't, oh well.
I contact law enforcement with the footage.


Dollars bill in suitcase
Pixabay by Maklay62
Do you share the abundant spoils of a thieving friend, or snitch for reward money?
I want to bring those who've broken the law to justice.
Rob the friend. Who are they gonna tell, the authorities?
I'd tell my friend that I intend to snitch to give them a head start.
I bribe my friend to reap some of the theft riches before I turn my friend in to collect the reward money.
Pixabay by jodylehigh
Do you sacrifice your well-being for the comfort of others?
Only if I can get something out of it
Yes. We're all in the "soup."
Only for friends and family
Dog chews shoes
gradyreese/E+/Getty Images
Your partner's dog chewed up your favorite pair of shoes that cost $1000. What's your retaliation plan, if any?
What dog? I don't see any dog.
It's only fair that I get reimbursed something, maybe not the full amount.
I want my money back with interest or the dog must leave.
No retaliation. I just want all of my money back.


Woman donates canned goods
SDI Productions/E+/Getty Images
There's a widespread famine that's lasted for months. Food is scarce, but you have enough canned food in your basement to feed several families for one year. Care to share your reserves?
What reserves?
Only when people start getting really sick
Just a portion, not all of it
City Council
RichLegg/E+/Getty Images
In which political office would you do the most good for people?
City council
Group whispering
John M Lund Photography Inc/DigitalVision/Getty Images
There's a rumor going around about your shady past. How do you respond?
"It's all lies."
"What exactly did you hear?"
"It's probably false."
"OK. It's true."


Woman gets promotion
andresr/E+/Getty Images
Your co-worker has been promoted to be your supervisor; the two of you started the job at the same time and at the same level. Could you handle this new relationship?
I'd trip them up. They'd be out the door by the time I'm finished with them.
Time for a new job
I'd probably get a lot done with a former co-worker as my supervisor.
Who cares? Someone has to do the job.
Traveler in city
Pixabay by Free-Photo
You travel to another country where the laws are quite different than the laws in your home country. Do you make it a point to abide by these different laws?
I'm not looking for any laws. I want to have a good time.
Oh yeah? Let's see what happens if I break some laws over there.
I'd ignore those laws like I ignore every other law.
I would have already read up on the laws and customs before traveling there.
Changing tire
David De Lossy/Photodisc/Getty Images
You get a flat tire on the road leading to your neighborhood. Will any of your neighbors in the passing cars stop and help you fix your tire?
Yup. I have dirt on all of them.
I'd call roadside assistance.
Yes. I'd expect to be treated how I'd treat others.
Naw. I'd better get to that flat tire before it gets dark.


Neighborhood watch sign
Westhoff/E+/Getty Images
Crime is up in your town and someone in your community invites you to participate in the neighborhood watch program. Do you contribute your time to help protect your village?
Sure. I'd need to watch those who unknowingly are watching me.
Where do I sign up!
Any reason to get together is a good reason.
That's a waste of my time.
Businessmen shake hand
Pixabay by rawpixel
You notice a former friend from grade school in a market that you just entered. Your former friend looks really good, like life has been good to them. Do you go after your old friend or let the past stay in the past?
I find my "friend," pretend to be someone else and shake them down for whatever I can get.
I'm sure that, like me, they wouldn't care.
Yes. I'd love to learn the secret to their success.
Only if I'm having a good hair day
Worried couple look at bills
skynesher/E+/Getty Images
A financially challenged sibling wants to stop paying you back a loan. What say you?
The payment schedule never stops, no matter what.
I don't care
Interest goes up now.
I'd update the terms of our contract to better suit their new financial condition.
