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About This Quiz
There's no one way to have fun; everyone parties differently! Share your celebrating style by taking this quiz and finding out what your true party personality is!
How many friends do you have?
I have a ton!
I have a handful of close friends.
I have one or two.
I am more of a loner
You had a crazy night. What does your Facebook look like the next day?
A single photo with a cheesy tag line.
Photos of me doing something borderline illegal.
Phone numbers, selfies, and LOTS of messages.
Nothing new, just the usual.
In a group situation you're more likely to...
Take charge.
Sit back and stay quiet.
Try and be the center of attention.
Find someone to hit on.
When someone is being overly dramatic about a situation, you...
Tend to stay out of it.
Get angry and annoyed.
Try to figure out the meaning behind it.
Give advice, and hopefully lead them to a better path of understanding.
How often do you party?
As much as possible.
Once a week.
About once a month.
Just on special occasions.
You're heading out for the evening what do you wear?
Hawaiian shirt.
Trench coat.
Letterman sweater.
Prince "Purple Rain" T-shirt.
Would you help out a friend?
Without question.
Depends, what do they need help with?
No way.
I have friends?
How do you feel about sharing an elevator?
I don't mind. I love meeting new people.
It's fine, as long as I don't have to talk to anyone.
I loathe it.
I might take the stairs.
If you were the leader of the most powerful country in the world, what would you do?
Conquer the weaker neighboring countries.
Declare a third world war.
Give up the position, too much work.
Work towards world peace.
How do you tend to get along with people?
People adore me!
People either love or hate me, there is not much in between
I secretly despise humanity
I make friends with people easily.
What was the last thing your instagrammed?
A flawless gym selfie.
My boobs.
My latest painting.
What's Instagram?
Field trip time - what's your likeliest role?
The one giving directions.
The one with the food.
The one making snarky remarks the whole way.
The one who's just along for the ride.
What does honor mean to you?
Doing what must be done without expecting reward.
It is important to have the respect and honor of others.
It's important but it isn't everything.
No one has honor these days.
What is your opinion on upholding tradition?
It is the most important thing we have.
What's tradition if it means I can't do what I want?
It is important to do what is expected of you.
You should always follow the rules, even if you don't like them.
Are you funny?
I'm hilarious!
I've been known to make people giggle.
I may think I'm funny, but I am not sure about others.
I am not so funny.
Are you generally a happy person?
Most days but not always.
How exactly would you define happiness?
Not really.
What kind of dreams do you usually have?
Someone is chasing me!
I don't dream.
Mostly pleasant ones.
I can't remember.
My ego is...
Like Mount Everest, enormous and rock solid.
Like a glass moon, enormous but fragile.
Average I suppose.
Ego? I hate myself.
How long can you stand being alone?
I like to be alone, all the time!
I feel insecure alone.
I can't stand being alone for long, I need drinking partners.
I can do with out most people.