What’s Your Russian Name?
By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
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Image: portraits, photo art, / Moment / Getty Images
About This Quiz
The Russian language is a remarkably old one with roots in many other languages that dominated that part of the world at the time. It's closely related to Ukranian and Belarussian. The Cyrillic alphabet it uses dates back to around the year 862, so when you talk about Russian you're talking about something with some roots. There's a heartiness there and really, that makes sense. Look at where Russia sits on the map, look at what the most famous parts of the country are like. No wishy-washy people live in Siberia. That's a land that forges strong, determined and resilient individuals. So you should have a strong, determined and resilient name if you want to fit in. Good thing a lot of Russian names fit the bill!
Russian names have just as many meanings as names from elsewhere in the world, but there's something so concise about them. Like Boris, which means battle, or Oleg, which means holy. Svetlana means blessed or light, while Anastasia means resurrection. Those are powerful names! And they really cut to the chase with a poetic flare you only get from the Russian language. So put aside your everyday name and take a swing at this quiz to see which Russian name is the one for you!
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Do you consider yourself an adventurer, willing to go where other people aren't?
Well, maybe if someone else goes there first.
I don't think that's for me.
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Artur Debat / Moment / Getty Images
Can you handle a brutally harsh climate?
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David MadisonCorbis / Getty Images Plus
If you're watching a movie late at night all alone and you hear a noise upstairs, what are you going to do?
Leave it, it's probably just the cat.
Panic, but in a very quiet way.
Wait to see if it happens again.
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cihatatceken / E+ / Getty Images
Would someone cutting you off in traffic get you angry?
Well, I wouldn't be happy.
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Karl Tapales / Moment / Getty Images
A friend calls you up in the middle of the night with an emergency. Are you heading over to help them out?
In the middle of the night?
If there's something I can do, I guess so.
Well, what's the emergency?
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Yuichiro Chino/Moment/GettyImages
Would you say your overall worldview is pretty positive?
Positive when it needs to be
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praetorianphoto/E+/Getty Images
Do you feel like you let people down too often?
Barely ever, but it happens
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Pavel Novikov / Moment / Getty Images
Are you able to let things go or do you hold grudges?
Maaaybe if I was really wronged I'd hold a grudge.
I don't ever hold a grudge.
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Purple Collar Pet Photography / Moment / Getty Images
Curiosity killed the cat. What did it do to you?
Made my life more interesting
It gets me in trouble sometimes.
My curiosity keeps me informed.
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Chris Ryan / Ojo Images / Getty Images
Is your life on the track you want it to be on?
I've had some bumps in the road.
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Raphye Alexius / Image Source / Getty Images
When you go to your favorite restaurant, do you order the same thing every time or do you like to try new things?
I'll just go to a whole new restaurant.
Guess it depends on my mood
I'll try a few new things, within reason.
I stick with what I know.
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Unsplash by Helena Lopes
If you're in a situation with strangers, are you outgoing or do you keep to yourself?
I can start up a new friendship pretty easily.
I can be outgoing sometimes.
I'll probably keep to myself.
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RapidEye / E+ / Getty images
Mind over matter. What's your stance?
I totally believe in mind over matter.
Well, hopefully there's a balance.
Nevermind the mind, I believe in matter.
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[ Yuri_Arcurs] / [E+] / Getty Images
Do you consider yourself an old-fashioned kind of person?
I can be very old fashioned.
I'm not old-fashioned at all.
I value tradition, if that's what you mean.
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sergio omassi via Pexels
Would you ever give your loose change to a homeless person if they asked?
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Pixabay by thommas68
When things get intense, which instinct is stronger, fight or flight?
I am not a fighter at all.
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luizclas via Pexels
How much of a romantic are you?
I definitely have a little bit of that in me.
Meh, it's not my strong suit.
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[PeopleImages] / [E+] / Getty Images
If you try to get a job done and fail, how do you react?
Dust myself off and try again
I can take it kind of hard.
Hopefully I'll learn a lesson.
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Tara Moore/DigitalVision/GettyImages
How's your sense of humor?
I like to think it's good.
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portraits, photo art / Moment / Getty Images
Are you able to handle rejection pretty well?
Well, I don't like it but I can handle it.
Hey, it happens. You get over it.
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Guido Mieth/DigitalVision/Getty Images
The stress of the day has gotten too intense. What will you do to unwind?
Maybe work out for a bit.
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FatCamera / E+ / Getty Images
If you have a job to do would you rather do it yourself or with others?
I love working with others!
I guess it depends on the job.
Well, how many people are we talking about?
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You find $100 on the ground right outside the bank. What are you doing?
I'll see if there's anyone around looking for it.
If it's just money and no wallet what can I do?
I'll bring it in to the bank.
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You're out walking and it starts to rain. What are you going to do?
I love a walk in the rain.
Is it a cold rain or what?
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Mixmike/E+/Getty Images
Can you open up and share your feelings easily?
Not easily, but I can do it.
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Perry Grone/Unsplash
Do you feel like you need to try to make the world a better place?
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Unsplash by Jade Masri
Do you like to be the center of attention at parties?
I could be cool with that.
Nah, I'm happy with whatever happens.
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[Jakob Helbig] / [Cultura] / Getty Images
Would you rather challenge yourself or do something that's a breeze?
Give me an easy job any time.
I guess it depends on the task at hand.
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[ Carla G.] / [Moment] / Getty Images
Are you able to recognize your own flaws?
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Cirilopoeta / E+ / Getty Images
Woud you lie to a friend to spare their feelings?
I'd rather tell the truth.
I don't think so, but you never know.
It depends on the circumstances.
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