What’s Your Soul’s Energy Vibe?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What’s Your Soul’s Energy Vibe?
Image: Libertad Leal Photography/ Moment/ Getty Images

About This Quiz

Every second of every day, our souls are sending out energy! Whether we realize it or not, our personalities and our choices are driven by the kind of vibe our souls are throwing off. After you complete these questions about your soul, your personality and the way you navigate the world, we'll let you know what sort of energy you are sending out to those around you. 

We're sure you've heard others describe you in ways that you don't quite understand. Maybe they say that you're optimistic when you're having a bad day. Or maybe they say that you are always just what they need to pull through a rough spot. Whatever it is they're saying, they're picking up on the energy that your soul is putting out there. 

Throughout this quiz, you'll have the chance to speak on behalf of your soul. Answer each question with a truthful choice, and your soul will automatically put on the kind of energy vibe the rest of the world gets to see. We'll measure your energy with the best of intentions, and we'll let you know what others see in you. Then you can thank your soul's energy vibe! Which kind of energy will it be? 

Question 1
Klaus Vedfelt/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Are you the type that paces yourself, or do you spend your energy all at once?
It really depends on the task.
I like to save my energy up for big things.
I believe in giving 100% to everything I do.
I have been known to completely burn myself out.
Question 2
istetiana/ Moment/ Getty Images
Food is good for the soul! Which one of these foods brings you most comfort?
Ice cream
Mashed potatoes
Tomato soup
Mac and cheese
Question 3
andresr/ E+/ Getty Images
How do you know when you're really vibing with a new person in your life?
It's hard to explain. You just know!
There's a lot of laughter.
When I feel like I can be myself, that's when I know.
Sometimes you feel like you've known someone forever.


Question 4
Hinterhaus/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Which one of these things makes you feel happiest with yourself?
Knowing that I did a good job
Helping out someone who needs it
Saving money when I really want to spend it
Choosing the healthier option on a menu
Question 5
miljko/ E+/ Getty Images
Gemstones are known to enhance our energies. Which one would you rather keep in your pocket?
Question 6
Cecilie_Arcurs/ E+/ Getty Images
When you meet other people, what sort of impression do you hope you give off?


Question 7
Hinterhaus/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
When your soul is feeling conflicted, how do you decide what's right?
I take it up with my higher power.
I tend to let things play out how they will.
Sometimes I toss a coin.
I grab a good friend and talk it out.
Question 8
NickyLloyd/ Moment/ Getty Images
Do you feel more energetic in the morning or at another time of the day?
I feel most energetic after I work out.
When the coffee hits, I hit my prime.
I usually feel energetic when I'm trying to fall asleep.
I'm a true night owl. I like to work at night.
Question 9
Thomas Barwick/ DigitalVision
If we asked your coworkers to describe your heart, which word would they use?


Question 10
Misha Kaminsky/ E+/ Getty Images
Do you have any idea what color your aura might be?
I've never seen it!
I think it's probably blue or purple.
I know my aura is red or yellow.
My aura is most likely some sort of green.
Question 11
Lucy Lambriex/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
What kind of advice do you usually give your friends when they need it?
I try to give honest advice.
They usually know the answer. I just need to point it out.
I always play the devil's advocate.
Sometimes I practice tough love with my friends.
Question 12
FUTURE LIGHT/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Do you ever check your horoscope to help guide your soul?
I check it because I want to know what's going to happen.
My soul can use all the guidance it can get!
I never check my horoscope.
My horoscope always inspires me.


Question 13
krisanapong detraphiphat/ Moment/ Getty Images
Would you consider yourself more of a religious person or a spiritual practitioner?
I'm both spiritual and religious.
I'm a very spiritual person.
I am devoutly religious.
I would consider myself either one.
Question 14
IronHeart/ Moment/ Getty Images
Do you think more like an old soul or a kid in a candy store?
I go back and forth.
I am forever young.
I feel like I've lived many lives.
I think I am age-appropriate.
Question 15
10'000 Hours/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Which one of these things might you use to pick yourself up after a hard day?
A long bath


Question 16
Flashpop/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Out of these things, which one would make you feel most excited?
An extra day off
An extra few bucks in my account
Finding my favorite flavor of ice cream
Meeting a new friend
Question 17
Tom Werner/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Do you tend to approach problems with creativity or with logic?
I tend to approach problems with patience.
I'm a lot more logical than creative.
I'm never afraid to think outside the box.
I just trust my intuition.
Question 18
sdominick/ E+/ Getty Images
What do you think happens to our souls when we leave our bodies?
We return to being energy.
We enter the afterlife we've earned.
I think our souls are reincarnated.
Our souls become part of another universe.


Question 19
Naga Film/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
If you could choose a guardian to look out for your soul, which one would you prefer?
An angel
A wild boar
A Viking
Chuck Norris
Question 20
Jose Luis Palaez Inc./ DigitalVsion/ Getty Images
What do you usually notice about people when you first meet them?
I notice their body language.
Their clothing choices stand out to me.
I tend to pick up on their energy first.
I'm always summing up their intelligence levels.
Question 21
Carlina Teteris/ Moment/ Getty Images
Which one of these things is most likely to keep your soul up late at a night?
Financial worries
Eating the wrong thing before bed
Trying to solve a problem


Question 22
Arman Zhenikeyev/ Moment/ Getty Images
When you feel tired or overwhelmed, how do you refresh yourself?
I take a lot of naps.
A long walk clears my head.
A few days away from home does the trick.
I make myself a great meal.
Question 23
Sara Monika/ Cultura/ Getty Images
How many soulmates do you think we get in our lifetimes?
It varies from person to person.
There's no limit to how many we can have.
I think we only get one true soulmate.
I really don't believe in soulmates.
Question 24
d3sign/ Moment/ Getty Images
Are you the type that can find something good about every situation?
I do my best!
There's always a reason to be grateful.
If I can find something good, I find something interesting.
I always look to what comes next.


Question 25
Thomas Barwick/ DigitalVision
How would you rank yourself on the scale of mindfulness?
Question 26
Thomas Barwick/ DigitalVision
Out of all your personality traits, which of them comes directly from your soul?
Sense of adventure
Question 27
Jose Luis Palaez Inc./ DigitalVsion/ Getty Images
Judging by your soul, which job could you have held in a former life?
Commander in Chief


Question 28
Thomas Barwick/ DigitalVision
Pretend you're at a party. Which kind of vibe attracts you to join in?
I love the networking vibe.
The dancefloor is full of good vibes.
The food table is where you'll find the best energy.
I try to sit with those who look out of place.
Question 29
Luis Alvarez/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Do you believe that your soul can send messages to you in your dreams?
I'm certain it can.
No, but I believe our dreams tell us something.
I don't think our dreams mean anything.
I'm open to the idea.
Question 30
Luis Alvarez/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
If we asked your boss to sum up your attitude, what would they say?
Hard to read


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