What's Your Spirit Animal?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What's Your Spirit Animal?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz


Are you ready to discover what is your spirit animal ? Dive into this fun and enlightening quiz to uncover which animal best represents your inner character. From the Native American tradition to pop culture references like Harry Potter, the concept of a spirit animal has been a fascinating and enduring symbol throughout history.

Forget about just picking your favorite animal - your spirit animal goes much deeper than that. It's a creature that mirrors your personality, emotions, and instincts. Whether you're social or antisocial, bold or fearful, playful or serene, there's an animal out there that resonates with your innermost self. Let's explore the diverse souls of the animal kingdom and see which one has a special connection to you!

Join the adventure and unlock the secrets of your spirit animal in just 5 minutes. Embrace the wisdom and insight that comes with discovering your animal counterpart. From the majestic eagle to the playful dolphin, you'll be amazed at the connection you feel with your spirit animal. Take the quiz now and let the animal kingdom reveal a hidden part of yourself!

Are you a team player?
Not even a teeny bit.
Do you like to create things?
Not really my thing.
I don't do that but I love to help others, mostly with moral support and encouragement.
It's my raison d'etre.
I built my own house, so there's that.
Where would you ideally live?
On the open prairie.
On a farm with lots of animals.
In a bustling city.
On a mountainside.


What is your preferred weather?
Light breeze, overcast.
I love it all as long as I get to do out in it.
Still and damp.
Bright and windy.
Are you scary?
I am more scared than scary.
When my friends are threatened.
Yes, but I really don't know what I did to get this reputation.
No, but I'm very imposing.
What do you fear?
Change. Surprises. That thing over there which I've seen 100 times but the light caught it just so and - ahhh!


Overhead view of friends dining at table with food in backyard garden
Thomas Barwick / Getty Images
What's your favorite food?
I'm a vegetarian.
Any good hearty meat dish.
Anything really. I have an adventurous palate.
Small game and chicken.
How empathic are you?
Quite a lot.
It's my top skill.
Not at all.
Not very.
What's the best way to really piss you off?
Make me spend all day in a confined space.
Leave me alone a lot.
Get in my way when I'm minding my own business.
Constantly talking about how great I am while ruining all my fun by building cities where I need open space.


What's your weakness?
I am very neurotic.
I love too openly and sacrifice too readily.
I do not understand my enemies.
I'm not very kind or warm.
In real life what's your secret skill?
I have a sense of humor.
I can open anything.
I can jump many times my own height.
I have incredible aim.
Who is your best friend in real life?
Folks like me.
My family.
I don't need friends.
My spouse.


What virtue would you choose?
What sin would you choose?
What's your bed made of?
I can sleep standing up but I like a nice squashy surface for lying on, just in case.
My bed is a big soft cushiony one but I much prefer to share a family member's bed if I can.
I built it myself when I designed and made my house!
I like to sleep high off the ground.


Name an achievement that makes you proud.
I learn new skills when I'm taught well, and enjoy making progress with my friends.
I take care of those around me. I lift them when their spirits are down and I celebrate their joys with them.
I built my own house and it is absolutely beautiful.
I get by in a hostile world.
What movie would you choose?
Black Stallion.
Air Bud.
Charlotte's Web.
Last of the Mohicans.
What city's sports team represents you?


Do people underestimate you often?
Kinda the opposite honestly.
All the time.
Not much.
What's your signature greeting?
I toss my head and stamp a foot.
I leap on my friends and hug and kiss them vigorously.
I make a nice present for my friends and clean their house for them.
I circle my friends while watching them with laser-like focus.
What's your policy on monogamy?
It's for chumps. I like matriarchy in which the man is mostly there for the sperm. It is a common misconception that he is in charge.
In captivity I settle into an alpha male structure, but my natural preference is a nuclear family unit led by a male and female pair.
It's ridiculous. I have a kajillion kids and no idea who the other parent is.
I mate for life and spend forever with my partner.


Young Asian woman carrying suitcase, walking by the window at airport terminal. Young Asian female traveller waiting for boarding at airport. Business travel. Travel and vacation concept
d3sign / Getty Images
Do you like to travel?
Yes, with a group, to places I've been before.
Definitely if I'm going with my family.
Nope. I spent too much time working on my home.
Far and wide. I can be a loner sometimes.
What job would your spirit human have?
Laborer, trucker, dock worker, etc.
Cop, bouncer, bodyguard, that sort of thing.
Architect, graphic designer, or gallery curator.
International assassin.
feel like You fall in a hole. How do you get out?
Like an acrobat.


You see someone who has some food you want. Do you...
Bite them until they give it to me.
Ask them very nicely, but very insistently, if I may have some.
Steal a piece while they're not looking.
Just take it.
How's your work ethic?
Good as long as I have someone to remind me what to do.
As long as I believe in what I'm working on, I will work myself to death.
Very good. I don't require much supervision either.
Eh. I do what I must to get by.
What's your parenting style?
A little indulgent, and very loving.
Dedicated and protective.
Free-range, totally negligent, call it what you like.
Protective, but it's really my job to see that they gain independence as fast as possible.


How do you handle increased responsibility?
It's OK ,but I need to be properly guided through it.
I always rise to the occasion if I can! I don't want to let anyone down.
I work harder and build more.
I have never had this problem.
Who or what is your natural enemy?
Urban sprawl.
How set are you in your ways?
I can always learn with the right encouragement.
Over a certain age, sort of like stone really.
I'm flexible.
