What's Your Totem Animal?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
What's Your Totem Animal?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz


Ready to discover your spirit animal? Take this fun and enlightening quiz to find out your totem animal! Native Americans believe that totem animals are spiritual guides that stay with you for life, helping you achieve your goals and protect you from the bad stuff out there. How cool is that?

From magical crows to faithful dogs to clever coyotes, your totem animal could be anything! But remember, you don't choose your totem animal - it chooses you. And the best part? Your totem animal will only reveal itself when the time is right. Want to speed up the process? Take this quiz and see which animal has your back!

So what are you waiting for? Embrace the mystery and magic of totem animal quiz by taking this quiz today. Let your spirit animal guide you through life, and discover the unique connection you share with the animal kingdom. Who knows, you might just find your new favorite animal companion!

Coffee Pouring In Mug
Stefania Pelfini, La Waziya Phot / Getty Images
What are you doing Saturday morning?
Going out for a run with my friends
Working out
Reading a book
Sleeping in
Group of young adult friends walking down urban street and using smartphone
MoMo Productions / Getty Images
How would your friends describe you?
Shady. Just a little.
Teenage girl (15-17) cheating on math test
Andy Sacks / Getty Images
Have you ever cheated on anyone?
No, that would be too hurtful to them.
No, that would be weak.
No, but I have been cheated on.


How do you handle fear?
By working through it
By tackling it head on
By being willing to change my ways to face it
By working around it
What is your living situation?
I live with roomies.
I live alone.
I live with my significant other.
I live for free with someone else.
Woman looking at multiple screens of stock market data
Alistair Berg / Getty Images
Do you think some people should make more money than others?
No, everyone should share pretty equally.
Yes, the strongest should make more.
I am not sure.
Yes, the smartest should make more.


What do you do if your friend is being mugged?
Jump in and try to help!
Beat the mugger senseless.
Cry out for help!
Slink away.
What is your best quality?
My internal drive
My courage
My beauty
My mind
Digital generated image of tall trees forming heart shape against blue sky. Sustainability concept.
Andriy Onufriyenko / Getty Images
Have you made great changes in your life?
No, I hate change.
Not really
Kind of


Forgiveness - supporting mother and hugging daughter.
rbkomar / Getty Images
What do you do if a friend hurts you?
Forgive them
Talk it out with them.
Get revenge
Boys (8-10) tying girls (7-9) to tree, outdoors
Joos Mind / Getty Images
What would you do if you were stuck in the woods?
Wait for my friends to come get me.
Find a stream to get water and fish.
Yell for help!
Try and follow my trail back out.
Studio portrait - A woman smiling
Catherine Delahaye / Getty Images
How good looking are you?
Umm, I am okay.
I am pretty cute.
I am gorgeous!
It depends on who you ask.


How many close friends do you have?
Do you like roadrunners?
I guess so.
Not really.
I hate them.
How often do you yell?
Not often
All the time


Are you a team player at work?
Kind of
Multiracial audience laughing while enjoying comedy show at amateur theater
Maskot / Getty Images
Do you like to play a lot of practical jokes?
Not really
Not at all
Yes, I love those!
Do you like to travel?
No, I always have too much to do.
Here and there
I love it!
I do it whenever I can.


What would be a good sport for you?
What do you do when at the beach?
Build sand castles
Play in the water
Check people out
Why do people that date you like you?
I am dependable.
I am protective.
I am totally hot!
I am fun to hang out with.


Are you generous?
Very much so
To people that I like
Kind of
Not really
If you had to pick one of these places to live, where would it be?
In a cave
In a tree
Under a shed
Were you good in school?
Very much so
I was okay.
I was pretty good.
Yes, but I could have done better.


How fast are you?
Not at all
Not very
Extremely fast
Pretty fast
How much time do you spend getting ready in the morning?
A couple minutes
About a half an hour
At least an hour
15 minutes
Do you often need help carrying things?
No, I can carry twice my weight.
No, I am super strong.
Of course.
Are you talking about things bigger than a chicken?


How scary are you?
Not very
Pretty darn scary
Not at all
Not very, which is why I sneak up on people and freak them right out.
If you could do one thing, what would it be?
End world hunger
Be left alone
Get away with anything I wanted
If people called you "sneaky" how would you feel?
