About This Quiz
The Twilight Saga is a series of vampire fantasy romance novels written by Stephanie Meyer. They include "Twilight," "New Moon," "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn," which were published and later adapted into films. It followed a high school teen named Bella Swan and her romance with the 104-year-old teen turned vampire Edward Cullen.
When a person transforms from a human into a vampire, many of the traits that they possessed as a human also cross over into their new form. Just as their senses are heightened, any skills that they might have owned is also significantly increased.ÂÂ
The powers are based on many different things, one of which is the mind. There are also others which manifest physically and some which are based on human emotion. For example, Edward's power is telepathy that allows him to read the minds of others, Bella's power is a mental shield that prevents people from reading her mind, and it also allows her to protect other people. The rest of the cast have powers including tactile projection, pathogenesis, and subjective precognition.
If you were a vampire in the Twilight Saga, what kind of powers would you have and would they be best suited to your personality? Which of the already existing vampires do you share a power with, and will you be happy with it? The only way to find out is to take this quiz!
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