What's Your Wiccan Name?

By: Marie Hullett
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What's Your Wiccan Name?
Image: Neville Sukhia Photography / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Sometimes called Pagan witchcraft, Wiccan is a contemporary new religious movement developed in early 20th century England. Drawing upon ancient Pagan symbolism and Hermetic Order, the religion endorses many rituals, practices, and teachings that involve the natural and spiritual realm. Due to their divine connection with nature, some religious scholars have dubbed Wicca a "nature religion," a term that many practitioners appreciate.

Wicca's Rule of Three states that the energy extended into the world, positive or negative, will return to that person three times over. The religion is duotheistic, with followers typically worshipping a goddess (Moon or Great Goddess) and god (Horned God). Rather than personal deities, they are often described as impersonal forces inherent throughout the universe.

If you're interested in joining this accepting, naturalistic religion, you might want to consider a new name. Maybe you're tired of being Anna or Bob, anyway. What about Willow, Grainne or Bronwen instead? Like with other aspects of the religion, Wiccans draw upon the natural world and Pagan legend for name inspiration, as well as the traits inherent to each unique individual.

Fortunately, this quiz can tell you just what your ideal Wiccan name should be. When you answer a few key questions, you'll be ready to summon the gods and conduct magic rites in the forest in no time. Don't worry, it's not challenging - there are no right or wrong answers, so you won't even need to consult Wiccapedia once.

In order to become a Wiccan, you must study the craft for at least a year and a day, according to Scire. (a.k.a. Gerald Gardner). Are you prepared to do so?
Sure, why not? I'm always prepared to study (and pass with flying colors).
I'm not really known for my book smarts.
I'll have to think about it. Will there be a test? Because I prefer open-ended questions.
Can't you make any exceptions?
You studied hard, and now you've been officially initiated as a Wiccan. What do you hope to attain from your spiritual journey?
Weightlessness of the soul
A divine connection with nature
The channel of positive energy into and from the universe
A deep connection with the Mother Goddess
Which inhumane part of earth makes your heart ache?
Environmental destruction
Animal cruelty
Child endangerment


Are you interested in finding a romantic partner along your spiritual journey, or would you prefer to move through this life solo?
I would like to find a partner, but not one that overshadows my personal journey.
I'll tackle this on my own.
I'm open to whatever life brings.
I hope to find my soulmate.
Do you identify more with the divine masculine (Great Horned God) or feminine (Great Goddess)?
Something in between
Which role would you like to fulfill within your new Wiccan community?
Scouter and designator of the ritual sites
Self-defense and watcher of the coven
Poet and spell-composer
Leader of the ceremonies


Before each ceremony, you will place a special crown upon your head. What will yours feature?
Bird feathers
Twigs and greenery
Seaweed and driftwood
You will also wear a cloak made of which material?
Black fur and feathers
Sun-tanned leather
Gold silk
Indigo-dyed linen
Now, which shoes will you wear into the wilderness?
No shoes
Leather combat boots
Silver silk slippers that lace up the calf
Pointed emerald heels made from velvet


Which one of these Wiccan quotes speaks to you most deeply?
"Good energy was never meant to be wasted on idiocy." - Wiccan author Silver RavenWolf
"Magic is natural. It is a harmonious movement of energies to create a needed change." - Wiccan author Scott Cunningham
"My religion speaks of the old ways. It is the perfume of my night, the sanctity of my day." - Wiccan poet Karla Bardanza
"At heart, we are all powerful, beautiful and capable of changing the world with our bare hands." - Wiccan author Dianne Sylvan
Children tend to dream big. Growing up, what did you always dream of becoming?
Something intellectual: a professor, researcher, scientist, etc.
Something strong: a warrior, a marine, a firefighter, etc.
An artist of some sort: poet, painter, musician, etc.
A model or celebrity
A fellow Wiccan offers you a gift to congratulate you on your initiation. What would you most like to receive?
A Macaw bird
An archery set
A hand-bound journal and custom-engraved pen
A Betta fish


If you were to retreat into nature to study your craft, where would you go?
A tree house in the forest
A cabin in the mountains
A yurt alongside a rushing waterfall
An oceanside bungalow
In a Wiccan ritual, which tool would you like to source energy from?
Now, it's time to cast a spell. What would you like to stir up in the universe?
I would like to attain knowledge toward scientific advancement.
I would like to heal animals.
I would like to spread creativity and peace.
I would like to promote love.


Which spiritual being will you invoke for assistance in your ritual?
The raven
The warrior
The fairy
The water nymph
Where will you perform this divine rite?
On a carefully made bed of twigs, leaves and bramble
Deep in the forest under the stars
In a garden just as the night-blooming flowers unfurl
In the pebbles beside a babbling brook
Now, which Wiccan element will you thank for its contribution to your spell?


It's time to adorn the altar for the Sabbat. Which one is your favorite?
Imbolg or Brigid's Day: Preparation for Spring
Mabon or Harvest Home: Fall Equinox
Litha or Midsummer: Summer Solstice
Yule: Winter Solstice
What will you place upon the altar for this festive occasion?
Raven feathers
A ram's skull
Sage incense
Hibiscus flowers
Now, which type of candles will you light for the seance?
Sea salt


Naturally, your altar also needs a magical crystal. Which stone will you harness power from?
Finally, it's time to choose an herb to put the magic in motion. What will it be?
Sea moss
Everyone Wiccan loves a good sacred ritual. What part of these occasions do you enjoy most?
Purifying the sacred space and casting the circle
Drawing down the gods
The wine, cakes, chanting and dancing
The Great Rite


"If you have time to breathe," spiritual leader Ajahn Amaro once said, "you have time to meditate." Sometimes, it helps to pick a symbol to meditate on. Which Wiccan symbol will you choose?
The Eye of Horus
The Horned God
Solar cross
Hecate's wheel (represents the goddess, Maiden, Mother and Crone)
Time to lay the tarot cards upon the lambskin cloth. During your reading, which Major Arcana card do you draw?
The Magician
The Star
The High Priestess
During your reading, the fortune teller reveals a few key insights about your future. What does she say about your career trajectory?
I will become a wise and influential philosopher.
I will become a prolific veterinarian.
I will become an acclaimed poet.
I will become a revered political leader.


What else do you hope is in your cards?
Your intellect will alter perceptions about the world.
You will serve as an unwavering pillar of strength for many.
Your art will inspire.
Your guidance will serve whole cities.
Before you leave, the fortune teller bids you farewell with this bit of advice. What do you really need to hear right now?
Look to people, not just ideas
Focus, and you will attain perfect harmony of heart and mind.
Tap into all of your senses to achieve your goal.
Forgive your enemies to make peace.
Answering all these questions may have worked up your appetite. Time to enjoy a mystical bite to eat. What will it be?
Scrambled eggs for psychic cleansing
Smoked meat for divine strength
Apple and fruit salad healing
Avocado and sea salt toast for beauty therapy


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