About This Quiz
Sometimes called Pagan witchcraft, Wiccan is a contemporary new religious movement developed in early 20th century England. Drawing upon ancient Pagan symbolism and Hermetic Order, the religion endorses many rituals, practices, and teachings that involve the natural and spiritual realm. Due to their divine connection with nature, some religious scholars have dubbed Wicca a "nature religion," a term that many practitioners appreciate.
Wicca's Rule of Three states that the energy extended into the world, positive or negative, will return to that person three times over. The religion is duotheistic, with followers typically worshipping a goddess (Moon or Great Goddess) and god (Horned God). Rather than personal deities, they are often described as impersonal forces inherent throughout the universe.
If you're interested in joining this accepting, naturalistic religion, you might want to consider a new name. Maybe you're tired of being Anna or Bob, anyway. What about Willow, Grainne or Bronwen instead? Like with other aspects of the religion, Wiccans draw upon the natural world and Pagan legend for name inspiration, as well as the traits inherent to each unique individual.
Fortunately, this quiz can tell you just what your ideal Wiccan name should be. When you answer a few key questions, you'll be ready to summon the gods and conduct magic rites in the forest in no time. Don't worry, it's not challenging - there are no right or wrong answers, so you won't even need to consult Wiccapedia once.