Which ’90s Saturday Morning Cartoon Character Are You?
By: Ian Fortey
4 min
Image: Snee-Oosh, Inc. / Nickelodeon Animation Studio
About This Quiz
Kids these days will never know the full joy of a Saturday morning cartoon binge as children did a few years ago. The tradition took off in the 1960s, but by the end of the 1990s, it started to die off. See, the landscape of TV changed so much that the idea of a Saturday morning cartoon just wasn't relevant anymore. There were whole networks devoted to nothing but cartoons and kids' shows, so you could watch all day Saturday if you wanted but also Tuesday at 3 a.m. and Friday afternoon as well. Saturday wasn't special anymore. Now you can stream cartoons 24/7. No one needs a Saturday morning cartoon. But they used to!
In the '90s, you still had to wait all week for that special morning binge, and it was exciting. All the best shows were on, and you had to be smart about what to watch because you only had a few hours. Every 30-minute block needed to be carefully selected. If you remembered that thrill and were a hardcore '90s cartoon devotee, then you must have realized one character stood out more than all the others, one character that seemed to be you in cartoon form. Time to take the quiz and see who that was!
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Do you feel like you're a very active and animated kind of person?