Image: The Movie DB
Which form of the "Anne of Green Gables" remakes do you like the most?
The musicals
The original book is the best
The TV shows
The movies
If you were an orphan, like Anne, who would you want to adopt you?
Marilla Cuthbert
Muriel Stacy
Matthew Cuthbert
Rachel Lynde
Would you give up a coveted scholarship to stay home and nurse a loved one?
In a heartbeat
No, I would not
I'd be too torn to decide
I would want to, but I wouldn't
How creative would you say you are?
Insanely creative
Not creative at all
Quite creative
A little creative
Are you good with household chores?
Not really
I invented chores
No, I'm not
Yes, I'm very good with them
Could you and would you ever be satisfied with a domestic life?
No, I'm too wild for it
Maybe when I grow old
I think I'd be bored on the first day
Yes, it's what I want
Would you ever call yourself stubborn?
I can be
Stuck in my ways, yes
I pretend to be but I'm really not
No I'm not
On a scale of one to four, where one is the least and four is the most, how fiery is your temper?
Have you ever secretly had a crush on someone you constantly fought with?
Yes, many times
No, never
I honestly hated them at first
Maybe once
Let's go back over 100 years ago. What would you be doing in your free time?
Which invention would you have come up with back then?
Assembly line
Ice cream cone
100 year ago, how would you have met someone special?
I would date the new guy/gal in town
I would be set up with someone
I would probably be with someone I worked with
I would get with my childhood best friend
Which description fits your ideal partner?
Someone who is dark and mysterious
Someone who is strong-willed
Someone who can handle a few jokes
Someone who will love me for me
Which Anne of Green Gables male would be your love interest?
Gilbert Blythe
Mr. Phillips
Matthew Cuthbert
Charlie Sloane
What's your biggest pet peeve?
People underestimating me
Disloyal people
People who are lazy
Rude people
How do you react when something unfortunate happens?
I become hysterical
I deal with it
I laugh about it
I despair about it
Which quote makes you smile the most?
“People laugh at me because I use big words. But if you have big ideas, you have to use big words to express them, haven’t you?”
“I can’t cheer up — I don’t want to cheer up. It’s nicer to be miserable!”
“I’ve done my best, and I begin to understand what is meant by ‘the joy of strife’. Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing.”
“I can’t. I’m in the depths of despair. Can you eat when you are in the depths of despair?”
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