Image: The Movie DB
About This Quiz
"Band of Brothers" is one of those cultural touchstones most Americans remember. Watching the show was gut-wrenching, and we all had a character or two we identified with. The question is: is that the character who you are?
Are you good in a crisis?
I've got ice water in my veins
I'm good in a crisis, but not so much as a leader
I'm Mr. Crisis
I cause the crisis
Would your friends consider you reliable?
Only my friends do, not anyone else
I'm rock steady
Are you well liked?
I'm respected, but not necessarily liked
I'm very well liked
I'm not liked as a person, but everyone wants me in their foxhole
I have no idea
Are you good at your job?
I try
I think my job's parameters aren't well defined
I'm the best at what I do
Not really
How determined are you?
Are you questioning me, son?
Well, I did volunteer for WW2 service
How is your judgement?
Very good
Generally good, but my personal judgement isn't great
Poor, but I call it bravery
Not the best
Do others think you complain much?
I don't complain about nothin'
My complaining is the least of their complaints
What would you consider the high point of your military career?
Capturing the Eagle's Nest
Liberating a concentration camp
Taking an important POW
What state might suit you to go home to?
New Jersey
Southern California
West Virginia
Northern California
If you had your druthers, what would you get up to at The Eagle's Nest?
Graffiti my name into Hitler's toilet
Steal looted art
Blow it up
Pee in the fountain
Are you good in the cold?
No, I drink too much
I hate it but I can handle it
I'm great, but my equipment isn't
Will you make it onto the front of the box set?
I think so
I'll probably be in a corner
Would playing your character be a good jumping off point for an actor's career?
It's a nice chance to not be typecast
Not for me
I'm gonna be a huge star
How good do you look in your uniform?
I look pretty snappy
I look like a drunk
I look like a slob
I've got a brown patch in the seat of my trousers
What fictional soldier do you identify with?
Captain America
Sir Yvain
Animal Mother
Captain Mainwaring
What real soldier do you identify with?
Julius Caesar
Airman First Class Spencer Stone
George W. Bush
What song shall you sing as you go off to war?
"Over There"
"Oh What A Lovely War"
"Battle Hymn of The Republic"
"Those Magnificent Men And Their Flying Machines"
Who is your sweetheart?
Vera Lynn
The Andrews Sisters, both of them
Nancy Wake, Gorilla Fighter
Elsie Ott, Flight Nurse
How do you feel about spies?
They are worth the trouble when they get the job done
They haven't done me much good
If they can sing the second verse of the national anthem, they get a bullet in the head
What? There's a spy here? Oh God!