About This Quiz
Your moral compass is defined as "an internalized set of values and objectives that guide a person with regard to ethical behavior and decision making." In a day where everyone thinks that what they are doing is right, how do we really determine what is right and what is wrong? Should we follow the norms that society and the law have put in place or should we follow our hearts or go with our conscience when making decisions?
Each of the four directions (north, south, east and west) is associated with different traits and characteristics which if your compass points to you are said to possess. Having a compass that points north has always been optimal, as this is the direction that a regular compass points. On the other end of the spectrum is south, which for many years has been given a bad rap as it is not fully understood by many.ÂÂ
What direction does your moral compass point? Will it be a direction that is significant to you or will you be asking yourself how you ended up with that outcome? Well, there is only one way to find out, and that is by answering the questions in this quiz!
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