Which Direction Does Your Moral Compass Point?

By: Khadija Leon
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Direction Does Your Moral Compass Point?
Image: MSW/Cultura/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Your moral compass is defined as "an internalized set of values and objectives that guide a person with regard to ethical behavior and decision making." In a day where everyone thinks that what they are doing is right, how do we really determine what is right and what is wrong? Should we follow the norms that society and the law have put in place or should we follow our hearts or go with our conscience when making decisions?

Each of the four directions (north, south, east and west) is associated with different traits and characteristics which if your compass points to you are said to possess. Having a compass that points north has always been optimal, as this is the direction that a regular compass points. On the other end of the spectrum is south, which for many years has been given a bad rap as it is not fully understood by many. 

What direction does your moral compass point? Will it be a direction that is significant to you or will you be asking yourself how you ended up with that outcome? Well, there is only one way to find out, and that is by answering the questions in this quiz!

How often do you tell lies?
Almost never
Quite often
Only when I need to
Would you ever confess to committing a crime?
I don't know.
It depends on the crime.
Where do you think you're going when you die?
I have no clue.


Someone cuts in front of you on a line, what do you do?
Say nothing
Make a scene
Say something to them
Cut in front of them
Someone is standing in front of the television that you are watching; what do you say?
"Excuse me."
"Is your last name glass?"
"Can you please move?"
"Get out of the way!"
You see a wallet on the floor; what do you do?
See who it belongs to
Leave it there
Bring it to the police station
Take some of the change in it


You see someone being robbed; what do you do?
Stop the thief
Call the police
Stop and watch
Run away
If someone offered you a large amount of money to harm someone, would you?
No, and I would report them.
I don't know.
It depends on who the person is.
How much money are we talking?
You try to withdraw $20 at the ATM, but it gives you $200; what do you do?
Return $180 to the bank
Give some of it away
Save some of it
Keep it


A beggar asks you for money, how much do you give them?
I prefer to give them food.
Would you ever lend money to a friend?
Only if they needed it
I don't think so.
How long would you wait to ask for the money back if you lent it to a friend ?
I would not ask for it.
3 months
A month
A week


Would you ever sell nudes of a celebrity to the tabloids?
Only if they already had nudes out there
I wouldn't want that for anyone.
Would you ever steal from the rich to help the poor?
I don't think so.
I would steal to help myself first.
Your friend is not invited to a mutual friend's party; what do you do?
Ask the host to bring them
Not go
Bring them with me
Apologize to them


People keep circulating rumors about someone you know, what do you decide to do?
Confront them
Tell the person involved
Ask them to stop
Say nothing
Your coworker is being rude to the intern, would you say anything?
Tell them to be nice
Say nothing
Talk to the supervisor
Tell the intern to toughen up
You overhear your mom saying that she is going to lose her home; hwo do you react?
Ask her how you can help
Ask her why she didn't tell you
Ask her how soon
Begin to cry


If your brother was a wanted criminal, would you turn him in?
Yes, because it is the right thing to do.
Yes, because I don't want to get in trouble.
I don't know.
Would you ever tell a friend if their significant other was being unfaithful?
I would tell them to tell their partner, or I will.
I would send them an anonymous note.
I'm not getting involved.
Would you ever sabotage someone to get ahead?
It depends on the person.
I need to think about this one.


Would you ever throw someone under the bus in order to stay out of trouble?
I can't say that I won't.
I don't think so.
Everyone has done it.
Would you ever donate a kidney?
Probably not
For the right of money, yes
You find a stray dog outside of your apartment, what are you going to do?
Take it to a shelter
Adopt it
Feed it
Leave it alone


You are babysitting a child when you lose sight of them for two minutes, what do you do?
Call the parents
Call the police
Scream the child's name
Look for them
You stumble upon evidence for a high-profile case. What do you do?
Call the police
Take pictures
Run away
I never saw anything.
A stranger is being beaten up right in front of you; what do you do?
Help them
Call the police
Call for help
Record the incident


The person in front of you at the supermarket slips something into their handbag, what would you say?
I tell them to return it or pay for it.
I call security.
I take it out of their bag.
I say nothing.
You're on a boat with only six life jackets, but seven people in need, how do you decide who to exclude?
I would volunteer to stay without one.
I don't know.
We would all draw straws.
I would keep one for myself and let the others decide among themselves.
You're a doctor whose patient does not have long to live. Do you tell them?
Yes, they deserve to know.
I would ask them if they wanted to hear bad news.
I'm not sure.
Only if they ask


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