About This Quiz
In the year 1937, Walt Disney Animated Studios released its first animated movie, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," and just a few years later, the film "Cinderella" appeared on movie screens across the country. In those movies, we saw young and beautiful girls being rescued by handsome princes whom they would later marry. Although it was a long time ago, today it would have been referred to as #relationshipgoals. These were the kinds of movies which had little children believing in true love, and that one day, someone (hopefully royalty) would sweep them off of their feet.Â
Today, many of our favorite modern Disney couples have built friendships together before falling in love, like Tiana and Naveen, and Anna and Kristoff.Â
Did your relationship get off to a rocky start, like Aladdin and Jasmine's? Was it a slow burn, like Ariel and Eric's? Did you two start off as friends, like Anna and Kristoff, or would you be Belle and the Beast? There is only one way to find out which of these Disney lovebirds are most like you and your significant other, and that's by taking this quiz!
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