About This Quiz
"Elite" is a Spanish-based drama that combines the elements of a thriller with scandalous plot twists and sassy characters. These characters are the heart of the show, and in this quiz, we're going to find out which one you're similar to! Unlike other types of teen drama shows, "Elite" explores certain issues within today's society, as well as various perspectives on the standard high school cliques. In short: the characters and themes are not one-dimensional.
Take Carla, for instance. While she's cold and prideful on the outside, this blonde beauty secretly seeks to be ordinary. Sure, it's great to be popular and have all the money in the world, but Carla actually has the most fun with Samuel, as they both indulge in activities that have nothing to do with power, drama and wealth. And speaking of Samuel, this character is a go-getter who doesn't wait for handouts. He is also portrayed as a kind and caring person who gets caught up in everyone else's drama. But Carla and Samuel are just the icing on the cake, as the foundation of the show also consists of Nadia, Polo, Ander and so many more.
But which one are you similar to? Well, the only way to find out is by taking our "Elite" quiz now!
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