Which Gemstone Matches Your Aura?

By: Pierre Roustan
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Which Gemstone Matches Your Aura?
Image: Malerapaso/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

We think it's just a bit too easy to go by the month when looking at gemstones. What does it matter what month you were born in? That doesn't mean your spirit resides in a ruby! The fact is your personality, your aura, encompasses so much more than a mere month. Consider the possibility that your soul may exist within something so much more. Here's the key of what you should be looking for in a gemstone so rare that there may even be an actual "soul" within the stone ...

Every gemstone in history has had a myth behind it. Diamonds were known to be birthed by lightning against stone, for instance. Still to this day many consider amethyst to be a magical relic of uncompromising power. Again, they're myths, but just ask yourself who began these stories and why? These gems are spectacles of unbridled aura, faith, memories, and more. And you wouldn't believe just how many different types of gemstones there are! This is all the more important as to why you must discover where your aura lies and why. Take this quiz right now and find out which gemstone is utterly you today!

What's the last thing on TV you watched, and why did you watch it?
"The Good Place" because of all the different stories and funny personalities.
"Grey's Anatomy" because I love medical dramas.
"The Flash" because of the fun energy and action.
"Dr. Who" because of all the different worlds you get to see.
You just found a lottery ticket outside a convenience store and turned it in. It won you a million dollars. What do you do with it?
Diversify my investment portfolio
Donate to cancer research and other science nonprofits
Travel around the world
Buy my dream home in Africa
If you were any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?
A chameleon, because of how you constantly change color
An eagle, because of how far you can fly
A dolphin, because of how free-spirited you are
A horse, because of how beautiful you'd be


What's the first thing that pops in your head when you're all alone in your car?
"Did I feed my cat?"
That article I read about biological implantation
"My legs hurt."
Music playing in my head
Who were you in high school?
Prom Queen or King
Debate Team Captain
Varsity Athlete
Drama Enthusiast
What was the craziest thing that ever happened to you just recently?
I ran into an old roommate of mine, like, five times in one day.
I saved a person's life at a restaurant via mouth-to-mouth and chest compressions.
I rescued a dog from a roaring river in the wilderness.
I sold my painting for a million dollars, just out of nowhere.


What inspires you to do the job you do, whatever job it is?
The projects
Seeing the results of what I do turn into revenue, profit or increased reputation
Getting a sweat
The people I work with
Every kid had a dream job to grow into. What was yours?
An astronaut
A scientist
A firefighter
A singer
What do you do in your free time?
What free time??


How do you rate your memory?
Spotty. Maybe a 4 or 5 out of 10.
I'd say a solid 7.
A respectable 3!
Perfect 10
If you woke up one day, checked your inbox to find 2,000 emails, and could only answer 300 of them, which ones would you answer first?
Client and colleague emails from work
Trending articles sent via RSS feed
None. I'd just delete all of them.
Friends and family
How would you value that store on the corner over there?
A hidden gem based on recurring customers still coming in consistently
By their profit-loss margin and revenue analytics
How fast I could just walk there
Do my friends hang out there?


I'm blind. Can you describe the color yellow to me?
"The color of yellow is NOT you right now, because you're so courageous."
"What is the color to you?"
"Like sand on the beach."
(Puts a lemon in your hand).... "You're holding a lemon. Can you imagine that?"
If you had the power to get rid of one state in the country, which state would that be?
Alaska. You have to freaking travel through Canada just to get there.
Nevada. Nothing really happens over there. It's just a desert.
Who cares about Indiana? It's just THERE.
Michigan. Way too much snow and potholes.
You've been given an elephant. You can't give it away or sell it. What do you do with it?
Start a circus.
Travel to Africa with it and trek the landscape in search of water for third-world countries.
Work at a zoo with it.
Name it Dumbo and keep it in my backyard.


If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you absolutely want to have with you?
A raft, a telescope, and a compass
Tylenol, Antihistamine, and caffeine
A spear, a pocketknife, and a beach ball
A pen, paper, and a clipboard
How do you motivate others?
I'm like a freakin' cheerleader.
I analyze the situation and detail a proven step-by-step process toward success.
I beat them all at their own game.
I work with them in everything they do.
How do you handle criticism?
Not very well. I cry like a baby.
I ask others to take a vote on opinions.
I try again. And again. And again. Until I get it right.
Scrap it and start over completely


What three characteristics do you need just to be successful in anything you do?
Collaboration, drive and energy
Accuracy, data and an end goal
Fluids, rest and confidence
Creativity, innovation and imagination
If you were left in the woods with only cardboard paper, matches and the frame of a camping tent, what would you build?
A really elaborate house with a fire pit in the middle of it.
I'd build rigged stints just in case I break any bones, and use the matches for warmth over a makeshift fire.
I'd break apart the frame into little pieces and light the cardboard paper and the pieces on fire.
I'd draw large letters on the cardboard paper with the ash from the matches and build an elaborate ladder to hand the paper on the trees (the letters will spell HELP).
If you were an animated character, who would you be and why?
Wile E. Coyote, because of those acme inventions he gets to try out.
Bugs Bunny, because he seems to solve so many problems.
Roadrunner (do you see how fast that bird is??)
Pepe Le Pew, because he's such a hopeless romantic.


What is your favorite Harry Potter book and why?
I liked the Deathly Hallows, because of how Harry had to solve so many different problems.
The Half-Blood Prince, because of the whole potions thing.
I dug the Goblet of Fire, because of the Tri-Wizard Tournament.
The Sorcerer's Stone, because that's where it all began.
If your boss asked you to jump for no reason, what would you say or do?
I'd ask him/her why.
How high?
I'd just jump.
"Is this a test?"
Why are manhole covers round?
Because those are the easiest to move, so the appropriate personnel can get into the sewers.
Because it's the safest way to prevent disease.
They're easier to roll out of the way.
They're more pleasing to look at.


What do you think of garden gnomes?
They're scary.
They are clues as to the family dynamic in the house, and I like studying them.
I like to break them.
They're cute.
If Hollywood made a movie out of your life, who would you want playing you in the lead role?
Sandra Bullock or George Clooney
Christopher Lloyd or Betty White
Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson or Milla Jovovich
Robin Williams or Barbara Streisand
If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be?
Christopher Columbus
Alexander the Great
William Shakespeare


If you were a type of food, what would you be?
Barbecue beef
What is your dream car?
Aston Martin
Dodge Charger
A Volkswagen Beetle
The newspaper did a feature article on you. What would the headline say?
"Respected Innovator Solves the Issue of World Peace"
"Anthropologist Discovers a New Breed of Dinosaur in the Himalayas"
"World-Class Boxer Comes Out of Retirement to Win"
"Actor Receives Standing Ovation During the Academy Awards"


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