Which "Home Alone" Character Are You?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which "Home Alone" Character Are You?
Image: Hughes Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox

About This Quiz

When John Hughes wrote "Home Alone" in 1990, he was coming off a string of unforgettable '80s movies like "The Breakfast Club" and "Pretty in Pink." "Home Alone" was a new direction for the writer - a family-oriented comedy rather than a teen one - and an instant holiday classic with all types of audiences. It had the warm appeal of a family movie with a clear-cut twist - a mischievous boy home by himself squaring off like a pint-sized MacGyver against a pair of bumbling crooks. It made Macauley Culkin a star and became a Christmas tradition for thousands of people. When the holidays roll in, you watch "Christmas Vacation," "A Christmas Story" and "Home Alone."

The family dynamic at the beginning of the movie speaks to many people. If you have a big family, then a big family gathering is equal parts exciting and nightmarish. Hughes and director Chris Columbus just made it over-the-top and hilarious in a way that's both relatable but distant enough to be funny and not induce the kind of holiday anxiety your real family Christmases do. So, which character matches you most closely? Take the quiz and find out!

Question 1 - Family
Hughes Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox
How well do you get along with your family?
I want my family to disappear.
I don't know my family well.
We're fine, I guess.
Extremely well
Question 3 -Pizza topping
Pixabay by PublicDomainImages
What's the best pizza topping?
Just cheese
All meat
I like veggie pizza.
christmas 3
Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you rather go on a big family vacation for Christmas or stay home?
I like the idea of staying at home.
It doesn't matter to me.
If everyone's there, a vacation would be fun.


Question 4 - Gangster
Alfran Productions/ Paramount Pictures
"Angels with Filthy Souls" isn't a real gangster movie, so what is your favorite gangster movie?
"The Godfather"
"The Departed"
Question 5 - Thankgiving or Xmas
Unsplash by Element5 Digital
At your holiday gatherings, which dinner is usually bigger - Thanksgiving or Christmas?
I don't make a big deal out of either.
I go all out for both.
Question 6 - Alone
Hughes Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox
What do you usually do when you have the house to yourself?
Go crazy - sing, dance, whatever I want
Snoop around
Hang out in my room
Tidy up


christmas 7
valentinrussanov / E+ / Getty Images
Do you ever lose your temper?
All the time
Once in a while
Question 8 - Annoying Family
Hughes Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox
Does your family ever get on your nerves?
Like you wouldn't believe
Everyone gets on my nerves.
Just some of them
I love them no matter what.
Question 9 - Inventing
Pixabay by TeroVesalainen
How good are you at building and inventing things?
Extremely good
Not very
I haven't tried much.
I do OK, I guess.


christmas 10
Ariel Skelley / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you usually have a big gathering at Christmas?
Too often, if you ask me
Just my immediate family
Whenever we can
Question 11 - Independent
Unsplash by Hannah Busing
Would you consider yourself pretty independent?
Very much so
I work best with someone else.
Sometimes, I guess
Not at all
Question 12 - Holidays
Unsplash by Andrew Neel
Aside from Christmas, which holiday is your favorite?
The 4th of July
My birthday is a holiday, right?


Question 13 - Robbed
Hughes Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox
Have you ever been robbed?
I haven't been robbed, but people take my stuff sometimes.
Not in a long time
Question 14 - Self defense
Hughes Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox
Do you have any self-defense training?
Nothing formal
I wish
I'm pretty skilled.
I've never needed it.
Question 15 - Forgetful
Hughes Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox
Would you say you're forgetful?
Not me
I try not to forget the important stuff.
Maybe a little
I can be, yeah.


Question 16 - Spontaneous
Unsplash by Alex Alvarez
Do you like to have things planned out, or do you prefer to live a little more spontaneously?
I can fly by the seat of my pants sometimes.
A good plan makes a job go more smoothly.
Either way
I need a plan.
Question 17 - Forgiveness
Unsplash by Gus Moretta
Are you able to forgive and forget when someone in your family does something really awful?
Not at all
They might have to prove they're sorry.
In a heartbeat
Question 18 - Hurt
Hughes Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox
Do you ever laugh when someone gets hurt?
Yeah, if it's funny
You shouldn't laugh at someone's misfortune.
Yes, as long as it's not me.
No, that's awful.


Question 19 - Lemonade
Pixabay by Jill Wellington
Are you the type of person who makes lemonade out of lemons?
I can make anything out of lemons.
Not really
Sometimes yes and sometimes no
I try to be that type of person.
Question 20 - No Attention
Hughes Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox
Do you ever feel like no one pays attention to you?
Yeah, sometimes
Not really
I make sure people pay attention to me.
christmas 21
ideabug / E+ / Getty Images
Can you keep your cool under pressure?
You bet I can!
I make a lot of mistakes when I get stressed.
I get anxious, but that just motivates me.


Question 22 - Humor
Hughes Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox
Do you think you have a good sense of humor?
I like to think so.
Mine is a bit twisted.
I do love a good laugh.
When it's appropriate
christmas 23
Andersen Ross Photography Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you any good at dealing with conflict?
I'm pretty great at it.
Not really
When I have the upper hand
I try to avoid it.
Question 24 - Side Dishes
Pixabay by vivienviv0
What's your favorite side dish at Christmas dinner?
Mashed potatoes
Green bean casserole


Question 25 - Decisions
Hughes Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox
Do you tend to make decisions with your head or with your heart?
Maybe both
My gut
My head
My heart
Question 26 -Trying New Things
Unsplash by Robert Baker
Do you like to try new things?
It takes me a little while to get into new stuff, but I'm open to trying.
Sure, sometimes
It depends on what it is.
Question 28 - Forgot Important
Hughes Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox
Have you ever forgotten something extremely important and regretted it later?
Nothing "extremely" important
Once or twice
Oh, yeah


Question 27 - Crowds
Unsplash by Nicholas Green
When you're in a big crowd of people, do you like to stand out, or would you rather fade into the background?
I hope I stand out.
I don't want to be seen.
I like to be the center of attention.
I don't need to stand out that much.
Question 29 - Excited or Anxious
Hughes Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox
When you think about the holidays, do you get excited or anxious?
Excited, I guess.
A little anxious
Question 30 - At Home
Hughes Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox
Do you prefer Christmas at your place or at someone else's house?
My place!
Someone else's house
I don't really care.
As long as the family is all together, I don't have a preference.


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