Which Knight of the Round Table Are You?

By: Mark Lichtenstein
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Knight of the Round Table Are You?
Image: Shutterstock

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From Sir Lancelot to Sir Gawain to King Arthur himself, the Knights of The Round Table are legendary, perhaps the best-known knights of all time. Which one do you have the most in common with?
How honorable a knight are you?
I only messed up once on that score
I've done one or two bad things
I'm very honorable
I'm the icon of dishonor
Are you a good friend to the king?
We're only colleagues
I have had drinks with him a few times
He's family
He's family, which is a bit gross in my case
How ambitious are you?
Not very
I'm crazy ambitious, emphasis on crazy
I've achieved my life's goals
I have towering ambition


Do you ever do destructive things on purpose?
Only when I'm under the influence
I don't always know they'll be destructive
I do that frequently
Do you ever do destructive things by accident?
Only once
All the time! It's my signature move.
I tend to do them on purpose
How are your family relations?
Fine, but not really part of my story
They aren't important
They're good
They're really bad


Do you feel you live in the shadow of someone close to you?
I live in the shadow of the fiction based on my life
I live in the shadow of my best friend
I live in the shadow of my son in law
I live in the shadow of my father
Are you in an inappropriate relationship?
Yes, I'm in love with my boss's fiance
Only my relationship with glory
Yes, and so are my parents
Have you ever done something that got a close friend of yours into trouble?
Yes. I got the woman I love in a great deal of trouble.
I accidentally got my friend into a fight with a complete stranger
Only by proxy
I did get both of my parents in trouble


Have you ever done something to upset your boss?
I did betray him on a very personal level, but I was drunk
I did incite a friend to go get into a stupid fight
I did kill him that one time
Which aspect of chivalry do you exemplify?
Courtly love
Seeking honor and glory
Being a rock on which a community can be built
None really
Which aspect of chivalry do you fail at the most?
Fealty to my liege lord
Kindness to the weak
Pretty much all of it


Are you famous to the general public?
There was one movie about me, but it wasn't very good
Anyone into Arthurian legends would know me
I'm almost as famous as King Arthur
Are there any Shakespearean plays based on your life?
Yes! "Romeo and Juliet."
No, because I'm basically an idiot, but not in a funny way
None that I'm aware of
No, but the themes of my life come up a lot in his work
Were you probably real?
Probably, but who knows?
Yes, but the stories about me are all fake


Are you French or British?
I'm Cornish
I'm British
I may be French, but not French-French. Norman.
No one would take credit for my nationality, but I'm probably British
What was the main feature of your most famous quest?
A love potion
A magical spring that could cause storms
My daughter
My father
How are you on the "To serve the liege lord in valour and faith" aspect of chivalry?
I slept with his fiance
I did some bad things in his name
I serve faithfully
My life's goal is to overthrow my lord


How are you on the "To protect the weak and defenseless" aspect of chivalry?
Very good
I'm a total failure
I pay people for that
I stomp on the weak and defenseless
How are you on the "To refrain from the wanton giving of offence" aspect of chivalry?
I try to live by that, but I am only human
Wait, that's something I was sworn to? Uh-oh...
I exemplify that
Not good at all
How are you on the "To give succour to widows and orphans" aspect of chivalry?
I do my best
It's not a priority
I have people for that
Screw that


How are you on the "To live by honour and for glory" aspect of chivalry?
I used to live by that for a while
I live every day by that
I put that near the bottom of the creed of Roland
The second part sounds great. The first part, not so much!
How are you on the "To despise pecuniary reward" aspect of chivalry?
Good, to a fault
I do well, but then I am comfortable
I succeed, but then, I am a lord
The only reward I want is the crown
How are you on the "To fight for the welfare of all" aspect of chivalry?
I live by that
Oh, I'm really bad at that
I do my best at that, but I'm not all-knowing
To hell with that


How are you on the "To guard the honour of fellow knights" aspect of chivalry?
I do it well
I get my brothers in trouble quite a lot
I do my best to honor that
I dishonor that creed
How are you on the "To obey those placed in authority" aspect of chivalry?
Ha! Well, I did well for a long time, and only failed once, but that's the one I'm famous for.
I follow that to the letter
I live my life by that code
I dedicate my life to breaking that code
How are you on the "To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit" aspect of chivalry?
I do well at this
I do some mean things
I succeed
I fail at all of those


How are you on the "To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun" aspect of chivalry?
I fail, thoroughly
I fail frequently
I succeed, but I aim low
I try my best, and only failed once
How are you on the "To respect the honour of women" aspect of chivalry?
Um... well... I did get drunk with a woman and we did things while inebriated
I follow that to the letter
I follow the spirit of that
I follow it when it suits me
How are you on the "Never to refuse a challenge from an equal" aspect of chivalry?
I don't deal with that one very much
I obey that, but fail in combat
I obey dutifully
I'll obey, but make the fight unequal


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