About This Quiz
The Nightmare Before Christmas is a 1993 American animated musical film which was produced and conceived by director, Tim Burton. The movie tells the story of Jack Skellington, one of the many residents of Halloween Town, a fictional town where ghosts, zombies, vampires and a host of supernatural creatures live. Being tired of the same routine, the morning after Halloween, he stumbles upon a portal to Christmas Town where he is amazed by the new festival. Determined to bring Christmas cheer to his town, he goes to great lengths including kidnapping Santa and the rest of which ends in disaster.ÂÂ
Throughout the movie, viewers are transported into the unique world of Tim Burton and meet many of the characters, some of which include Jack Skellington, Santa Claus, Sally the ragdoll, Doctor Frankenstein, the mayor of Halloween Town and Oogie Boogie. They also encounter humans, as well as the other creatures which occupy the quirky town.
Which of the creative and unique characters from Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas are you? Will you be a human character or one of the many supernatural creatures? If you would like to find out which one it is, you should definitely take this quiz!
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