Which of Your Core Chakras Are Blocked?

By: Marie Hullett
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Which of Your Core Chakras Are Blocked?
Image: Wiki Commons by Immanuel Giel

About This Quiz

Chakras consist of seven core focal points in the "subtle body," or the physical entity that a psycho-spiritual being inhabits. They are used in various ancient meditative practices, particularly in that of Hinduism and Buddhism. Although these points exist in the physical body, followers of these traditions believe they interact with the mental and spiritual realm. 

The term chakra stems from the Sanskrit root word चक्र, which means something akin to "wheel," "cycle" or "circle." In Hinduism, the core chakras include the root chakra (muladhara), the sacral chakra (swadhisthana), the solar plexus chakra (manipura), the heart chakra (anahata), the throat chakra (vishudda), the third eye chakra (ajna) and the crown chakra (sahasrara). Located along the spine, each one embodies an energy center associated with distinct colors, symbolism and Hindu gods. Hindus call the continuous flow of energy between each point "shakti." Over time, this energy becomes entrapped near the spine. Only by unleashing "Kundalini," or the divine energy coiled at the base of the spine through meditation, can one attain a heightened level of consciousness. 

Meanwhile, blockages in these channels may provoke mental distress, spiritual issues or health problems related to the nervous system, organs or glands in the body. Since many people in modern society suffer from such impediments, it may be time to discover what ails you. Answer the following questions to determine which one of your chakras begs to be freed. 

In "All's Well That Ends Well," William Shakespeare wrote, "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." So, do you consider yourself a trustworthy person?
It just depends on the person and situation.
Not at all.
Yes, perhaps overly so.
Let's say that you committed to go to dinner with some new acquaintances on Friday. How likely are you to follow through?
It just depends how I feel that day. If I'm feeling lazy or anxious, I'll just stay home.
I will definitely go, except for in the event of an emergency or something.
Honestly, I'll probably bail at the last minute.
I'll probably attend, though begrudgingly.
So, you go to the dinner, and there's a really heated debate going on. Will you weigh in?
Conflict makes me nervous. I might try to deflect the conversation instead.
Yes! I'm not afraid to express my opinions, and sometimes I can't resist the opportunity to prove people wrong.
No, definitely not.


While chatting around the table, one of your fellow dinner guests brings up a traumatic experience. How empathetic do you feel?
Quite empathetic.
It just depends whether something similar has happened to me before.
Not very. I just met this person.
Pretty empathetic, but I don't know what to say.
Oh, no. You're stuck in traffic on your way to work before an important presentation, and you're going to be late. Be honest: How do you react?
I stress out and cry.
I tense up a whole bunch.
I curse the other drivers.
I pretend it's not happening.
Everyone's heart starts racing sometimes. Which one of these scenarios sounds the most intimidating to you?
Traveling alone
Visiting a therapist
Telling someone I care about how I truly feel
Public speaking


Let's play a game! Which of these can you totally dominate at?
Conflict is inevitable in this life. When you experience a problem with someone, how comfortable do you feel addressing it?
Reasonably comfortable
I usually feel pretty nervous.
I feel comfortable enough, but I usually am very direct and keep things as brief as possible.
I usually just avoid confrontation at all costs.
Just like Bill Withers says, "We all need somebody to lean on." Do others ever go to you for support?
My close friends and family do come to me, but I can't say I provide the best assistance-it often makes me feel overwhelmed.
No, not really.
Yes, others know me as a good listener.


Since no one can do it all, we must keep our priorities in line. What's most important to you right now?
Maintaining a stable home and family
A creative project
My career
Having fun
Good friends know your downfalls and love you anyway. Which one of these words might your loved ones use to describe you?
Speaking of friendships, every relationship could use a little improvement. What do you think you and your loved ones could work on?
We could do a better job of listening to one another's needs.
We could be more open and honest with one another.
We could spend more time together.
We could learn to communicate more effectively.


Would you say that you rule more with your heart or your head?
My heart
Somewhere in between
My head
I don't know.
It's possible to accept what you have while also striving for more. Do you feel like any of these are missing from your life?
Some people read their scripture of choice religiously; others prefer to take a more spiritual route. How about you?
I'm religious.
I'm neither.
I'm spiritual.
I don't know what I am.


Everyone feels a little down sometimes. What do you do when you feel blue?
Discuss my anxieties with loved ones.
Light some candles and take a bath.
Eat some ice cream and curl up with a movie.
On a scale of 1 to 4, with 4 being the most open, how open do you feel to a new friendship or love interest right now?
Let's talk about what's on your plate. How do you feel about your to-do list right now?
It feels stressful and endless.
I try not to think about it too much and just do it.
There are for sure some things on it that I've been avoiding.
I feel like I could use some help, but I'm afraid to ask.


Sometimes, little messages seem to arise from nowhere in our heads. Would you say that you listen to your intuition?
Not really
I'm not sure.
Everyone has secrets. The question is: What do you do with yours?
Tell my friends about them.
Try to ignore them.
Keep them to myself.
Write about them in my journal.
It's time for you to catch some Z's. What's your sleep quality like?
Pretty poor. I lie awake with worry.
I have a sleep disorder that impedes my rest.
It's good.
Maybe average.


Maybe you don't know the true color of your aura, but which of these hues speaks to you the most?
Let's pretend that you want to pick up a new hobby. How comfortable are you with new experiences?
I might get pretty nervous, but I manage.
Not very, to be honest. My nerves might cause me to back out of a class or new activity.
I can handle many types of new experiences quite well.
As long as I don't have to get up on stage or do a presentation, I can definitely try something new.
You should always tell your doctor when you notice any physical changes. Do you experience any of these issues?
Stomach issues
Muscle aches and pains
High blood pressure
None of the above


It's normal to have some insecurities, but too many can hold you back. Where could your self-esteem use a boost?
My perception of my appearance
How I think about my personality
My sense of value in relationships
The way I think about my intellect and competence
Remember, you're awesome! What's one awesome thing about you?
I'm resilient.
I'm smart.
I'm funny.
I'm kind.
Would you say that you feel in control of your life?
No, I often feel like things are out of my control.
I'm not sure.
I am very in control of my life.


Let's talk about love. Why did your last relationship come to a close?
One of us couldn't handle the pressure of a relationship.
The spark died.
They ended it, seemingly out of nowhere.
We struggled with poor communication.
Speaking of love, do you believe in soul mates?
I believe that there are multiple "soul mates" out there that might be right for us.
I'm not sure.
OK, humans aren't going to be able to grow wings and fly or sprint at 40 mph any time soon. Still, which one of these animals do you wish you were more like?
A lion
An elephant
A dolphin
A crane
