About This Quiz
Chakras consist of seven core focal points in the "subtle body," or the physical entity that a psycho-spiritual being inhabits. They are used in various ancient meditative practices, particularly in that of Hinduism and Buddhism. Although these points exist in the physical body, followers of these traditions believe they interact with the mental and spiritual realm.Â
The term chakra stems from the Sanskrit root word चकà¥à¤°, which means something akin to "wheel," "cycle" or "circle." In Hinduism, the core chakras include the root chakra (muladhara), the sacral chakra (swadhisthana), the solar plexus chakra (manipura), the heart chakra (anahata), the throat chakra (vishudda), the third eye chakra (ajna) and the crown chakra (sahasrara). Located along the spine, each one embodies an energy center associated with distinct colors, symbolism and Hindu gods. Hindus call the continuous flow of energy between each point "shakti." Over time, this energy becomes entrapped near the spine. Only by unleashing "Kundalini," or the divine energy coiled at the base of the spine through meditation, can one attain a heightened level of consciousness.Â
Meanwhile, blockages in these channels may provoke mental distress, spiritual issues or health problems related to the nervous system, organs or glands in the body. Since many people in modern society suffer from such impediments, it may be time to discover what ails you. Answer the following questions to determine which one of your chakras begs to be freed.Â