Which Photography Styles Best Fit Your Personality?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Photography Styles Best Fit Your Personality?
Image: thianchai sitthikongsak / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

What's the best way to capture a moment? Is it by simply remembering it in your mind? Or is it by writing it down in a journal? Maybe it's both, or perhaps it's best captured by taking a picture of it. And that's where the art of photography comes in because this hobby/profession is all about taking a snapshot of the present, which creates past memories for the future!

But photography isn't just about clicking a button and hoping for the best. You'll need gear (like lenses), as well as photo editing software programs and excellent cameras. And above all, you'll have to identify your "niche." There are many styles of photography out there, and some of them include fashion, travel, still life and wedding photography. Each of these "styles" requires different kinds of lighting and/or photography tech, simply because they're all so different from one another. But which one matches your personality the best? Is it something like sports photography because of how action-packed it is? Or do you love to travel and say "hello" to wild animals (which is great for wildlife photographers)? No matter what your interests are like, this photogenic quiz will attempt to "capture" your true personality!

Outdoor photography
BFC/ Ascent Xmedia / Photodisc / Getty Images
If you had the entire weekend off, would you rather spend it outdoors or indoors?
Outdoors for sure
I enjoy being indoors and outdoors; it just depends on the day.
For the most part, I enjoy spending time outdoors.
I'm an "indoor" person.
Arctic fox
DmitryND / E+ / Getty Images
Which of the following would you love to photograph?
Arctic fox
Happily married couple
A street light on a rainy day
Actor or actress
Photographer prep seagull shoot
David Trood / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you take a picture of something, what are you trying to capture?
The inner soul of someone or something


Smiling woman
Tim Robberts / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How would you describe your personality?
Adventurous and outgoing
Fun and whimsical
Serious with a sarcastic sense of humor
Mysterious and sensitive
Brown bear
TorriPhoto / Moment / Getty Images
If you saw a wild bear while hiking, you would probably ...
Immediately photograph it
Run the heck away from it
Admire its beauty, then slowly walk away
I'd play dead. Isn't that what you're supposed to do?
sarote pruksachat / Moment / Getty Images
How much would you charge for photography services?
Between $1,000 adn $3,000
Over $3,000
Less than $500
Between $500 and $1,000


Photographer at sunrise
Maya Karkalicheva / Moment / Getty Images
What time of day is best for snapping pictures?
Early morning
Late night
Sunrise over harvest field
SEAN GLADWELL / Moment / Getty Images
Is it better to use natural or studio lighting?
It depends on the occasion.
Whatever is available to me
Central park
Kajo Merkert / Moment / Getty Images
Which of these iconic landmarks would look even better as a picture?
The Blue Lagoon
St. Peter's Basilica
Times Square
Central Park


Meteor Shower
Dneutral Han / Moment / Getty Images
If a meteor shower started at 2:30 a.m., would you want to stay up to take a picture of it?
Only if I had some coffee
Heck, no, I need my sleep!
Of course, I'm a night owl anyway.
Probably not, unless it was a really big deal
Mature woman smile
Uwe Krejci / DigitalVision / Getty Images
A great photograph of something or someone makes you feel ...
Warm and fuzzy
Yoho National Park
Feng Wei Photography / Moment / Getty Images
Is it more fun to take pictures of people or landscapes?
I just try to capture the moment.
I'm going to say both!


Nature photographer
Rosmarie Wirz / Moment / Getty Images
How would you describe your current skill level in photography?
Master level
Nancy Newell / Moment / Getty Images
A thunderstorm is quickly approaching as you're trying to take pictures of a landscape. So, you decide to ....
Stay put! I can probably capture some lightning strikes.
Find a safer location
Leave when it starts getting dangerous
Go home ... I'm probably exhausted anyway.
Aziz Ary Neto / Cultura / Getty Images
What's the most important aspect of a great picture?


DuKai photographer / Moment / Getty Images
Do you enjoy traveling to new and exotic locations?
Absolutely, I live for it!
I would love to, but I'm very busy in my life right now.
Once in a while
Not really
Digital camera
Witthaya Prasongsin / Moment / Getty Images
What's the worst part about being a photographer?
The strange hours
Enduring strange weather conditions
The low pay
Dealing with clients
Photo editing
Matthew Leete / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you well-versed in any photo editing software programs?
Yes, I'm an expert with photo editing programs.
I'm no expert, but I definitely know a thing or two about this.
No, I don't use that stuff.
A tiny bit


Couple selfie
Hinterhaus Productions / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How do you feel about taking selfies for your social media page?
I hate selfies.
I only take selfies with friends and family.
I'm not on social media.
I'm definitely a selfie person.
Mature friends at beach
Lumi Images/Dario Secen / Royalty-free / Getty Images
Would you describe yourself as a social butterfly or a lone wolf?
Lone wolf
Social butterfly
I'm like a cat.
Both, depending on the day
Photographer in desert
Francesco Riccardo Iacomino / Moment / Getty Images
Does photography come naturally to you, or is it a hobby at which you had to work?
I was born with the photography gift.
I really struggled with photography for a long time.
It came naturally to me, but I still had to work towards it.
I don't know; I just kind of learn as I go.


Mature couple watch movie
Adrian Weinbrecht / Cultura / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
What movie genre are you drawn to the most?
Romantic comedy
Adult Lecturer
skynesher / E+ / GettyImages
Is it better to learn by doing or learn through reading/studying?
I'm a kinesthetic learner.
I definitely need to read/study.
I think both are important.
I'm actually a visual learner.
Makeup artist
Yongyuan Dai / DigitalVision / Getty Images
If you were working with someone who wasn't very photogenic, what would you do?
Use better lighting
I'd take a bunch of pictures and hope for the best.
I'm not really sure.
Some makeup should do the trick.


Smiling woman
Tim Robberts / DigitalVision / Getty Images
If someone was going to take a picture of you, what kind of face would you make?
Neutral face
Laughing face
Sad face
Smiling face
Friends on a hike
Dougal Waters / DigitalVision / Getty Images
With what kind of people do you often surround yourself?
Woman sitting on steps
Jordan Siemens / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you describe yourself as a leader or a follower?
I have no idea.
I can be either one, depending on the setting.


spruce forest
Schon / Moment / Getty Images
Where does your artistic inspiration normally come from?
From nature
From other photographers
Abstract things
I don't know; it comes from my mind, I guess.
Lower Manhattan
pidjoe / E+ / Getty Images
If you were walking through a big city, what would you notice the most?
The tall buildings
The food
The overall culture
The people
Woman relax
Hybrid Images / Cultura / Getty Images
How do you normally position yourself to take a great photo?
Lying down
