Which Side of the Force Are You?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Side of the Force Are You?
Image: Youtube

About This Quiz

The Jedi Council commissioned a series of questions that would assist the Padawan learners and the Jedi who were training them in assessing their progress down the path of light. Over the millennia, this quiz has evolved and expanded to the form that it now takes. While there is nothing that can replace the gut feeling that the Jedi Masters will have when you are in their presence, the following inquiries are sure to get the general idea of where you are at on your journey of learning.

You will be asked how you will deal with certain situations, which individuals you admire and aspire to emulate, and what your big-picture goals are in life. Be honest and authentic, for this is merely a tool for your own benefit. May it be a mirror into the very depths of your being.

As you already likely know, those who are drawn to the light will be focused on how their powers can be used for the greatest benefit of others, and they are more likely to have the ability to let go of anger. They will also be comfortable with facing their fears directly and will have a track record of confronting their weaknesses head-on.

Remember, as Master Yoda said, "Do or do not, there is no try." Let's begin.

Which character from the original episodes (IV, V and VI) do you most relate to?
Luke Skywalker
Boba Fett
Darth Vader
Which quote best fits your outlook on the world?
"Be careful not to choke on your convictions."
"If you're not with me, then you're my enemy."
"I won't fail you. I'm not afraid."
"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."
Would you use your powers for personal gain?
Only if it didn't cause harm to others.
I don't see what the problem would be with that.
That would be an inappropriate use of my powers.
Absolutely. The more powerful I become, the more influence I can have on the universe.


What color would your light saber be?
Which planet would you rather live on?
Malachor V
Which Star Wars movie is your favorite?
"Revenge of the Sith"
"The Last Jedi"
"The Empire Strikes Back"
"A New Hope"


Would you say that you have a big temper?
Not at all. I'm very chill.
I used to, but I'm learning to not let things bother me as much.
I am known to lose my cool fairly often.
Yes, but I use that energy to get things done.
How aggressive are you?
I am highly aggressive. You have to be that way to get ahead in this world.
I pick my spots, but I am aggressive when I really want something.
I try to let things come to me, but I do try to force the issue once in a while.
I'm only aggressive when I absolutely have to be.
Are you a patient person?
I'm getting more and more patient as I get older.
Not at all. Waiting drives me crazy.
I am a very patient person. Good things come to those who wait, as they say.
I'm generally in a hurry, but I have some patience for the big picture.


Which spaceship would you rather fly?
X-wing starfighter
Star Destroyer
TIE fighter
Millennium Falcon
Which character from the prequels (I, II and III) do you most relate to?
Darth Maul
Anakin Skywalker
Sheev Palpatine
Qui-Gon Jinn
How sensitive are you to criticism?
People know not to criticize me.
I welcome criticism. It helps me to grow.
I'm not a fan of being criticized. It tends to irritate me.
It's not my favorite thing in the world, but I'm learning to accept the lesson it offers.


Which best describes your main goal in life?
To help others
To make a positive difference in the world
To rise to a position of power
To rule the galaxy
Would you use your powers to get revenge?
Yes. If you cross me, you'll feel the pain.
Sure, especially if the other person used their powers inappropriately.
I'd like to say that I wouldn't, but I'm sure the temptation would be strong.
That would never be the motivation of my actions.
Have you ever destroyed anything out of anger?
I still do once in a while, but I'm really working hard on stopping that.
My anger has definitely caused me to do and say things that I later regretted.
I have in the past, but those days are long behind me.
Yeah, and it was pretty awesome.


Which wind instrument would be featured in your theme song?
Which part of the day are you at your best?
Early morning
Which Sith do you feel the most empathy for?
Darth Sidious
Darth Vader
Darth Maul
Darth Tyranus


Which Jedi do you feel the closest connection to?
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Mace Windu
Anakin Skywalker
Which ability would you be most interested in learning first?
Force lightning
Moving objects with my mind
Force healing
Which character from the newest Star Wars movies do you relate to the most?
Kylo Ren
Luke Skywalker
Supreme Leader Snoke


Do you tend to follow the rules or are you more of a rebel?
I do tend to follow the rules.
I'm a total rebel. I go my own way.
I tend to be part of a rebellious crowd, but we do have rules within our group.
I used to be a lot more rebellious than I am now.
Do you have a tendency to get a little whiny?
It's pretty rare for me to whine. That is for the weak.
I have to admit that I'm a pretty big whiner.
I used to whine about things, but I have gotten away from that.
How big are your personal ambitions in life?
I will rule the world someday.
I am only interested in how I can contribute to the betterment of humanity.
I have very big goals for myself in this life.
I used to have high personal goals, but I'm more focused on others now.


Would you sacrifice yourself for the benefit of others?
I wouldn't even think twice.
I'd try really hard to not have to do that, but I probably would if I had to.
It's hard to imagine a scenario where I would do that.
Never. What would be the point of that?
Do you tend to face your fears or run away from them?
I use my fears to drive me.
I try to avoid my fears.
I'm learning to deal with them head-on.
I always face them directly.
Are you a jealous person?
I used to be more jealous than I am now, but there's still some there.
I think jealousy just shows that you care.
Not at all.
I'm an extremely jealous person.


How would you describe your love life?
What generation do you belong to?
Generation Z
Baby Boomers
Generation X
Would you consider yourself to be a spiritual person?
I am spiritual, but I'm open to some pretty dark stuff.
I am a very spiritual person. It's all about cultivating the good stuff.
Not particularly. I just believe in science.
I know that there is something amazing happening in the universe, and I know that I will never understand it fully.


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