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About This Quiz
Rumors persist that the greatest minds in the world survived on a variety of non-traditional sleep cycles to tap into their creativity. Should you follow the way of Michaelangelo and DaVinci or your mother's eight-hour advice? Take this quiz to see which sleep cycle is best for you!
What kind of work-schedule do you have?
I work eight hours a day.
My schedule is between 8 and 12 hours. Sometimes even more.
My schedule is all over the place.
I don't have a formal work schedule.
After a traditional night of sleep, how do you wake up in the morning?
Fresh and ready to roll!
I'm drowsy regardless of the number of hours I sleep.
If I'm going to work I'm tired, if I have nothing to do I'm awake.
I think I'm sort of awake, but after a shower I'm good.
How long does it take you to fall asleep after going to bed?
About 30 minutes.
I fall asleep right away.
Maybe five minutes.
Depends on active my mind is.
What do you do to ease yourself into sleep?
I wear earplugs and an eye mask.
I roll over.
I have blackout curtains.
I try to read.
Does a certain drink help you to sleep better?
Hot tea.
I chug a glass of room-temperature water.
I don't think so.
I only drink coffee, so that probably won't help.
Do you sleep with blankets on or off?
I need to be covered in a ton of blankets.
Blankets off. I might not even be wearing clothes.
I like to have a thin sheet on.
I guess it doesn't matter.
What do you drink when you wake up after a nap or sleep?
Always coffee. I need it coursing through my veins.
I drink a lot of water.
Maybe some OJ, or another kind of juice. The sugar is enough to get me moving.
A little tea is helpful.
Do you workout in the morning?
I don't work out ever.
Not often.
I do in the afternoon.
Every morning.
What age range are your children?
All are under five.
I don't have any.
Five to 10.
They are all older than 10.
Do you chauffeur your kids to events outside of school hours?
On a rare occasion.
Two to three times a week.
Almost every day.
Are you in any groups or clubs outside of work?
Yes, all school related.
I am in at least one sports club.
I play card games a couple times a week at someone's house.
Do you have a demanding job?
No, I'm in and out at the same times every day.
Yes, I can get called in any time of the day or night.
I make my own schedule and I keep it light.
Some days, but not often.
What is your eating schedule like?
I eat three meals a day.
I snack throughout but have no schedule.
I eat three meals and a few snacks.
I eat breakfast and dinner and then snack.
Do you live with anyone else?
Yes, I have a spouse and kids.
No, I'm single.
No, but my girlfriend thinks she lives here.
I'm single, but my kids are over often.
What is the best way for you to wake up?
An alarm clock.
I use an alarm clock, but usually, I can wake up naturally.
The sun wakes me up.
I have kids to take care of it for me.
Do you consider yourself healthy?
I try to be.
Not at all.
Yes, very.
I eat healthily but don't exercise.
Which industry best describes your occupation?
Office professional.
Creative or artistic.
What is your preferred mode of travel?
I drive my own car.
I ride my bike everywhere.
A car-ride service such as Uber or Lyft.
Public transportation.
Do you have a part-time job?
Yes, and sometimes two.
No, I couldn't fit that into my schedule.
No, but I have multiple jobs I run through home.
I don't have any job.
How often do you go out to see friends?
We hit the bar every night.
Never, ever, ever.
I'll see friends every couple of days.
I see friends on the weekends.
What is your favorite thing to do on a slow weekend?
Go to a movie.
Just lounge around the house napping.
I like to catch up on my reading.
Workout or play a sport.
How alert do you feel throughout the day?
It's up and down depending on my coffee intake.
I'm always drained.
I feel fresh every day.
I'm usually alert, but some days are worse than others.
Which is your favorite energy supplement?
Monster drinks.
I don't need any.
I like something espresso-fused and with lots of sugar and chocolate.
Do you sleep with someone when you go to bed?
My spouse and kids.
The cat or dog usually hop into bed with me.
No, I nap in the car.
Not usually. My schedule is different than everyone else in the house.
What are your thoughts on non-traditional sleeping behaviors.
They are not for me.
I'm game for something like that.
It sounds great in theory, but I don't have the schedule to try.
Well, if they work, I'd love to do it.