About This Quiz
"The Regular Show," also known as "The Regular Show in Space," is an American animated television series that aired on Cartoon Network from 2010 to 2017 for approximately eight seasons. It was developed by J.G. Quintel and was based on some of the characters he created while attending the California Institute of the Arts. The series was one of the network's most popular shows bringing in an average of 2 million viewers every week.
The animated series is centered around two friends, Rigby the raccoon and Mordecai the blue jay, who are employed at a local park where they are in charge of its upkeep. In every episode, they try to solve a seemingly simple problem which then turns into a grand misadventure filled with twists and turns at every corner, and it often involves the other characters; Benson and Pops, the managers of the park, and their other coworkers Muscle Man, Skips, and Hi-Five Ghost. ÂÂ
Which of the many characters are you? Will you turn out to be Benson, Pops or Muscle Man, or will you be one of the two besties, Rigby or Mordecai? Find out right now with this quiz.
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