About This Quiz
Things may not always be what they seem, which you'll quickly find out in this quiz! Some objects may appear to be larger and heavier, but you may find out that they are nowhere near something that looks lighter or smaller. As they say, looks may deceive you. Think you can figure out the weights of these objects?
What do you think weighs more, a bottle of ketchup or a bottle of water? What about a CD-ROM or a DVD? Can you name the heaviest fruit if given a list of them? If that's too easy, then tell us if a donkey or a llama is heavier! The results may surprise you.
What weighs more, 800 rubber bands or one bowling ball? Are you better with the smaller objects? Then tell us if four pencils or four pieces of chalk weigh more. Don't forget, some of the objects could even weigh the same amount! Hopefully, you're an expert with a scale so that you can ace this quiz!
So, you're a wizard when it comes to guessing things, right? This may be harder than guessing the number of jelly beans in a jar. Try your hand at guessing which object weighs the most - or the same - with this quiz!