Which Time Period Embodies Your Personality?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Time Period Embodies Your Personality?
Image: RetroAtelier/ E+ / GettyImages

About This Quiz

There are some who are perfectly embodied by living in the here and now. That's not the case for the majority of us, though. Most of us have traits and tendencies that can be traced all the way back to the era that suits us best. We don't know how all of it works exactly, but we do know enough about it to compare your answers to time period appropriate standards. 

Without time machines available for public use, it has been impossible to accurately place yourself in the time period that your traits and quirks match up with perfectly. Now that we're in the atomic age, we have the technology to make it possible. Maybe we don't have a time machine, but we do have a series of questions that can analyze you and compare you to traits of eras like the Wild West and the Victorian era. 

As you respond, choose the answer that truly resonates with you. Once we feel like we know you well enough to be your best friend, we'll take your answers and run them against the known traits of bygone eras and current times. Will you embody the era you've always felt connected with, or will it be something else? 

Thinkstock / Stockbyte / Getty Images
What do you think you have in common with an outlaw?
I am fairly fearless.
I'm a good shot.
I always get what I want.
You should see me rob a stagecoach!
FG Trade / E+ / Getty Images
Would you describe your personality as sparkling or a diamond in the rough?
I sparkle everywhere I go.
It depends on the time of day.
I'm a little of a diamond in the rough. You have to get to know me before I shine.
I think I'm more of polished stone.
change clothes
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
You're getting ready to go to a party. How many times will you change clothes?
I'll wear what I have on.
I'm sure I'll change a few times.
I usually know what I'm going to wear.
I know I'll change at least once.


Bloom Productions / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which one of your traits do you think others find most alluring?
My confidence
My sense of humor
My inventiveness
My big brain
line or self-checkout
bogdankosanovic / E+ / Getty Images
Are you the kind of person that stands in line or uses self-checkout?
I do a little of both.
Doing it myself is much faster.
Self-checkouts take away jobs. I'll wait.
I'm the kind of person that shops online.
million dollars
imaginima / E+ / Getty Images
If you won a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do?
I would quit my job.
Let's go shopping!
I would buy a new house.
Paying off my student loans would be first.


sense of style
Linda Raymond / Moment / Getty Images
Would you describe your sense of style as modern or old-fashioned?
I think it's modern and daring.
My clothes are very old-fashioned.
I have some classic pieces and some new pieces.
My sense of style is called comfortable clothes.
change about yourself
CatLane / E+ / Getty Images
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself?
I could stop using such bad language.
One day, I'll learn to stop eating chips from the bag.
If I could stop biting my nails, I would be happy.
I can't think of anything I would change about myself.
technology or fixing things
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you better with technology or fixing things around the house?
I'm not too shabby at either thing.
I'm a lot better with computers than tools.
I'm much better at fixing things.
I'm good with calling repairpersons.


social media
izusek / E+ / Getty Images
When you're on social media, what do you post about most?
My family
My pets
Juice Images / Cultura / Getty Images
Do you find yourself procrastinating more than you like?
Who doesn't?
I don't procrastinate too much.
If I didn't like it, I wouldn't do it.
I really could use some motivation.
ask for directions
anouchka / E+ / Getty Images
If you found yourself hopelessly lost, would you stop to ask for directions?
Siri can handle it.
I would keep driving until I found my way.
Asking for directions is not shameful.
It depends on how sketchy the area looks.


alone time
Guido Mieth / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you need a lot of alone time, or do you prefer to have company?
My alone time is for the world's safety.
I'm social, but I do need alone time.
I do not like to be alone.
I prefer to hang with one or two people but not big crowds.
rush hour traffic
DuKai photographer / Moment / Getty Images
Are you aggressive in rush hour traffic, or do you tend to take your time?
It depends how late I'm running.
Safety first! I always take my time.
I'm totally aggressive in rush hour traffic.
I'm aggressive on an empty road!
Sofie Delauw / Cultura / Getty Images
Which of these words would you use to describe your manners?
Better with strangers


franckreporter / E+ / Getty Images
Have you ever been told that you are old-fashioned?
I've heard it a time or two.
I hear the opposite more.
I am far from old-fashioned.
My kids say that but no one else.
early or late
Martin Novak / Moment / Getty Images
Do you prefer to get up early or stay up late?
If it's a workday, I get up early.
I'm a total night owl.
I'm always up with the chickens.
I prefer to sleep as long as I want, but that's not how it works.
relationship style
South_agency / E+ / Getty Images
If we asked your last ex, what word would they use to describe your relationship style?


waiting room
Tashi-Delek / E+ / Getty Images
How do you pass the time when you are in a waiting room?
I read magazines.
Looking at my phone stops people from talking to me.
I like to strike up conversations with the other sick people.
I spend most of my time looking for the hand sanitizer.
hustle or chill
sanjeri / E+ / Getty Images
Is your lifestyle full of hustle and bustle or Netflix and chill?
I think I balance both pretty well.
It's a lot more hustle and bustle.
It's more Netflix and chill right now.
I think it's more work, sleep, repeat.
snap decisions
martin-dm / E+ / Getty Images
Do you make snap decisions, or do you weigh the pros and cons?
I tend to trust my gut.
I always weigh the good and bad.
It depends on how much money it will cost me.
I make a lot of snap decisions at the grocery store.


meet new people
pixelfit / E+ / Getty Images
What is the first thing you usually notice when you meet new people?
Their smile
Their clothes
The firmness of their handshake
Their demeanor
last 10 minutes of your workday
valentinrussanov / E+ / Getty Images
How do you spend the last 10 minutes of your workday?
Tidying up
Staring at the clock
Getting things ready for tomorrow morning
Sneaking out the back door
elaborate meals or fast and easy
South_agency / E+ / Getty Images
Do you plan elaborate meals or eat what's fast and easy?
If someone cooks a big meal, I'll eat it.
It's always whatever is fast.
I go back and forth.
I make a nice meal a couple of times a week.


old soul
Eva-Katalin / E+ / Getty Images
Have you ever heard that you're an old soul?
I hear that I need to grow up a lot.
I tell myself that all the time.
I have heard it a time or two.
I don't know what that means.
omens or superstitions
piola666 / E+ / Getty Images
Do you believe in omens or superstitions?
I am a little superstitious!
No, but I believe in prayer.
I do believe in signs.
I don't believe in anything like that.
minivan or sports car
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
Would you feel more comfortable driving a minivan or a sports car?
I have a sports car personality.
I'm more comfortable on a bike.
I like the idea of a minivan better.
I would be most comfortable in a limo.


pet peeves
Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images
Which one of these common pet peeves drives you up a wall?
Chewing with an open mouth
Leaving one drink of milk in the fridge
Always being late
conservative or progressive
izusek / E+ / Getty Images
Do you consider yourself more conservative or more progressive?
I'm somewhere in the middle.
I'm a lot more conservative.
I am on the more progressive end.
It depends on the subject.
Sunday afternoon
Geber86 / E+ / Getty Images
On an average Sunday afternoon, what would we find you doing?
Spending time with family
Taking a walk
