Which Type of Boat Are You?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
8 min
Which Type of Boat Are You?
Image: n/a

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Are you the kind of person who goes with the flow and keeps things simple or are you creating quite the wake wherever you go? Let's find out if oars, sail, or a motor propels your craft.
What speed do you tend to move at in life?
I move very slowly and gradually.
It really just depends on what's going on around me.
I tend to move very fast in life.
I tend to move at a moderate pace, but I can get going when I need to.
How environmentally conscious are you?
That climate change nonsense is a total hoax.
I don't think about it too much.
I recycle and stuff like that, but I could probably do a bit more.
I'm very environmentally conscious. It's very important to me.
How successful have you been in life?
I get along pretty well. There have been some highlights for sure.
It depends on how you define success, but I would say, yes.
I'm successful in ways that are not monetary.
I have done very well for myself.


Do you prefer to keep things simple or complex in ?
I'm all about living as simply as I possibly can.
I have quite a bit going on: sitting still drives me crazy.
My life is extremely complex, and I like it that way.
I strive to live a simple life, but life tends to get in the way of that goal.
How many possessions do you have?
I guess you could say that I have more stuff than the average person.
I have a few things, but nothing too extreme.
I have a ton of stuff. What can I say, I love buying things!
I don't hold onto things very much. My possessions are minimal.
How good are you at going with the flow?
I really just plow through whatever I have in front of me.
I'm a master at relaxing and going with the current.
I have to admit that I'm not good at this. I tend to struggle against the flow of things, sometimes because I choose to.
I'm pretty good at it. I've learned to look and wait for opportunities.


Is your personality more flashy or subdued?
I'm totally understated and subdued.
I definitely have a flashy side. I enjoy grabbing the attention once in a while.
I really enjoy mixing things up and causing a stir, but I can chill occasionally too.
I do love to put on a show.
Do you tend to keep things light or are you totally deep?
I can take things deep once in a while, but I prefer to laugh and have a good time.
It's got to be light and fun for me. I avoid depth as much as possible.
I'm a very deep thinker. Keeping things on the surface drives me crazy.
I do prefer more substantial conversation, but I can make chit-chat too.
How good are you at reading signs from your environment?
I'm a master at picking up on subtleties around me.
I usually blow right past the finer details of what's going on.
I move at a slow enough pace that I can pick up on the details of what's happening.
I occasionally notice subtle details, but I prefer to focus on the big picture.


How would you rate your intelligence?
I tend to think of myself as a philosopher and a poet.
Meh, I'm just your average person.
I have street smarts for sure. I tend to hire smart people.
Not to toot my own horn, but I am highly intelligent.
How well are you able to change when life throws you something unexpected?
I tend to stick with what I know until I'm forced to accept the change.
I'm very good at letting go and moving in a new direction.
I have to admit that I struggle mightily with change.
I may struggle with it at first, but I soon make a course correction.
Do you consider yourself to be more of a quiet or a loud person?
I can be quiet, but I do prefer causing a bit of ruckus.
I'm very quiet.
I make a ton of noise wherever I go.
I tend to be pretty quiet, but I can get a little loud once in a while.


How adventurous are you?
I prefer to stick close to home and stay with my usual routines.
I'm up for anything. Let's travel around the world!
I'm pretty adventurous, but I tend to plan it out as much as possible.
I'm up for adventure once in a while.
How physically fit are you?
I just kind of lounge around most of the time.
I'm in okay shape, but I do sit on the couch quite a bit.
I'm in pretty good shape. I get a workout in a few times a week.
I'm very strong, especially in my upper body.
How likely are people to come to you for advice?
I'm pretty good at problem-solving.
I'm more likely to be the one who will ask for advice.
People come to me all the time for help. I'm an excellent listener.
People come to me all the time for business advice.


How much of an adrenaline junkie are you?
Not at all. I prefer to keep things calm and quiet.
I'm a total junkie and love to live life on the edge.
I like to feel a rush, and I'm willing to pay for some extreme adventures.
I like to feel a rush once in a while, but mostly I'm pretty chill.
Are you more of a fun or serious type?
I'm all about having a good time.
I enjoy having a good time, but I prefer fun that is intellectually stimulating.
I am serious and business-like most of the time, but I do like to let loose on my time off.
I'm pretty laid back, but I do take life and the deeper meanings of it all very seriously.
How popular would you say you are?
When I throw a party, everybody shows up.
I tend to keep to myself more.
I have a pretty decent following.
I have a small group of loyal friends.


How would you describe your personal finances?
I barely get by.
I have a little money saved.
I'm comfortable.
I'm very wealthy.
Do you prefer a big party or a small gathering?
The bigger party, the better.
I like a decent-sized party, but not one so big that I can't keep track of who's there.
I like a smaller gathering of maybe a handful of people.
I like one-on-one time the most.
Is your life more choppy or smooth sailing?
It tends to be pretty smooth, but it can get a little hectic when the wind picks up.
It's so choppy that it will rattle your teeth.
I'm lucky that my life tends to be in very calm waters most of the time.
It get's pretty choppy, but I just plow right through it.


How appealing is the idea of going fishing to you?
That's one of my favorite pastimes.
I go fishing once in a while, but I'm really only interested in deep-sea fishing.
I find fishing to be pretty boring.
I go fishing once in a while, but there are a bunch of things I'd rather do.
How long would you like to be out on the water?
Just for a couple of hours.
All day.
A few weeks at a time.
All afternoon.
Which boating attire fits your personality the best?
Formal attire.
Jeans and a T-shirt.
A bathing suit.
Khakis and a polo.


Do you like to go water skiing?
Not at all.
I've been a couple times, but it wasn't really my thing.
I love to go water skiing and do so whenever I can.
I enjoy it, but I don't do it as much as I'd like.
Is sleeping on a boat appealing to you?
Absolutely, but it has to be a huge boat.
Not really, but I might give it a go once to see what it's like.
I might be up for in once in a great while.
Not at all. That sounds like a nightmare to me.
How big of a wake do you leave behind you?
I leave a pretty small wake, unless I really get humming along.
I leave a pretty big wake. I like to make waves in my life.
I make a very small impact.
I make a huge impact. I have to be careful that my actions don't upset a ton of other people.


How strong are your navigation skills?
They are okay, but I usually don't venture into uncharted territory.
That skill is pretty weak, but I would hardly ever need it.
I have someone who will take care of that for me.
I have amazing navigation skills. I will absolutely get us there.
How heavy of a drinker are you?
I drink pretty heavily, but I usually keep it under control.
I have a drink once in a while, but it's always within reason.
I might have a problem.
I don't drink.
How many nautical knots do you know how to tie?
I don't know any.
I know a handful of knots.
I know one or two.
I know more knots than I can count.


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