Will He Be Your First Boyfriend?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Will He Be Your First Boyfriend?
Image: PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

You've been obsessing about this guy day and night, wondering if he's going to be your first boyfriend or just a footnote in your love life. The chemistry is there, he flirts with you and you think he's amazing - but does that mean you're going to be together? It's impossible to predict the future, but this quiz is the next-best thing!

We're going to ask you all about your interactions with this guy, from how he says hi to you to which emojis he sends you. Be prepared, because we want to know everything. How does he look at you? Does he mention other cuties in your presence? When you talk IRL, do his feet point in your direction? Stuff like that might seem trivial, but it can tell you the difference between a guy who's getting up the courage to ask you out and a guy that just thinks you're attractive.

So, are you willing to risk having your hopes destroyed to find out what's really up with him? Are you ready to discover whether this is going to be something big or something blah? If you're feeling brave, there's no better time than the present to saddle up and take this quiz!

Blank Name Tag
petekarici / E+ / Getty Images
Does he know your first name, last name and middle name?
He knows my first name for sure.
I think he knows my last name?
He asked me what my middle name was and said it was "cool." Then he winked!
I thought he had no idea who I was, but he texted me my first name in all caps last Wednesday. There was no other message. What does this mean??
14 A Quick and Easy Guide to Throwing a Great Baby Shower
Tooga / DigitalVision / GettyImages
If you asked him to help you pick out a present for your brother, what would he say?
"Just give him an Amazon gift card."
"IDK, I'm not good at stuff like that."
"Let's go shopping tomorrow! I'll pick you up at 6?"
"I'd rather help you pick out a gift for YOU."
[Tom Werner] / [DigitalVision] / Getty Images
How often does he start conversations with you via text, Snap, IRL, etc.?
I start 80% of conversations; he starts 20%.
I start 60% of conversations; he starts 40%.
I start 40% of conversations; he starts 60%.
I've never started a conversation with him; he occasionally sends me song lyrics that I can't interpret.


Teasing best friend after losing a game
miodrag ignjatovic/E+/GettyImages
Does he make fun of you for something that's not actually embarrassing, such as your "rosy cheeks" or "too-thick hair"?
No. When he criticizes me, it's usually to say I'm wearing too much make-up or am wrong about a fact.
He occasionally mocks me for acting like I don't know I'm attractive.
Haha, yes. That's 90% of our conversations.
Once he said I was "too cute to live," but most of the time, he ignores me.
Friend group
Bruce Mars via Pexels
If he comes into a room where you're hanging out with a bunch of people, how soon does he say hi to you?
If I say hi to him, he says hi back.
Once we get within a few feet of each other, he usually stops me to chat.
He drops conversations mid-sentence to talk to me.
As soon as he enters, he nods at me, but he doesn't go out of his way to greet me.
The Flirt
Caiaimage/Tom Merton/OJO+/Getty Images
As far as you know, is he a big flirt?
No. He's the surly type.
Bet. He's a GIANT flirt.
He's a big flirt ... BUT ONLY FOR ME.
Hard to say. He's mysterious.


Large group of happy students taking a selfie with cell phone at school
skynesher/E+/Getty Images
Do his friends say good things about him when you're around?
No ... they don't pay a lot of attention to me.
Sometimes his best friend talks him up.
His friends are always telling me what a good guy he is.
Sorry, my dude, but I don't know his friends!
Couple in pub
South_agency / E+ / Getty Images
Are you interested in what he has to say, or do you think he's cute but boring?
I secretly think he's boring.
Maybe. He talks a lot about podcasts, fr.
He's a great conversationalist.
He's not boring and he is cute, but I don't know what his deal is!
Guy opening car door
PeopleImages / E+ /Getty Images
Does he pull out chairs or open doors for you?
No, but he once drove me home when it was 25 minutes out of his way.


Family eating Christmas lunch
filadendron / E+ / Getty Images
Has he ever introduced you to anyone from his family?
Nah, that's never come up.
He's mentioned his parents, but I don't know them.
His mom and I are actually on a group chat together.
As a mysterious bad boy, I don't think he has a family.
Colourful studio portrait of a young man laughing
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Let's say you just cracked a lousy joke. Does he laugh at it anyway?
Absolutely not. He'd probably get mad at me for being "so unfunny."
He might chuckle quietly while avoiding eye contact.
He'd find a way to find it funny.
He'd roll his eyes while smiling.
Pixabay via Pexels
If you started crying in front of him, what do you think he'd do?
Take me in his arms and comfort me
Try to joke me out of it


Pexels by Nina Uhlíková
Do y'all have more than two hobbies in common? What are they?
Uh ... we don't have ANY hobbies in common.
We both like seeing live music, but that's it.
Hiking and going to comedy shows
Bruh, I don't know what his hobbies are!
Can We Guess If You're Gen X, Baby Boomer or Millennial Based on Your Pet Peeves2
Christopher Robbins / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you're around, how are his manners?
The same, I think?
Casual but considerate
Cute dog shot from POV / selfie angle
Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Has he ever commented on how you smell?
Yes ... negatively.
When I switched shampoos, he noticed.
He constantly talks about how good I smell.
Once he whispered, "I like that perfume" into my ear.


Portrait of happy young man
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What's his vibe when he looks at you?
Mildly intrigued
Hot 🔥
Boy texting
T2 Images/Cultura/Getty Images
When you're texting, how long are his answers?
One or two words
He texts like he's got a 140-word character limit.
His texts are long AF.
One day he's terse; the next day he's written me a novel.
Man with both thumbs up
Guido Mieth/Moment/Getty Images
After you post an Instagram photo, how soon does he like it?
Within a day
Within five minutes
Within a four-hour window


GayWedding Feet
Marvy Andreina Jaimes / Moment / Getty Images
When you talk IRL, do his feet point in your direction?
I don't know! Who looks at that?
Talking on phone
[PeopleImages] / [E+] / Getty Images
Does he ever hint around, trying to find out what you're up to this weekend?
No, he doesn't seem interested in my plans, even when I bring them up.
He's done that once or twice.
He's ALWAYS interested in what I'm doing.
I can never tell if he's hinting or if he's just making conversation. 🤷‍♀️
coffee shop friends date couple
pixdeluxe / E+ / Getty Images
When you're sitting together, does he lean in?
He leans away.
He doesn't seem to lean in OR away.
Of course!


Democratic and Republican
John M Lund Photography Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you guys agree politically?
Not at all
No, but he's open to my ideas.
Yes ... which makes me like him even more!
We disagree about some things, but we have good debates about it.
Close up on face
mokuden-photos / E+ / Getty Images
Look at his eyebrows. When you're talking to him, does he raise them?
I'm not sure.
Yes, a little bit
He'll raise one eyebrow, but only as a joke.
Friends having a conversation in the park
Sidekick / E+ / Getty Images
Does he mention other cuties in your presence?
Yes. He's always talking about his crushes.
He talks about hot celebs but not real-life hot people.
Occasionally, but I think it's because he wants to get a reaction.


need improvement
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Let's say you're watching a movie together. Does he watch your face to see if you laugh?
Yes ... and I think that's creepy.
Yes ... and I think it's adorbs!
No, but he's always interested in what I think about the movie afterward.
Couple having coffee together in living room
Luis Alvarez / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you're talking to him, how's his posture?
Slouchy, with his arms crossed in front of him
Somewhat straight, but in a relaxed way
Rear view of a man with backpack exploring street of London, England, UK
Alexander Spatari / Moment / Getty Images
Think back to a time you were walking somewhere together. Did he match your pace?
No, he walked ahead.
He tried to, but we couldn't get in synch.
Yes, even though it forced him to take tiny steps.
Sometimes he matches my pace; sometimes he doesn't.


Lending car money
athima tongloom / Moment / Getty Images
Does he ever lend you stuff, like his coat, electronics, etc.?
Nah. He says he doesn't like people borrowing his things.
He lent me a scarf once.
He's let me borrow his laptop!
He gave me his baseball cap once because I "looked good in it."
Kaboompics.com via Pexels
Which emoji does he most often send you?
Cflgroup Media via Pexels
Do YOU think he likes you?
... Probably not 😭
I think he likes me a little.
Yes 😉
I honestly don't know!


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