Will You Marry Your High School Sweetheart?

By: Kathryn Davis
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Will You Marry Your High School Sweetheart?
Image: stray_cat/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Although lots of us look back on our high school relationships (as well as our fashion choices at the time) and cringe, this isn't the case for everyone. Some of us spend our whole lives looking for "the one," while some of us look up in the middle of freshman bio and find ourselves staring at the back of our soul mate's head. 

We can't control the time or place we meet the person we wind up spending the rest of our lives with. In some cases, we find this person early on! But in the grand scheme of things, when and where we meet our "person" has nothing to do with how strong or right the relationship itself is.

Some look down on young relationships, choosing to chalk them up to "puppy love" or infatuation. But what about you? You've been with your high school sweetheart for a while now; maybe even for years already! Are you confident that your high school sweetheart will be your one true love, always and forever? You might be right! You also might be completely and totally wrong. If you're itching to know whether or not your high school romance will end in marriage, hop into this quiz and test the waters!

What year were you in when you and your high school sweetheart start dating?
How did you and your sweetheart meet?
Mutual friends
We saw each other around
Would you say you and your sweetheart share the same friend group?
Similar, not exactly the same
Not really...
We don't have any mutual friends


What's your fondest high school memory with your sweetheart?
Studying together after school
Cheering each other on in sports
School dances
Which percentage of your school knew you and your sweetheart were a couple?
You and your sweetheart have a class together. How do you act?
We sit near each other but partner with and talk to other people
We don't sit together but we walk in and out of class with each other
We sit next to each other and we're partners only with each other
We sit next to each other and get in trouble for talking and flirting throughout class


It's homecoming and your sweetheart is nominated for homecoming court! How do you react?
Heck yeah, that's my boo! I'm so proud.
I'm really excited, but a little disappointed we won't be together for it
I'm a little bitter I'm not out there with my partner
I'm super upset, I think about asking my partner not to accept
You hear your sweetheart get called down to the principal's office. What's it for?
An award for outstanding achievement
They're a suspect in the senior prank
They forgot their lunch again
They're definitely in major trouble
There's a food fight in the cafeteria. How does your sweetheart respond?
They block me from getting hit
They laugh and join in
They get mad and leave to get help
They duck behind me so they don't get hit


Which class subject do you prefer?
Which class subject does your sweetheart prefer?
At a school sporting event, someone from the opposing school approaches your sweetheart and is clearly trying to flirt with them. How do you react?
It's fine; I trust my sweetheart not to flirt back
I don't intervene, but I'm a little upset
I walk up and start a fight
I blow past them and make a scene later


You're at your locker when your sweetheart approaches. How do they greet you?
With a hug and a kiss to the forehead
They come up and smile and compliment me
It's a full-on makeout
We don't really talk at school
Your sweetheart tells you they're failing a class. How did this happen?
They talk too much in class
They skip too many classes
They just don't get the material
They need to study more and complete the homework
Your sweetheart is home sick today. What's your day like?
I'm good! I'm spending the day with friends.
I can hang out with my friends, but it's a little weird having them gone.
This day sucks.
I'm having an off day, I'm texting and calling them to check in every chance I get.


Which class do you dread the most?
What initially drew you to your high school sweetheart?
Their mind
Their sense of humor
Their looks
Their athletic abilities
How do your teachers regard you and your sweetheart?
They like us! We're respectful and not overly-physical at school.
They like us both. We're a pretty quiet couple.
Some of them aren't fans; probably just bitter because they don't have what we have.
The teachers don't really know us.


How soon after high school do you and your sweetheart plan to get married?
Not for a long time
We haven't talked about it
After college
Combined, how many different high school sports have you and your sweetheart played?
What are your college plans?
I'll go to a school a little ways away from my sweetheart
My sweetheart and I are looking at schools that are far apart
Me and my sweetheart will go to community college
We don't have college plans


It's summer vacation. How often do you see your sweetheart?
Every couple of days
Once or twice a week
Every other week
Every day
How do you and your sweetheart get along with one another's family?
Awesome! They're like a second family.
Pretty well, although we haven't spent a ton of time together.
Not bad.
Not great...
What would you want your marriage proposal to be like?
Simple and intimate
Fun and inventive
Super elaborate
I haven't thought about it


Which famous pair of high school sweethearts would you swap places with?
Sarah & Todd Palin
Bono & Ali Stewart
LeBron James & Savannah Brinson
Marshall Mathers & Kim Scott
What's your biggest pet peeve about your sweetheart?
They're too selfless
They can be petty
They're selfish
I don't get their humor
Have you and your high school sweetheart ever broken up?
All the time; we're off-and-on
We're broken up now!


Your significant other says they need a break. How do you react?
I'm understanding and I give them space.
I need a break, too. It's okay!
I'm upset; we're going to fight first.
I'm upset but I let them do what they want.
Which word describes your dream wedding?
Your high school sweetheart cheats on you. Can you still marry them?
I need some time away to forgive and forget,
I cheated, too!
Nooooope. Bye.
