Image: michaeljung/iStock/Thinkstock
About This Quiz
If you've been in the working world for a while, you might think you have office etiquette down pat. But maybe you should take this quiz to make sure you're not unwittingly offending everyone.
You discover a packet of microwave butter popcorn in your pantry at home. What do you do?
Put it in your work bag, and fire up the office microwave for an afternoon snack.
Eat it at home.
Share it with your team at a meeting.
You're leading a meeting for your small team of five people. Where should you have it?
in your cubicle
at a fancy restaurant
in a conference room
If you're sitting at your desk when the introduction is made, what should you do?
Give a little wave instead of a handshake.
Stand up and shake his hand.
Stay seated and shake his hand.
Your husband just gave you an expensive bottle of perfume for your birthday. Do you wear it to work?
Your wife just gave you an expensive bottle of cologne for your birthday. Do you wear it to work?
It's almost 5 p.m. on Friday, and you need to refresh your hair and makeup before happy hour. Where do you go?
your desk
the restroom
Wait until you get to the bar.
Your daughter is selling Girl Scout cookies. Should you pass an order form around the office?
You don't have much to do on this particular conference call except listen. What's one important thing you should do?
Take great notes.
Try to contribute to the conversation anyway.
Put your phone on mute.
If you do suddenly feel the need to interject with a pertinent point, what should you do first?
State your name.
Clear your throat.
Make a beeping sound.
What's one thing you should do beforehand if you're the leader of the conference call?
Hold a meeting about it.
Send everyone an agenda.
Have a panic attack.
You're reheating some leftovers in the office microwave and suddenly realize that you need to make a call. What should you NOT do?
Wait 30 more seconds, get your food out of the microwave, and go back to your desk.
Leave the food in the microwave, and rush back to your desk.
Put the food back in the fridge, and rush back to your desk.
You accidentally put your leftovers in the microwave for 30 minutes instead of 30 seconds, and it's a bad scene in there. What do you do?
Call the cleaning crew.
Run away
Clean it up.
You just got the new Beyonce album and cannot wait to listen to it all day at work. Good idea?
You've been totally swamped all day and realize at 4:45 p.m. that you never replied to an urgent email. What do you do?
Shoot back a quick reply.
Leave it till the morning.
Panic, erase the email, and pretend you never got it.
Gmail is down and you really want to email your sister about something. Should you use your work email account?
Where should you engage in workplace gossip?
in the kitchen
in a closed office
somewhere far from the office