Would You Survive in the Wild Alone?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Would You Survive in the Wild Alone?
Image: Jupiterimages / PHOTOS.com>> / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

About This Quiz

If you've ever watched Bear Grylls on the popular TV show "Man vs. Wild," then you've probably learned a thing or two about surviving in the wilderness. But don't be fooled by how easy Bear makes it look, because trying to survive on your own is no easy feat. Unless you're already a survival expert like Bear himself, that is!

Before you take this wild quiz, let's go over a few tips that may help you in the future. For starters, it's important to recognize when you're having a panic attack. It's normal to feel lost and scared when you're all alone, and when that happens, the human body may start shaking, sweating and causing you to feel nausea. So remember, the more you remain calm in the wilderness, the more likely you are to survive. It's also essential to observe the weather, which may change at any given moment. Sunglasses, proper shoes and warm clothing will all help during extreme hot or cold temperatures. There's also a saying about the wilderness, which is to "stay found." If you understand your current location by using a map, compass or the sun's position in the sky, then you'll increase your likelihood of surviving. It's now time to put your knowledge to the test with this wilderness quiz!

Uh oh! You hear an animal lurking somewhere in the woods! What's your plan?
I'll pretend to play dead.
I'll find a stick to defend myself.
Hide behind a tree.
Do you know how to use a compass?
Of course!
I could probably figure it out.
Not really ...
What's that?
How well are you able to keep your cool under pressure?
Very well
Somewhat well
It depends on the situation.
Not well at all


On a scale of 1-10, how strong are your instincts in the wild?
Have you ever gone camping or backpacking by yourself before?
Yes, I do it all the time.
I've only done this once or twice.
Yes, but I was with other people.
Nope, never.
What's the first thing you would need to find in the wild?
A way out!


How would you be able to stay warm out in the wilderness?
I would make a fire.
I would use fallen leaves or sticks.
Hopefully I would have an emergency blanket on me.
I have no idea.
What are you willing to eat in the wilderness to survive?
Wild animals
Wild insects
Wild plants
I'd rather starve than eat that stuff.
Are you able to find your way out of a forest by using the stars in the night sky?
Yes, this is too easy.
Only if there are lots of stars in the sky.
I think so ...
How would I do that?


Which of these wilderness survival tools are the most important to you?
Fire starter
Survival knife
First aid kit
Survival whistle
Would you rather endure extreme hot or cold temperatures?
I can handle both of these.
Cold temperatures
Hot temperatures
Are you able to identify edible versus non-edible plants?
I can identify some of them.
I think so.
Nope, not at all.


If you were lost in the wild, would you be more pessimistic or optimistic about your situation?
It depends on how lost I am.
I'm not really sure.
Would you be able to effectively control your stress levels out in the wild?
Of course
I can certainly try.
I'm not 100% sure.
Probably not
Do you consider yourself to be a physically fit and active person?
Yes, I'm very fit and active.
I'm a little bit fit and active.
I haven't been to the gym in a while ...
Nope, not at all.


What's your skill level when it comes to the language of Morse code?
Is it more important to keep your skin covered or leave it exposed to fresh air?
Always keep your skin covered!
It depends on the situation.
Both are equally important.
Fresh air is always good for the skin.
Do you know how to create a spear using a rock and a stick?
Of course, this is so easy.
I could probably figure it out.
I don't need a spear!
Nope, I don't have a clue.


Why is it important to look for birds' nests out in the wild?
Because you can cook the eggs that are in the nests.
Because you can use the nests to build a shelter for yourself.
Because it's a sign of freedom from the wilderness.
I have no idea.
True or false: the best place to search for edible bugs is within damp areas.
Somewhat true
Aren't bugs everywhere?
What's the point of following ants in the wild?
They could lead you to sources of water or moisture.
They could lead you to sources of food.
They could lead you to places of shelter.
Don't ask me, I have no idea.


If you can't find any sources of water, what should you then use to effectively collect dew?
What temperature should water be boiled to to effectively kill bacteria?
Do you think that it's safe to drink sea water for survival?
No, it's never safe.
A little bit is fine.
Only if there is nothing else to drink.
Sure, why not?


If you see some ___________ clouds in the sky, that means that it's going to rain soon.
Which of these bugs is known to transmit Lyme disease?
Bed bugs
How would you be able to stay sane in the wilderness?
By simply focusing on surviving.
By praying.
By talking to animals or objects.
I think I would go insane very quickly.


The "STOP" acronym is useful for survival situations. What do you think the "P" letter means?
Is it safe to rub an area of your body that's affected by frostbite?
No, you should never do this.
Only for a little bit.
Yes, because the friction will create warmth.
I think so?
If the temperature of the human body goes above _________°F, then this may cause heat stroke.


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