Your Emotional Age Is…

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Your Emotional Age Is…
Image: Flashpop/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images

About This Quiz

Humans may share many similarities with each other, but one thing that tends to define us would be our age. The old saying of "age is just a number" may be true in some cases, but this number showcases someone's knowledge, growth and life experiences. But if we look beyond the outward physical age, we'll find that there's another number that defines our inner emotional spirit.

This is known as the emotional age, and in most cases, it doesn't match your physical age. For instance, someone who is 80 years old may have the emotional age of a 10-year-old, which means that they're carefree and happy about life. But on the other hand, someone who is 20 years old could have the emotional number of a 70-year-old person, which means that they're wiser than most people. So what kinds of factors shape our emotional age? Well, it has to do with how we live our lives and who we surround ourselves with. All of us are presented with similar circumstances and paths in life, but how we use those moments ultimately shapes who we become as people. So, if you're curious about how responsible and wise you really are, then it's time to take our aging quiz now!

1. lottery
Douglas Sacha/ Moment / Getty Images
If you won $500 in the lottery, how would you use that money?
By spending it on things I want
By saving most of the money
By investing the money
By giving the money to charity
2. physic
Guido Mieth/ DigitalVision / Getty Images
Is your physical age younger or older than 30?
Younger than 30
Around 30
Prefer not to say
Older than 30
3. let go
Luis Alvarez/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Your boss has decided to let you go after 5 years of employment. How would you react?
I would throw a tantrum and storm out.
I would question their actions.
I would hold my rage and sadness in.
Gracefully and respectfully


4. love
MirageC/ Moment / Getty Images
What is your overall outlook on love?
What is love anyway?
Love is stupid and pointless
Love is a special bond between two people
Love is about growth and wisdom
5. facetime
Guido Mieth/ DigitalVision / Getty Images
How often do you get in touch with your distant relatives and family members?
Pretty much never
Once every few years
Only during the holidays
As often as I can
6 older
Thomas Barwick/ DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you rather speak to your younger or older self?
I don't know, this is too much thinking.
Younger self, I wish I could go back and fix things
Older self, imagine the wisdom I would obtain!
I'm content with the present.


7 money
Richard Drury/ DigitalVIsion / Getty Images
If you could have anything in this world, what would you wish for?
Toys! Lots and lots of toys!
More time
Good health and happiness for my loved ones
8 gossip
NicolasMcComber/ E+ / Getty Images
You've heard that your best friend has been gossiping about you. How do you handle this?
I would yell directly to their face.
I would gossip about them as well.
I would politely confront them about this.
Well, I guess they're not my friend anymore
9 time
Towfiqu Photography/ Moment / Getty Images
How do you prioritize your time in life?
I just want to have fun in life!
My mental health comes first
I put my career before everything else.
My family and friends are my priority


10 talk
Tim Robberts/ DigitalVision / Getty Images
During conversations with people, you tend to...
Think about other things
Talk more about my points
Listen and speak equally
Listen more
11 politic
Klaus Vedfelt/ DigitalVision / Getty Images
Your friend is arguing with you about politics. You decide to...
Talk about something else
Argue my point to the ground
Politely disagree and move on
Listen to their perspective
12. heart
Flashpop/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Aside from blood, what else is your heart made of?
I don't know.


13 crowd
Flashpop/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
You try to surround yourself with people who are ___________.
14 daydream
Marga Frontera/ Moment / Getty Images
What do you tend to think about when you daydream?
I don't really daydream that much.
Things that I want
My past
Life itself
15 death
Francesco Carta fotografo/ Moment / Getty Images
After you die, what do you want other people to remember you for?
I don't understand death.
My beauty
My work ethic
My kindness


16 cooking
10'000 Hours/ DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which of the following "adulting" things are you an expert on?
Doing some chores around the house
Saving and investing money
17 firstdate
Liam Norris/ Cultura / Getty Images
When you meet someone for the first time, what do you tend to judge them on?
Nothing at all
Their appearance
Their personality
Their manners
18 late
FangXiaNuo/ E+ / Getty Images
If you were late for a job interview, what excuse would you give to the interviewer?
"I overslept!"
"Sorry, won't happen again!"
"The traffic was insane today."
I wouldn't give any excuse.


19 sad
izusek/ E+ / Getty Images
You're watching a sad movie with a group of friends when you feel the tears start to flow. You decide to...
Quickly wipe away the tears
Bawl like a baby
Leave the room to cry alone
Silently cry to myself
20 money
Adam Gault/ OJO Images / Getty Images
Lucky you! You just found a $20 bill on the ground! Are you going to keep it?
Heck yes!
Only if nobody else is around
No, I'd like to find the owner.
No, I'll turn it into the police.
21 book
Compassionate Eye Foundation/David Oxberry/ DigitalVision / Getty Images
Where has the majority of your wisdom and knowledge come from?
From school
From my best friends
From articles and books
From life experiences


22 die
Igor Alecsander/ E+ / Getty Images
Would you rather live forever or die peacefully within the next 70 years?
I don't know yet.
Living forever sounds awesome.
I'd like to live for another 500 years, then die.
I'd like to die one day.
23 jealous
Image Source/ Image Source/ Getty Images
What do you usually feel jealous about?
People who have more things than me
People who look prettier than me
People who are smarter than me
I don't feel jealousy anymore.
24 dress
Klaus Vedfelt/ DigitalVision / Getty Images
Your friend wants to know how her ill-fitting dress looks on her. You say...
"You look weird."
"Do you have a different dress?"
"Looks great!"
"Whatever makes you feel comfortable"


25 life
Dougal Waters/ DigitalVision / Getty Images
What has given you purpose in life?
I don't know, toys and games, I guess.
Friends and family
My career and wealth
26 toxic
South_agency/ E+ / Getty Images
Imagine marrying someone who turned out to be rude and toxic. How would you break off the marriage?
Eww, marriage is icky.
Divorcing them ASAP
I would ask for a brief break to gather my thoughts.
I would try to make the marriage work.
27 sleep
Justin Paget/ DigitalVIsion / Getty Images
Right now, you spend most of your free time by...
Playing outside with friends
Working on other projects
Cooking, cleaning and running errands


28 meditate
Camila Falcão/ moment / Getty Images
Which of these activities helps you to feel calm?
Exercising or playing sports
Taking naps
Reading books
29 true
Sompong Rattanakunchon/ Moment / Getty Images
Does true love really exist in this world?
What's true love mean?
Ha, not for me it doesn't.
I'd like to believe it does.
Anything is plausible if you truly believe in it!
30 kim
Wikicommons by The Heart Truth
If you could meet one of these famous figures for more wisdom, who would you pick?
Walt Disney
Kim Kardashian
Paul McCartney
Nelson Mandela


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