Are You a Hunter, Gatherer or Scavenger?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Are You a Hunter, Gatherer or Scavenger?
Image: Pixabay by sasint

About This Quiz

Back in the day, before we all were attached to our phones pretty much every single second of the day, people had to be creative in how they survived. When you were hungry, it wasn't about hitting the hot bar at Whole Foods or going to Chipotle, you couldn't even go to the corner store to get a bag of chips. Unless you were lucky enough to own your own plot of and had the ability to farm it, you had to do one of three things if you wanted to eat. You had to either hunt, gather or scavenge.

It is pretty obvious what a hunter was. They were people who would go out and kill their food, then prepare it and eat it. Of course, if you're into meat this is probably what you would be most into, but it's a lot of work. Would you be up for it? The other main way to get food was to be a gatherer. This had more to do with fruits and vegetables that people would find and then bring home to eat. Then, of course, there were the scavengers, people who wouldn't hunt or gather, they just chilled out and took what they could from the work of others. Hey, that stuff wasn't easy to do! 

All of these skills still apply today. Which one are you?

Are you ruthless?
You know it.
Not even a little bit.
That sounds like way too much work.
I can be.
What show would you be best on?
"Naked and Afraid"
"Amazing Race"
"Big Brother"
How long have you ever been unemployed as an adult?
Not long at all
A few months
A year
Over a year


Do you like to hunt?
Yeah, it is so fun.
No, it's disgusting.
No, I don't like guns.
I don't really like it, but I do it for food.
Do you grow your own food?
No, that isn't my scene.
I have a small garden.
No, that is too much like work.
Yes, I have a huge garden.
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer?
More than 6


How tough are you?
Ridiculously tough
Not very tough
Not tough at all
Pretty tough
Where would you want to go on vacation?
The coast of Maine
Have you ever made your own clothes?
I have no idea how I would even start to do that.
I sure have.
No, I don't even buy my own clothes.
No, that sounds hard.


Have you ever shoplifted?
Of course not. I don't want to get caught.
No, that is wrong.
Yes, a long time ago.
Who wants to know?
Which kind of book would you read?
Literary fiction
Graphic novel
What would be a good job for you?
Social Worker


You just dropped a piece of pizza on the floor, what do you do?
Throw it away.
Give it to the dog.
Eat it.
Umm, did anyone see me do it?
Do you believe in welfare?
Under no circumstances
Sure, sometimes people need help.
Why, can you help me get it?
Not usually
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I am totally an extrovert.
Right in the middle
Introvert for sure
A bit of an extrovert


Do you ever cheat when you're in a relationship?
Sure, all the time.
No, I would never.
I have tried, but I always get caught.
No, that isn't cool.
Have you ever dated a friend's ex?
No, that isn't cool.
No, that is gross.
I sure have.
Why, do you know one to set me up with?
Would you lie to get a promotion?
For sure
No way
No, too much stress
It depends, would I get caught?


What do you drink most at home?
Whatever is around
How much meat do you eat?
Whatever I can afford
Hardly any
Do you work out a lot?
A fair amount
I never work out.
Hardly ever


How often are you late for work?
Hardly ever
How many times have you been fired?
3 or more
Do you like to learn new things?
I live for it.
Sure, I enjoy it.
Only if I have to


Are you good with your fist?
I am the best.
Umm. I don't fight.
No, but I am good at running.
I totally am.
Do you procrastinate?
Not for long
I live to procrastinate.
It has been known to happen.
What would you be doing at the beach?
Making sand castles
Checking out people's bodies


How competitive are you?
I am sometimes, but just for fun.
Not at all. Who cares?
I bet I am more competitive than you.
Who would you be in a rock band?
Lead singer
Lead guitar
Bass player
Would you make a good conman?
Maybe, but who would want to be a conman?
No, I would be awful.
I would be great.
Actually, I am a conman.
