Are You Falling out of Love?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Are You Falling out of Love?
Image: martin-dm/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz


Are you feeling lost in the world of love and relationships? It's like an uphill battle with flaws at its core, but surrounded by happiness and memories that can't be put into words. Falling out of love can happen to anyone, even when the relationship seems great, as feelings develop naturally over time. Maybe you used to adore their soft snores at night, but now you can't stand them. Or perhaps their walk, talk, and overall presence now annoys you. These signs indicate falling out of love, and this quiz will delve deeper into the topic.

Do you find yourself questioning your feelings towards your partner? Are you in love, or are you falling out of love? It's important to recognize the signs and address them before it's too late. This romantic quiz will help you determine where you stand in your relationship and provide valuable insights into your emotions.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and find out if your feelings are still intact or if you're drifting away from love. Take this quiz to gain clarity on your relationship status and gain a better understanding of where your heart truly lies. Don't let doubts and uncertainties cloud your judgment - let this quiz guide you towards a clearer perspective on your love life!

1 think about SO
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
How often do you think about your crush or significant other?
Every minute of the day
A few times a week
Once in a while
Pretty much never
2 overjoyed
Robert Recker/The Image Bank/Getty Images
When you see your partner in person, how do you feel?
Kind of annoyed
Stressed out
3 date
EmirMemedovski/E+/Getty Images
How often do you two go out on romantic dates?
A few times per week
Once or twice a month
A few times a year
I can't even remember our last date.


4 cheating
blackCAT/E+/Getty Images
Has it ever crossed your mind to cheat on your SO?
Absolutely not
I've had my temptations.
I've thought about this once or twice.
Yes, all the time
5 in five years
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
Happily married
I don't even know.
Dating someone else
6 upset
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
Has your crush or significant other ever made you feel upset or angry?
Yes, but that's how relationships are.
Not exactly
I'm always upset when I'm around them.
I've definitely cried a few times with them.


7 meet
Ben Pipe Photography/Cultura/Getty Images
How did you initially meet this person?
Blind luck
Blind date
Through a friend or coworker
I can't remember.
8 relationship
blackCAT/E+/Getty Images
Has your relationship with this person blossomed or decayed over time?
I don't know ... maybe a little bit of both.
Well, it's been rocky.
9 arguing
urbazon/E+/Getty Images
What do you two usually argue about?
We never argue.
The spotlight is always on them because they do stupid things.
They always seem to point the blame at me for things.
Literally everything


10 compliment
John Giustina/The Image Bank/Getty Images
Do you two ever compliment each other about looks or personality traits?
Absolutely, all the time
Once in a while
Not so much anymore
What's there to compliment?
11 aniversario
AzmanL/E+/Getty Images
How long have you been in a relationship with this person?
Three or more years
Six months or less
About a year
One to two years
12 celebrity
Paul Bradbury/OJO Images/Getty Images
If you had the opportunity to date a celebrity instead of your current crush, would you?
No, that sounds like a nightmare.
Hmm ... can I pick any celebrity?
Probably not
Oh, in a heartbeat


13 group of friends
Morsa Images/DigitalVision/Getty Images
How do you act around your partner's friends or family members?
Outgoing - I like them all.
I just act like a cooler version of myself.
Quiet, like a wallflower
I don't really hang out with them.
14 making a wish
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/DigitalVision/Getty Images
If you could, what would you change about your relationship?
I wish we could spend more time together.
I wish I had more space.
I wish we would fight less.
Honestly, I wish we would break up already.
15 butterflie feelings
Merrill Images/Photographer's Choice RF/Getty Images
Do you still get those butterfly feelings when you see them in person?
Yup, my stomach always flutters around when I see them.
Not anymore
I don't even know what that is.


16 good news
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Who is the first person you talk to when you have good news about something?
My significant other
My best friend
My parents
No one, really
timnewman/E+/Getty Images
Maybe you once found your SO's mannerisms to be adorable, but now you find them ...
Even cuter
18 positive vs negative
jayk7/Moment/Getty Images
What is your partner's ratio of positive to negative traits?
It's mostly positive.
It's about 40% positive and 60% negative.
It's like 60% positive and 40% negative.
It's 100% negative.


19 therapist
bymuratdeniz/E+/Getty Images
Have you ever talked to a therapist about your relationship problems?
Nope, never
No, but I want to.
I think I saw a therapist once about this.
That's what I call my "venting session."
20 without them
Tom Fullum/Photographer's Choice RF/Getty Images
Imagine your life without a partner anymore. How do you feel about that?
I don't really feel anything.
21 picture
SolStock/E+/Getty Images
When you see a picture of your boo, do you feel like they're an attractive person?
They're even more attractive now.
They used to be, but their looks have gone downhill.
They look about the same as before.
I don't feel as attracted to them anymore.


22 surprise
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
If your significant other stopped by to surprise you with a gift, would you feel like this is a blessing or a curse?
I'd be kind of "meh" about it.
Major curse
23 eye roll
Jena Ardell/Moment/Getty Images
Have you ever found yourself rolling your eyes when they speak?
No, that seems rude.
Only when they say something absurd
Yup, that's me all right.
I don't notice if I do this.
24 break up
Mixmike/E+/Getty Images
What would a breakup with your crush or significant other look like?
Trust me, it would be messy.
Lots of crying, screaming and throwing things
I guess we'll find out one day.
I think it would be pretty civil, actually.


25 I love you
d3sign/Moment/Getty Images
When you say "I love you" to your partner, what kinds of thoughts go through your mind?
"I really do love you!"
"You make me so mad, but I still mostly love you."
I don't say "I love you" to them.
"I really don't mean that."
26 I'm fine
AsiaVision/E+/Getty Images
How often do you utter the words "I'm fine" when you're 100% not fine?
I never, ever do this.
Only when I'm really mad
Way too often
Once in a great while
27 interested
DjelicS/E+/Getty Images
Do you often show interest in your boo's life and well-being?
Of course I do!
Only if it's actually interesting
Not anymore


28 what family think
Hinterhaus Productions/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What do your friends and family think about your significant other?
There haven't been any issues so far.
They don't like my SO.
Some like my SO; others don't.
They haven't met each other.
29 refrigerator
skynesher/E+/Getty Images
How would you feel if your SO started snacking on some of the food in your fridge?
Happy. Go help yourself!
30 buy present
praetorianphoto/E+/Getty Images
When was the last time you bought your SO a gift?
I can't remember.
Last week
Last month
