Are You More Knitting or Crocheting?

By: Kristin Tolentino
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Are You More Knitting or Crocheting?
Image: Dougal Waters / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

At first glance, it's easy to assume that knitting and crocheting are exactly the same. After all, both techniques use yarn to make beautiful and comfortable creations. However, knitting and crocheting are actually worlds apart, so it's essential to know which craft suits your character. Well, that's why we made this personality quiz!

To determine if you are more knitting or crocheting, we'll ask you questions about your love for all yarn, crafts and all things creative. We will also discuss your crafting habits and where you find inspiration. When you are done with the quiz, we'll evaluate your responses and see what type of craft you're most likely to be "hooked" on. 

Once you have this purl of wisdom, you can use this information to determine what craft you should practice. You'll also learn more about your crafting style and preferences! Besides, knitting and crocheting are perfect for when you need to unwind after a long day. This quiz is key to learning more about yourself and your creative spirit.

So, are you more knitting or crocheting? Are you both or neither? The only way to find out is to take the following quiz. Let's get started!

woman business owner in store
Natalie McComas
You're at the biggest craft store in the world. What are you most excited for?
Speckled yarn
Variegated yarn
ALL the yarn!
Where's the fabric?
yarn store
Jetta Productions Inc
How much are you willing to spend on a skein of all-natural wool yarn?
I'd rather buy wool fabric.
wool and knitting needles
Are you organized? How do you store your yarn?
In boxes
It's a tangled mess.
In a shelf, by color
I don't own enough yarn to have separate storage.


young woman knitting Christmas sock
When you travel, do you bring your crochet or knitting projects?
Yes, if I remember.
It depends on where I'm going.
No, I don't.
Mix Colored Wool Spool
If you could create the perfect skein of variegated yarn, what colors would you choose?
Red and orange
Blue and green
Black and white
Pink and purple
craftswoman making notes
Alys Tomlinson
Do you feel more accomplished after making small projects? Or big projects?
I like the instant gratification of small projects.
I love making big projects.
I like them both!
It depends on what I'm making.


clipping coupons
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc
You have a 50% off coupon for the craft store. What do you buy?
Yarn basket
mom and daughter choosing yarn
How often do you buy yarn? Be honest!
Every few months
Once a month
Twice a month
Once a week or more
Woman knitting
Guido Mieth
What's your favorite thing to do while working on a project?
Watch a movie or TV show
Listen to a podcast
Talk on the phone
Listen to music


Woman painting chair in workshop
Dougal Waters
Where do you like to make stuff?
On the porch
In bed
On the couch
At my desk
Female food blogger
Tell us, where do you find most of your inspiration?
Shopping for paint brushes
When you shop for craft supplies, how much self-control do you have?
Well, it depends on the supplies.
I have a lot of self-control.
I have some self-control.
I have zero self-control!


Wrapping Presents
How often do you make gifts by hand?
I try to make as many gifts as possible.
I make gifts once in a while.
It depends on the person or occasion.
I'd rather buy a gift.
boonchai wedmakawand
Do you like learning new crafting techniques?
I'd rather stick to what I know.
Yes, I love learning new techniques!
It depends on the specific technique.
It depends on the craft.
Woman examining knitting
Clarissa Leahy
What's the biggest project you've ever made?
Granny square


Women knitting in yarn store
Jetta Productions Inc
Have you ever tried finger knitting or finger crocheting?
No, but I'd like to try.
No, I'm not interested in it.
Yes, but I didn't like it.
Yes, and I love it!
A friend wants to learn how to crochet or knit. Will you help them?
I can teach them how to knit.
I can teach them how to crochet.
I can teach them how to crochet AND knit!
I'm not good enough to teach them.
Multicolored Yarn in Basket
Grace Cary
When it comes to yarn, what's your favorite material?
I prefer a blend of different materials.


Stocked shelves in yarn store
Jetta Productions Inc
Where do you buy most of your yarn, anyway?
Craft store chains
Specialty yarn boutiques
How long have you been making craft projects?
I started within the last year.
A few years
More than 10 years
Since I was a little kid!
Crochet squares
Miss Pearl
Do you know how to read a crochet pattern?
No, I don't.
Not really
Sort of


woman sleeping
Luis Alvarez
Have you ever had a dream about knitting or crocheting?
No, I haven't.
Probably, but I'm not sure.
Haha! Yes, I have.
No, but I've dreamed about other crafts.
Woman Holding Balls Of Wool Sitting In Front Of Yarn Display
Monkey Business Images
So, how many skeins of yarn do you have right now?
Less than 10
11 to 19
20 to 29
More than I can count
knitting baby clothes
Are you currently working on something? What are you making?
A scarf
A blanket
A hat
A piece of clothing
I'm not working on anything right now.


Hand knitted socks with needles
Os Tartarouchos
If you had all the time in the world, what would you make?
A set of blankets and pillows
Scarf, hat and mittens
Sweater and socks
A coat
Fashion designer is knitting in her showroom
How did you learn how to crochet or knit?
I taught myself.
A friend or relative taught me
I went to a class.
A combination of all of the above
Knitting and coffee
Kylie Townsend
What do you like to drink when you work on projects?


Hand sewing
anand purohit
Which of the following crafts do you enjoy the most?
woman holding ball of yarn in shop
Ariel Skelley
What type of fabric do you like? Which is your favorite?
Loose and lightweight material
Thick and cozy material
I prefer something in between.
I love them all!
view of knitting supplies and cup on chair
Where do you keep your crochet or knitting needles?
In a pouch or bag
On my desk
In a box
They're all over the place.
